American analyst: U.S. cannot set boundaries for the world
American analyst: U.S. cannot set boundaries for the world



@first-gordonchang9510 Says:
Ain'torny Blinkie jive. Lot more people going to die😢
@markchan8110 Says:
Sorry blinky, the global south will not be at your table nor will there be any menu for you but instead you will receive a bill of $35 trillions. So are you going to foot the bill all by yourself or you gonna make all the vassal that sits at your table to foot all your bills?
@TacticalMayo Says:
Why did the pla decide to launch a dud ICBM? That is an irresponsible provocation that can lead to a horrible outcome for all of humanity.
@rezaulkabir4217 Says:
World waken up- Lion hunting techniques gone Your are struggling to survive,doomed
@tonyhollin305 Says:
This guy makes a whole lot of good sense!
@pekjinoei1042 Says:
The US should stop acting as the world police... Everybody has the right to choose what they want to do and how they want to be... That's the real democracy... DO NOT CROSS THIS LINE...
@Георгий-б3г6у Says:
Время сатанинского торгашеского запада неизбежно заканчивается!
@ALIEN_857 Says:
Him making a blink and wink will cause war.
@Mishowhbk Says:
They control every economy 😢 around the world these few corporations without a face actually have stakes at every multi billions companies around the world. I mean like more than 500 S&P and they zhave assets that are worh more than the GDP of china, US, japan, Germany combine guys we are talking about a whooping 56Trillion dollars controlled by a minority and with that amount of money you can rule the world, you can do and undo who so ever you want in the entire world. We are talking about Vanguard, states street, FMR LLC and Blackrock.
@darnneljones6954 Says:
We'll go to The BRICS table then. 17
@seventeenshaun6424 Says:
Yeah our military superiority might suggest different. Remind me, how many bases do you have in other countries China?
@muhammadshahzad2864 Says:
Great news pakistan ❤❤
@venky310 Says:
USA stronger than chyna

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