'What more could I have done?' Family of Georgia mother who died due to abortion ban speaks out
'What more could I have done?' Family of Georgia mother who died due to abortion ban speaks out



@latoyahynson5400 Says:
I don't understand why some pregnant women is getting an abortion... she already has a 6 year old what is 2 more babies... women stop taking abortion pills because we don't know that outcome...use protection.
@lulun3724 Says:
The US has became a third world country where people die due to self inflicted abortions while waiting for medical treatment
@Mfnebjajdbbrwn Says:
@latoyahynson5400 Says:
I'm not getting pregnant again because I don't want to die when something goes wrong and they doctor's don't care...I had a miscarriage with my first baby and now I have a beautiful daughter almost 16...I feel bad for the victim and her family and friends so sad my condolences for them.
@Mfnebjajdbbrwn Says:
Women die on the abortion tables everyday in the US. Nobody talks about how dangerous abortion is and can kill women on the spot.
@loveisforcupid Says:
My heart aches for this family.
@kaewilliams9196 Says:
Laura Coates called two babies “Toxic Tissue”…. she is an absolute amoral disgrace. Truly disgusting. 😢 This situation was caused by a series of terrible choices: carelessly getting pregnant without forethought or planning, choosing to end the lives of two precious babies, taking medication with risks and potentially harmful consequences. This situation was preventable had different choices been made all along the way. 😢
@garystinnett8321 Says:
Okay, now do the women who died DURING an abortion.
@joshuab79 Says:
The gaslighting is hilarious. 😂. The Democrats are going to be destroyed this election. How absolutely disgusting to virtue signal.
*Why is the left so utterly obsessed with mvrdvring bvbies? ...Oh, that's right, because they're the same people who murdered 100 million people in the 20th century – i.e., the communists – and are the same people running against Trump today (i.e. mvrder is in their blood). Never mind.*
@actionthebest Says:
The abortion pill is not safe
@ReconnectingMyself Says:
You need to fix that chyron. Why not say the new laws killed her daughter.
@dieterradeke4612 Says:
HEY DUMMY MODERATOR: Your beloved orange jesus is responsible for that!!! Are you able to say that? I guess no
@actionthebest Says:
Abortions are not safe
@actionthebest Says:
My heart go out to the family of these women but ask yourself if they were not trying to kill their child they will still be here
@larryames8831 Says:
Ben Crump on the case.
@actionthebest Says:
Some women died because they had an abortion abortions are not safe many women die a year because they had an abortion
@dieterradeke4612 Says:
@dieterradeke4612 Says:
a fascist moderator tries to show empathy. FAILED
@JenniferRodgers-h3o Says:
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!! How dare anyone judge that lovely young woman for her choice? It wasn't a happy/easy choice to make or go through with. NO ONE HAS EVER RUN TO THE ABORTION CLINIC WITH A SMILE ON THEIR FACE! It's ALWAYS a heart wrenching decision. She did what she felt was right for her little family, in their circumstances. To die needlessly from a complication that should've been EASILY RESOLVED is the issue here.
@tamhiker1 Says:
The USA is becoming a country of religious fanatics.
@weiwolf7391 Says:
Moore fear-mongering from the Communist News Network
@wizzard9531 Says:
She had an abortion without a medical explanation, and died from complications. Seems like the title is a fair bit misleading
@csammy123 Says:
Maybe she'd be alive today if she didn't try to kill her twins.
@sunnyinaz8825 Says:
These cases will come out of the hospital closets in numbers like we saw in the “me too” movement. They let them die then refuse to share the truth with the families.
@scillyautomatic Says:
Sorry. The law allows doctors to prescribe the abortion pill with NO FOLLOW UP. You take the pills and you take your chances... THAT is what the law allows.
@larynOneka8080 Says:
This doesn't sound like she died from an abortion ban but medical negligence.
@scillyautomatic Says:
What could have been done? Gee, let me think about that one...Are we talking the day of the abortion or the day of the conception?
@theokeithjones318 Says:
😢 my heart break. I wasn't on the side of where I was going to vote I was decided not to vote when hearing this I made a decision I'm going to vote for come out for Harris.. I had a god sister who had a complication. I couldn't imagine if that happened to her
@kassiusdavis Says:
This story hits home for me because I’m a girl dad and I have 5 daughters. I am a husband and have been married for 20 years. It is extremely important that we work to change these laws, because women need all the care, love and support period. Women deserve and have earned the right to make their own decisions when it comes to their bodies.
