Is China's economy really stalling?
Is China's economy really stalling?



@benediktbeng6010 Says:
Tiongkok harap waspada terhadap imf dan world bank. Dan jangan terbuai oleh pujian mereka yang penuh jebakan. Karena pada dasarnya imf dan world bank itu adalah kepunyaan amerika. Dan mereka semua adalah serigala berbulu domba. Dan juga mereka semua adalah drakula penghisap darah. Berhati-hatilah dan jangan terbuai oleh perkataan mereka. โ—โ—โ—๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
@FayazNoor-p4r Says:
does imf consider chinese econmy both the largest and second largest, as the gentleman insists on stating the both?
@Anders01 Says:
No, I don't think so. My guess is that China is steamrolling ahead with its long-term plan, including humanoid robots with 10x price-performance compared to Teslabots. Watch out for Made in China 2025. The trick is to have redundancy and then up and down swings in the economy are just like bumps in the road.
@kammantom Says:
The government promoted upgrading from outdated inefficient systems to better serve developing markets during the global slowdown. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@zhangruyi3153 Says:
Is China's economy really stalling? No of course not. God is blessing and protecting China and the Chinese people and the country will grow and grow and every country can look at China with envy!
@ric6074 Says:
If really what the western MSM said, then it is the opposite.
@JamieMorlok Says:
Those who have visited China & experienced first-hand what China is & has to offer for them the malicious China narrative has become invaluable. The decline of China is in the media since 20 years. If China slows down or wishes to reorganize its economic structures, then it has the right to do so.
@tiberio1352 Says:
China by now hope it realizes that the IMF, WB, Wall st.and rating agencies are the Kabuki, chaman components of "the ๐ŸŒŽ economy".
@AnneliedeWet Says:
I find this video onerous. I don't think the IMF can teach China anything. This man seemed feeble with his reductionist (historic) interpretations as to what caused China's growth. He also seemed mesmerized by the rather beautiful interviewer.
@onestraw-zx1ph Says:
This discussion which tries to resolve the question of whether China's economy is in decline, morbidly expressed as the "death" of China's economy, prompted me to revisit Marx's discussion of The Law of the Tendential Fall in the Rate of Profit. IMHO, for Marxists, this topic is not a source of alarm or concern, which for mainstream Orthodox economists (MOEs) is a trigger for more confusion rather than understanding. When China's GDP growth rate falls, say from 10% a few years ago to now around 5%, some MOEs start sounding an alarm, even impending doom of an economic collapse. Marxist heterodox economists (MHEs) understand that the composition of China's economy at such a high GDP growth rate consists more of labor as a proportion of the total social capital. As the economy develops, same as saying as productivity increases, labor is replaced by more machines, so that at 5% GDP growth rate, the total social capital composition is less labor and greater constant capital. The general rate of profit for the total economy is at a higher level at earlier stages of development, more labor, that is. As an economy matures, the level of productivity is at a higher pace BUT the profit rate falls. For example, the total amount of social capital corresponding to 10% GDP growth rate maybe, say, $10 trillion (assuming, e.g., that the average composition of capital is 60% constant (machines, etc) and 40% labor, the profit rate at a 100% labor exploitation, is 40% and the surplus value or profit is $4 trillion). If after 10 years, the productivity level rose and the composition of capital is 80% constant and 20% labor, with the rate of exploitation remaining at 100%, the rate of profit goes down to 20%. In order to maintain the same level of employment of workers and the SAME MASS OF TOTAL PROFIT, previously $4 trillion, the total social capital MUST increase by a factor of 2 or $20 trillion dollars ($20 trillion times 20% = $4 trillion). What happens in the real world is that the total social capital is just not doubled, but increases more than this, in order to produce a greater mass of profit. Therein lies the paradox that confounds/stumps the MOEs: The profit rate falls BUT the mass of profit increases. Thanks for reading. Reference: Capital volume 3.
@AnneliedeWet Says:
China won't allow investement speculators who destabilize the economy, sorry USA. The IMF, contrary to its regulations, gave Ukraine a massive loan that will NEVER be repaid. Another capitalist imperialist institution.
@albertchu7926 Says:
As usual the western countries specially US love to throwโ€™s false accusations. Itโ€™s their culture and in their DNA, So when US say negative on China, that means China are doing well. ๐Ÿ˜‚
@sckchui Says:
I get the sense that the IMF is looking at China's economy in hindsight, that the old liberal capitalist theories and models are not entirely able to account for what China is doing now or will do in the future. For example, nothing is said here about de-dollarization or the Belt and Road. Instead, there is focus on consumption and worry about industrial policy, the kind of old deindustrialization ideology that the US is now regretting. It's time for new economic theories, and I'm guessing it'll be the Chinese who write them.
