Is Kamala Harris doing enough to clear up her economic policies?
Is Kamala Harris doing enough to clear up her economic policies?



@SuperG4ndo Says:
Trump or Harris both can’t bring prosperity to Americans. Its like choosing between two Devils.
@middleguy1776 Says:
@PeytonWind Says:
The people whining that Harris doesn't give all the details about her plans should focus on Trump's lack of details. How will he pay for his migrant concentration camps? Will he rob FEMA? When there's nobody to work the farms and orchards, how much more will our groceries cost? Will we have another farmer bailout due to lack of labor? Let's hear those details.
@chard2534 Says:
I assume many, if not all, of you at that table went to college and have a degree of intelligence. Some people in this country rely on you for information. I find it negligent that you’re only discussing the economy from a political lens. By not discussing the root causes of inflation like a global pandemic, supply chain issues and corporate greed, you’re just giving people a someone to blame for their problems instead of being honest and telling them, “hey, sometimes shit just happens. Now, let’s pick ourselves up and keep moving forward.” The giant wheel of capitalism grind to a halt. Did we really think this was gonna be like a drive-thru and we could get back to where we were in a few minutes. This is what you need to be explaining to your viewers instead of gaslighting them with political villains to blame.
@boscobeans Says:
There is NOTHING that Kamala Harris says or does is TRUE. Her ENTIRE life is fabricated from whole cloth to show a totally false genealogy. Her book is filled with photos that are all lies and most probably were purchased along with photo frames at the local Kmart. Here is the proof.
@michellekross1292 Says:
This panel is not serious saying Kamala is not specific. I have never understood an economic plan from a President until Kamala came around. She is specific and relatable.
@michellekross1292 Says:
Broad my behind. The double standards are tragic. Kamala is 10xs better than Trump
@MrEvfrajr Says:
Is Abby a moderator or a debater for Democrats? Anytime something is said about democrats that she doesnt like she interjects but never does that for republicans
@davemathews7890 Says:
Is CNN doing enough to Trump-splain away Trump's concept of a plan about the economy? Why isn't CNN asking about Trump's "ideas" about lowering food prices through higher tariffs and raising up the middle class through more tax cuts for the rich?
@BeboJones Says:
Even CNN can see that Harris sucks 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@jasonvegan5761 Says:
Is trump doing enough to defend his convictions and his ongoing legal issues such as stealing and hiding classified documents, and aiming rioters at the Capitol to hang his own VP and overturn an election?
@Paul-lm5gv Says:
*Harris' interview with MSNBC featured softball questions and rambling word salad answers! Asked about the economy, Hams used the word holistic 3 times in the same rambling sentence! Holistic? What does that mean?* *She said the American dream is unattainable but was never challenged on the fact that Democrats have been president 12 of the last 16 years - and inflation hit a 40-year high under her and Biden!*
*Is Coupmala Cackled doing enough to HIDE the fact that she is a devout communist? Answer: "NO!"* *–There, I fixed it.*
@johnward43 Says:
Comrade Kamala is a communist stuck in a free country. That’s her policy. Next…
@bellindazabcic7303 Says:
What the hell - you let Rump coast on the "Concepts of a Plan", while you want intricate details from Harris??? Double standard much? Some rambling non-information is just fine, but you need every bit of information about everything explained in triplicate with a gold border from Harris??? Get your act together, CNN!!! Not only did you not fact-check the orange baboon during the debate, you crucified Biden. Jake Tapper, who I used to love, has now become another inane, boring nothing. Shame on you guys!!!
@jackwagner547 Says:
Even Tim 'walk away' Walz knows the truth "we can not have 4 more years of this"... Only true thing he has said.
@allent208-kf4hv Says:
Plan? I hear no actual plan just a lot of word salad
@jrowdygi1837 Says:
Cannot believe how unqualified this woman is. Zero confidence.
@TheWesterosiNinja Says:
The double-standard evident here is absolutely moronic. Trump has "concepts" of a plan (economic, healthcare, immigration, etc.) and never goes into detail about anything (instead he just goes off on tangents) and gets a pass. Harris lays down a detailed economic plan and yet keeps getting criticized for not going into "detail" enough for voters.
@obinnayoung Says:
CNN is saying trash rite now.
@wookiee27 Says:
Will she get the price of groceries, utilities, gas and rent down to where it was 4 years ago? Stop sending billions to Ukraine? Secure the border? Where has she been for 3 years?
@RickOShay-k5c Says:
Hey Bryan, how about you ask Trump to explain how tariffs work. And I will go find a fifteen old high school kid who will explain it to him properly.