@airmix08 Says:
Women of color, just know that most white women will vote for Trump! They do not have your backs! Please vote!!! Blue down ballot!
@tamhiker1 Says:
Abortion is a constitutional right in France.
@justinhart2428 Says:
She didn't have an abortion she took the day after pill. This isn't honest
@antp1125 Says:
I hope all these women sue Trump for this awful loss.
@letsgorandall9848 Says:
They are spreading the big lie.
@РомалФед Says:
If the Americans choose the Trump-Vence couple, it will be a death sentence for common sense. Everything that concerns the domestic policy of the United States is the business of the Americans themselves, but the influence of US foreign policy on the geopolitics of the world is enormous and this is where Trump is a complete ignoramus. All his flirting with dictators only damages the reputation of the United States as a reliable partner, you never know what to expect from him. Trump is absolutely illiterate in the history of the world and the countries he talks about. He again repeats nonsense about Russia's victories in World War II and over Napoleon and does not even bother to read real history. The real Russia has no direct relation to either the Russian Empire of the 20th century or the USSR. It is not their successor. In reality, Tsar Alexander lost the war to Napoleon in 1812. , and in the Second World War, the anti-Hitler coalition participated, and together with the USA, Great Britain and other countries, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan and other republics that were part of the USSR, and not just the Russian federal republic, fought against Hitler. The myth of Russia as a winner is now being spread by Kremlin propagandists, and stupid Trump bought into it.
@thijs673 Says:
Donald Trump, - is convicted for fraud - is convicted for s**** assault - is against abortion even in case of rape or incest - was advising people to inject themselves with bleach during COVID - was a friend of Epstein - was a friend of Mark Robinson - blood on his hands for the riots at the Capitol - blood on his hands for blocking aid for Ukraine - blood on his hands for not getting pregnant women medical help - blood on his hands for attacks on immigrants by telling lies about them eating pets - told Russia to do whatever they want - adores North Korea and Russia - is a racist - cheated on his pregnant wife with a pornstar - lied more than 40 times in the debate with Biden - lied more than 30 times in the debate with Harris - should be convicted in the classified document case already for treason - told people that they only have to vote one more time because he will become a dictator - chose the worst possible vice president ever - will pardon himself and a lot of people who committed serious crimes - will block military aid for Ukraine and lift the sanctions on the Russians As a Dutch person and a civilian of this world I beg all Americans to vote blue! Donald Trump should be in jail, not in the White House!!
@jeremeyunger6568 Says:
I dunno, here are some suggestions: 1. Be more responsible with dating. 2. Be on time for your appointment (she was late). 3. Have the baby & give it up for adoption. Just a few ideas.
@WinstonSmith24 Says:
Amber died because she got an abortion, not because she couldn’t get one.
@danielkingery2894 Says:
Stop fucking lying. She died due to poor medical help...not because of the law. Anortion pills are NOT safe as she found out...her doctors were incompetent and politically motivated....NO PART OF HER CARE WAS IN CONTEST BY THE LAW.
@WinstonSmith24 Says:
Amber and her baby would both be alive and happy today if she didn’t decide to get an abortion.
@tamhiker1 Says:
More proof that the USA is *NOT* "the greatest country on earth".
@ymo9780 Says:
It's heartbreaking but why are women especially black women normalizing abortion?? There are so many option in todays world to protect yourself and even emergency contraceptive up to 5 days after unprotected sex. Please black women take better care of your health. The system is already biased and now you are willingly putting yourselves in danger. I am a black woman who immigrated from Africa 14 years ago and I take sex too seriously to have unprotected sex unless I was trying to have kids.
@savageusa8939 Says:
She wouldn't have died if she didn't try to get an abortion. A deadly choice on her part. She would have had 2 beautiful babies had she carried to full term. This is 100% democrats fault for normalizing abortion.
@DUBZ151 Says:
I hate trump
@JimmyJamesBlueFlames Says:
Abortion is not birth control
@Teddybear-72 Says:
I dont know this family. I cried listening to The pain caused by the republican creeps. The whole world knows that trump and his scotus sychophants 'murdered' Amber ! America, you know how to stop this !!i
@intheusmc01 Says:
Vote 2024 to save our great nation📚🇺🇸 Kamala👻Biden😴 no sirven👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽Kamala has ZERO qualifications 👎🏽
@JimmyJamesBlueFlames Says:
The doctors made a mistake....hasn't been the first time.
@cheersmodreams691 Says:
Thank you Supreme Court. Welcome to Trump's America.

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