@mehditaba6303 Says:
I do not trust IMF.
@BlueBirdgg Says:
That's an economy class worth of 10 economy classes.
@ansa336 Says:
Please do not listen to dogma, markets are not always the best allocator of resources. It can be very wasteful. Do not listen to revisionist history. The heydays of neoliberal economics(Reaganomics) was from late 1970s to early 2000s. We are now reaping the rewards, you just have to look at UK's economy.
@Steve-so7uk Says:
Indonesian never believes hoax western media..we fully China development ..yes there is sometimes hardship like we do but we Asians know to adapt quickly..๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช
@henryviiifake8244 Says:
It's important for the rest of the world that China does not allow itself to be economically bullied by the likes of the IMF and the World Bank. While China is no angel itself, there's no question that it's better for the Global South to have an alternative to being forced to work directly or indirectly under the rule of US-led institutions. Institutions, such as the IMF, have a history of loading the Global South with unresolvable levels of debt and directing how they organise their own economies (at the expense of the local populations). An economically independent China forces the USA (Via their stranglehold on international banking) to be more lenient if they want an in to Global South markets in the future. At the end of the day, so-called growth as an end goal - as conventional western economic doctrine dictates - is utterly useless if the main result is the wealthy getting wealthier _at the expense of_ the average person getting poorer. This is why, in the West, nordic countries are romanticised for the fact that they're pretty good at investing quite aggressively in programs for public improvement compared to others. There are still some obscenely wealthy people, but the gap between the richest and poorest is a lot narrower than in other places (e.g. USA and UK).
@karenfreeman1601 Says:
IMF must be careful about second loans. If individuals did not market and sell correctly they need be stopped. How many loans need project closure due to inferior semi or raw rare Earth's or any other materials, manufacturing and engineering errors that effect global warming endangering total continent's. It's not money it's quality of project . Investors could enable continued work but World Bank and IMF must carefully investigate the total use and welfare. example EV's and ground magnetics- create a dead project electric shock disabled parts of the human body
@glenwjohnson809 Says:
I noticed that when people make contents about China that portrait bad things they get lots of few than good ones, which means people are praying that bad things happen in China.
@thechair_live Says:
Liu Xin is looking good
@qake2021 Says:
@bangthingneng9433 Says:
Chinese modernisation has its own recipe with state involvements. This is what IMF should recognise for a healthy economic system especially a country as big as China with 1.4 billion population. The nature has taught the Chinese that a right combination of formula shall yield a greater productivities. It is good for the world economic growth. Refer to the following natures:- We have 5 fingers & every finger have different length but all of them are important though different sizes. Try to remove one finger or try to remove the most important finger i.e the thump. The nature may tells you that, if the thump is removed, if you don't believe, most probably the world productivity will tumble by 80% worldwide. Try to visualise that. Certainly i am right. Could you write anythings ?. Next, we have teeths. Our tooth are different i.e front teeths, Pre-Molars & Molars. All of them play different roles & are all important . Try to remove MOLARS, i believe hundreds of millions of livestock would be safe & probably economic related to meats, animal feeds, husbandry are all tumble worldwide. There are answers & truths to nature's laws . How could Democratic Capitalist deny that. For better world Bang
@mattwaite5558 Says:
Great interview LiuXin. I confess though, I donโ€™t trust this guy. Historically, the IMF has been THE key enabler of neo-colonialist plunder and entrapment of the Global South. And not all FDI is benign, especially from western hedge funds. Please be careful China, donโ€™t let the wolves into the hen house โค
@ronniecheong2146 Says:
Americs is the greatest bully in the world
@muhammadshahzad2864 Says:
Great China โคโค
@thomaslee2783 Says:
Thank you Ms. Liu Xin. Excellent discussion and Informative! A frank discussion based on facts and thoughts from economic expertise; quite a change from most the western fake news!
@johnsmith-cw3wo Says:
@larryCatford Says:
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@larryCatford Says:
China could only gain 5% growth over their 18 Trillion Dollars GDP - what a poor performance !!!
@PhilipWong55 Says:
The U.S. maintained its embargo on China during the Great Chinese Famine (1959-1961), discouraging other nations from sending food, confident that millions of deaths from starvation would ensure Chinaโ€™s permanent collapse. The British opium nearly did them in, and surely these tariffs and sanctions will finish them off for good this time. Meanwhile, Chinaโ€™s GDP growth is at 5%โ€”a clear sign that the nation is finally collapsing.
@harbinger6562 Says:
Good morning Liu Xin โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿฆพ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ‘‹
@sunshinesun121 Says:
IMF revised China's GDP to 5% !!! US and EU went into "SHOCK" and mind became "paralyzed " .

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