@savlosavage Says:
Why arent they questioning Trump this way???? Dude has literally nothing
@lisettejimenez2295 Says:
CNN is going maga, the anti christ party
@Thorns924 Says:
Ha! We are hearing her plan loud and clear! Vote Trump!🇺🇸
@joebidentheworstpresident947 Says:
Harris is a disaster and her lack of being able to actually answer a question and not just go back to her talking points just goes to show shes clueless. Everything trump said he was going to do he did hes not a politician and thats why people like him an honestly hes got my vote this time around
@clintonkildepsteen3982 Says:
@joebidentheworstpresident947 Says:
Karmala is a disaster and by her lack of being able to answer the question rather then giving us her talking points is pretty disturbing especially being commander in chief. Shes lost my vote im voting for TRUMP
@undefinedterr0r731 Says:
I’ve been a lifelong democrat supporter but I just can’t overlook the last few years and Kamala’s interviews just side stepping the questions. She really has no idea what she is doing. I’m either not voting or voting red this time.
@cjenkins2009 Says:
But Trump has “concepts of a plan” and “drill baby drill”.
@patrickmorgan6046 Says:
She just can't visiting the battleground states ,she must take her message to Florida Kentucky and Alabama to win in November,and now she's not doing that.
@sierramilan4322 Says:
She's the VP, everything in the past 4 years isn't her fault.
@kevintate768 Says:
😂😂😂😂😂😂 protect the 304 at all costs! Diddy is talking and the videos don’t lie! How quickly you slime turned on Adams because of the mess you sent his way! Weaponized doj doing the bidding of Harris and Biden. Adams should cut a deal and expose them all!
@ለይኩንዘ-ኢትዮጲያ Says:
Did Trump can explain his own jumbo limbo economic plan why you guys holds her to a different level
@PatrioticUSAmerican Says:
After Financially-CRUSHING the American Public with Idiotic policies, who in their right mind would support this Gaslighting Radical Communist/Socialist/Marxist Liberal Democrat politician Kamala "The Word Salad Lady" Harris? The Terrible political charade of this Radical Communist/Socialist/Marxist Liberal Democrat politician ENDS on November 5th as President Trump STEAMROLLS to a Massive Landslide Blowout Re-election Victory to the Tremendous Joy, Delight, Happiness and Major Relief of Millions upon Millions upon Millions of TRUE Patriotic American Citizens across the Country and throughout the World!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@MyJohnnyboy2 Says:
The operatives and bots are being investigated
@MyJohnnyboy2 Says:
The COUP was a democratic failure. She is not even a legit candidate, never went through the process and the AMERICAN PEOPLE’s voices have been silenced. Tyrants are in charge of our government
@monicafranco1784 Says:
Kamala is incompetent Why don’t she do it now
@baulsmahoney Says:
Can you even try to hide your bias? Clearly she hasn’t. If she had you wouldn’t be doing this segment
Once again CNN fiiling the comment section with bots. Afterall, you literally would be mentally challenged to be a democrat today. Kamel acts as if she is a new challenger and wasn't installed 4 years ago!
@jeremeyunger6568 Says:
Considering she's said nothing but
@fredgonzalez7136 Says:
Kamala Harris got the question in advance for the softball interview with BSNBC and she choked anyway.
@critterfestsanctuary2446 Says:
I can't do it. I just can't vote democrat this time. She's horrible. Peace.
@oldsharkbythesea3962 Says:
*KaMala after “Dating” a Married Man, married a Divorced Jewish Cheater. She’s NOT a good person and she’s not fooling anyone!!*
@safewaydriving3463 Says:
She has no plan, largely hiding from the media . In the rare moment, when she does take media question, it is an incoherent word salad.
@CarbonKevin Says:
CNN is mad she didn't do the interview with them, so now we get this hit segment.
@ricodetroit Says:
Bryan Lanza: "The economists all came forward in 2016 and said Donald Trump would wreck the economy, and then nothing happened." Um, no, that's incorrect. He wrecked the economy. His mismanagement is precisely why the crisis of 2020 spiraled into such a disaster. The problems you're blaming on the Biden administration are problems that can be linked to the global effects of that crisis, and to Donald Trump's bad decisions both before and during the crisis. THAT is why economists have consistently stood behind Biden and Harris on this issue. Do not cast doubt the experts here. Behind Trump, Republicans have only abandoned fiscal responsibility and driven our economy further into crisis mode!!
@floorsbychrisable Says:
Ladies and gentlemen, here we have the corporate fucking news trying to give you Donald fucking Trump again. They will throw this entire fucking country away to get their ultra wealthy tax breaks. FUCKING PATHETIC.
@flipdbit Says: mention that Trump's plan (Project 2025) is completely spelled out?
@floorsbychrisable Says:
One student turns in their rough draft and you're asking for their fully finished the final product, the other student tells you that they had some thoughts about what they might do with their rough draft when they get around to it, AND YOU KEEP FUCKING ASKING THE FUCKING STUDENT WHO ALREADY TURNED IN A FUCKING ROUGH DRAFT FOR THEIR FINAL COPY.

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