Iran, Hezbollah's sponsor, reacts to Israel's strikes on the militant group
Iran, Hezbollah's sponsor, reacts to Israel's strikes on the militant group



@mosesserukwaya816 Says:
Let's say this that if both sides stop showering each other with missles a ceasefire can suddenly happen now
@robllo9997 Says:
Damn almost 9000 rockets shot into Israel since October 8th what was Israel supposed to do just except the rockets. This whole situation didn’t turn out any thing close to what they thought lol. Iran is fumbling now they know they messed up badly.. He wants the community to speak up now regarding the beating Hezbollah is taking now lol. They should have thought about that one rocket that hit the soccer field with the kids on it that sealed their fate.. This man is foolish and crazy and forgot what started this mess.. If Israel couldn’t stop those 1000s of rockets that country wouldn’t be here period..
@MrClonedzero Says:
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash need to be fired for lying to your viewers. you have a credibility problem CNN.
@allenkranawetter9482 Says:
Iran says we're in deep camel manure
@Andrey1308K Says:
Monster playing victim
@bhavanishankar2052 Says:
Why can't Interviewer ask him whether he will accept Hamas attack on Oct 7 against Isreal was well within humanitarian laws? When Hezbollah can Support Palestine US should not Isupport Isreal? Muslim countries should unite against jews and Christians shiuld not Unite? This is their ethics and all convenient argument and one sided. Interviewer is not asking question about double standards
@djhct2333 Says:
When terrorists talk about human rights, it is disgusting
@Sunshine-zi7oy Says:
it has become clear that during this last year who is truly the aggressor and criminal, the genocider and evil.. israel with all this military force backed by the US.. its completely disgusting and unacceptable. US and israelis are the main source of evil on this earth
@gideonasress7484 Says:
Iran is nation of Lemmings, they don't even know they are marching getting closer and closer to the cliff. I wish they understand that.
@idrismohd1501 Says:
America is Israel's sponser
@maxkazovsky Says:
"Militant Group" ??? CNN stop being spinless and say "Terrorist Organization" and stop giving a stage to dictators, they should be isolated. and have no right to preach about human rights.
@muhammadhasanmughal6578 Says:
Americans are grilling as they lossing chess goats in world. ,superpower china❤❤
@judyharragin5145 Says:
UAE and Saudi Arabia is America puppet
@heathvice8365 Says:
He’s crying about the same thing that his people has supported and done for years, just like calling the kettle black.
@captianawesome9240 Says:
We are in the middle of the deadly covid 19 pandemic. More than 600 million people have been died from not being vaccinated. The only thing that matters in the world is getting covid vaccinated at least 6 times per year. And wear your mask.
@SofiyaNemirovskaya Says:
Such antisemitic interview
@wesleyvirgin1321 Says:
Before u blame Israel imagine 8,000 rocket been fired into Israel without the iron dome imagine the number of casualties that will take place
@minofialua2084 Says:
CNN you are becoming a fake News. Go ahead and delete that
@hannaettedgui2210 Says:
Another hypocrite clown. Talking about human rights when we know Iran hangs and kills their own people.
@zazatripo Says:
is CNN a pro terrorists station?
@paularobert8208 Says:
Yes, the world witnesses; and I suspect many Americans will agree with his arguments! That is nightmarish, so it may not be advisable to present this revolting propaganda without more context.
@jozef2630 Says:
I thought Zakaria's much smarter, maybe he was afraid of the interviewer and tell him the truth, one of the stupidest interviews I've seen from CNN.
@Finnleigh.Jackson4141 Says:
This doctor is full of ... Since the early 1990s, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been sponsoring the militant organization Hamas with military aid and training and financial aid. Iran has remained a key patron of Hamas, providing them with funds, weapons, and training. On Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists waged the deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust — slaughtering babies, raping women, burning whole families alive, and taking hundreds of innocent civilians hostage. Since October 7, more than 1,200 Israelis have been killed. And Iran speaks about human rights and playing the victim? They think everyone else is an idiot and must believe their lies.
@Tinjinladakh Says:
I don't understand these woke media interviewing a terrorist sponsor who attempted to massacre taylor swift concert
@PrinceAHappy Says:
This guy is a madman. With the killings ur country has killed and support for terrorism all over the world, u are here playing the victim... U guys will learn the hard way...🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸
@sachasimp8174 Says:
It’s perfectly understandable that the media would want to interview the latest puppet in Khamenei’s authoritarian theater—after all, every regime needs its figurehead to recite the same tired script. But let’s not kid ourselves: before rushing to ask this man his predictable, regurgitated opinions on Israel, how about someone hold him accountable for the brutal and unjustified killings of innocent Iranians on his own soil? You know, the kind of atrocities that dictators prefer we ignore while they distract the world with grandstanding rhetoric. This isn’t just a misstep; it’s a full-blown farce masquerading as journalism.🥸
@maximr6576 Says:
Iranian is talking about others pretending to care about human rights is not pretending?
@jadwahab4474 Says:
Why you keep deleting my comments CNN. One side is only allowed to speak?
@Hossainkargar93 Says:
I thoght he could speak english 😮
@Boxofcrap Says:
Just another video Hating on Persian people. So far, I have not heard of Iran killing 40,000 people, and most likely leaving 40,000 more under rubble to die. That’s Israel.
@beaboerner2173 Says:
@k-man7026 Says:
Israel is a terrorist state supported by U.S.A
@nikakiskainourgios2227 Says:
Is it true that the nazionists clowns Netanyahu and Biden and their LGBTQ supporters want to fight against Iran?
@luisaavalon4730 Says:
Opps....Iran is the master mind of war against the Jews.Israeli response only...
@davidkhazanski5532 Says:
CNN should be ashamed for giving propaganda opportunity to this filth
@Jokkaly Says:
@nikosbalakos6525 Says:
Stop firing rockets into Israel and tgey will leave you alone.. duhhhh
@stanchimex7149 Says:
@КампусСамбеквел Says:
Газлукта гумалфа куклинка псутка гамбулза фидаграт скотка гаркакос фигкта..
@lembedaka7834 Says:
No one in the comments section has actually said he is lying. Or that what he has said is untrue.
@КампусСамбеквел Says:
Лартака сток бунданка рок 👍 фияркута бонза бугазотка фиюрка тутка сияние бухта....
@КампусСамбеквел Says:
Гуфиниякта гадраст.
@КампусСамбеквел Says:
Каркустка страктака барзактория бакраска бурструкт фиграния фидачкот......
@siphofunnykhosa9871 Says:
The only word that describe what Israel is doing is "Evil "
@filangafree Says:
When the Iranians supply missiles and rockets to be sent in their THOUSANDS into Israel - Well that is God's will, also it is justified because of 1948. Any response from Israel is an atrocity and a crime against international law. Weird logic
@גםוגם-ע5ז Says:
Maybe you shouldn't have seen fire in the first place? Israeli citizens have been evacuated from their homes in the north of the country for over a year because of Lebanon's aggression. Over 10,000 missiles launched in six months from Lebanese territory at the homes of Israeli citizens! which started for no reason and without provocation on the part of Israel
@philiprarang8665 Says:
A terrorist in a suit..he doesnt condemed Hezbolah
@leviwalker7385 Says:
😂😂😂this guy is a joke. Israel will win. We have had enough of radical islam
@rollingschmon Says:
No Iran, no war.
@divinetvchannel Says:
Thank you CNN for giving this shameless jihadist the opportunity to exposed his global idiotic islamic idealogy

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