Is it morally wrong for George W. Bush to stay on the 2024 sidelines? Analysts discuss.
Is it morally wrong for George W. Bush to stay on the 2024 sidelines? Analysts discuss.



@patrickoleary2862 Says:
"...did an amazing job and is one of our greatest living Americans" - oh how I laughed.....
@aardque Says:
Dude lost relevance that day under the mission accomplished banner. Then there was the whole "yellowcake uranium" lie that outed Valerie Plame, so ya.
@stevenzepeda5930 Says:
Its morally wrong for George W Bush to be anywhere apart from prison.
@Jorde-u4u Says:
Republicans are party over country
@jeanettecarter5438 Says:
Donald trump is satan many voters will sorry
@garydare2238 Says:
Until the pandemic hit, Trump benefited from the final years of a 10 year recovery (after the Great Recession) that started in Obama's second year and NEITHER was responsible for that - rather, it was the inherent strength and character of the US economy!
@joiisler3012 Says:
Never morally wrong to mind your own damn business. He was an elected official who served out his term. He was not a MONARCH. Some of these politicians need to Stay Retired. jmo
@jeanettecarter5438 Says:
Scott should stop talking I hate to hear his voice trying to look vote for his criminal friend convicted felon sexual predator
@rickmarvelli9238 Says:
Another electoral college example of overturning the will of the people for a genuine fool who lead us to war on lies for political gain. Actually it was the Cheney administration and Bush was just a puppet. Both war criminals.
@garydare2238 Says:
"Republicans for Harris" including the Cheneys and over a dozen Reagan admin alums is hopefully a wake-up call that the MAGA fascist GOP of Trump is Republican In Name Only! A lot of people vote by reflex because of the party name, not what it stands for. Whatever your opinion of him, W would help to bring a few more to attention!
@alcrow1458 Says:
Dick felt like he had to support his daughter. But he's a war criminal too, so who cares what he thinks?
@AntonioNunez-j4i Says:
Tank you CNN for supporting Donald Trump.. remember vote red ♥️♥️♥️♥️🍒🍒🍒
@laman8914 Says:
Why George W hasn't come out yet?. George W is a MAGA admirer bc when he was in office he was kinda MAGA himself. He maybe lamenting in private what happened to his GOP but he will not go against them, whoever they put as their front man.
@carolmuir5475 Says:
His mother would be disgusted and if she was alive, she would speak out!
@alcrow1458 Says:
He's a war criminal. So it's not a good look.
@rorycollin4185 Says:
The right is so in love with war criminals like Bush and Netanyahu!
@sergiovilla7040 Says:
CNN is garbage now. I understand why they’re ratings are falling off a cliff.
@tommymorrison6478 Says:
Scott Jennings is one of those wretched creatures who have never learnt the value of telling the truth. In this respect he is much like Trump.
@TheHypnotstCollector Says:
Bush is a dangerous mass murdering psychopath. He and Cheney are players in the WTC/911 event. It wasn't diaper headed troglodytes with rusty razors running amuck in a hollow aluminum tube. these monsters gave you 20 yrs in Afghanistan.
@Melrose51653 Says:
When was he moral?
@christenasmalls6118 Says:
Bush has a right to not endorse anyone. Do not forget he was a failed president because the US Supreme Court put him in office with their interference in the election in 2000.
@WilliamVega-ct1qw Says:
Bush 43 is a coward for not taking a stand. It actually says a lot that he won’t pick a side.
@B__C__ Says:
It's funny. Most of the war criminals I know of _start out_ as failed painters....
@edm8037 Says:
Hey folks, the real threat is the Democrats. As an Asian immigrant who live in CA, i would never vote for Harris. She ruined CA, she will ruin this country if elected. Id vote Trump anyday.
@webmediafactors4 Says:
Agree with Jennings, W. owes noone nothin. By his nature I assess his silence is for the good of things so you want to start calling out people's morals for choosing to be silent when every accused criminal gets that same right? Insanity.
@rickyconklin6802 Says:
All the apologists seem to forget that these people are supposed to be leaders. Yes people have the choice but the leadership is elevated within their own ranks to even get to that point. We used to have a moral obligation to not support, and to condemn people and behaviors like this whether they were “popular” or not… They act like they don’t have control over who is in the upper ranks when in the past they would keep the person off the ballot if they had an affair, any sort of indictment, morally questionable scandals. They’ve sold out over political power 🙄
@browns1014 Says:
Dump has killed more Americans than Vietnam. During the pandemic about 1 million Americans died because of his careless handling of it. What kind of president does that to his people. Not my president I am not voting for dump. Vote Kamala.
@EarthWorkst87 Says:
Scott &Marc, Have you watched his show lately . The man is 78 & brain DEAD. he cant concentrate. You think he is still fit to be president ,,🤣🤣🤣 DOA
@Bronkosauras Says:
*Was it morally wrong for George W. Bush to lie about WMD and invade Iraq, at the behest of Israel, which resulted in one million dead?* *–There, I fixed it.*
@markdowiak7130 Says:
The Bush brothers are political cowards in a critical time in American history.
@Ivin-q8e Says:
Kamala supporters IQ - please Kamala tax us more!! So we can get more rich.
@Kelbel30 Says:
I agree it’s time for G.W. To pony up. It disappoints me that he hasn’t said anything yet. 😢😢
@ScottCovert Says:
It would be morally wrong of him, along with any former president, to step into federal politics during an election cycle.
@Prudence-i7u Says:
Well yeah he's on the sidelines. He doesn't want anyone to remember his weapons of mass destruction bs. Looks like he's following his morals to me
@beatstreet570 Says:
He reveres a man widely seen in a historical context as a joke. And he has a six figure job on cnn and I don’t. This is America.
@josiahupton9723 Says:
I realize CNN needs a token Republican but really tired of Scott.
@B__C__ Says:
It's morally wrong for anyone to stand on the sidelines in the fight to keep the totally unfit for purpose Republican Party out of office this year (and probably the next 20). It's also unacceptable to keep inviting back Scott Jennings to what purportedly is a "news network." It's sort of like inviting a 5G conspiracy theorist onto a PBS science program.
@ericwright8177 Says:
Scott Jennings is a liar. CNN why have this Republican Operative on your show ? He’s never objective and He Lies ! Truth and Facts should be the standard. Vote Blue. Bush is a coward for not speaking out against traitor trump
@mitchvechart7164 Says:
@ericwright8177 Says:
Scott Jennings is a liar. CNN why have this Republican Operative on your show ? He’s never objective and He Lies ! Truth and Facts should be the standard. Vote Blue. Bush is a coward for not speaking out against traitor trump
@delta_cosmic Says:
Bush would've been the worst until Trump existed
@transcendental-being Says:
This is what your blue vote will get you: More DEI, more woke mind virus, more race baiters, more illegals, more corruption, more lawlessness and more despair. Go ahead, vote blue.
@dranderson6071 Says:
Bush and Cheney don’t take down buildings anymore . They support Democrats lol
@1407Dave Says:
George w bush was good compared to trump who without doubt was the worst and the first criminal to ever be president
@JB-uv4hm Says:
Morals? Lol
@bridokram Says:
"Revering this man"??? If America is in this situation today it is because the GW Bush Administration went to war with Irak ON A LIE. Pathetic
@CSbyHY Says:
Morally and G. W. Bush in the same sentence!! what an oxymoron
@sionbarzad5371 Says:
Any news about the WMD's yet?

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