U.S. abuses 'freedom of navigation' to conduct military threats
U.S. abuses 'freedom of navigation' to conduct military threats



@nawax000 Says:
With one dummy DF41, the US runs away immediately from SCS, what a chicken!!! And laughable 😂
@davidlazarus67 Says:
Remember that freedom of navigation is part of an international treaty that the USA hasn’t ratified.
@DanielVache-nm1kq Says:
Salty seas Karen.
@bungkusi2432 Says:
Well spoken. Breaking into someone's house and demanding freedom to roam
@meimiaolin2581 Says:
Keep chipping away at the $US toilet dollar and the house of cards will eventually fall.
@Wiznuke Says:
its the law of the jungle FYI survival the fittest...
@ltshakir2602 Says:
Willfully illegally destroying their sea life with these military aggression munitions, that in itself is an international environmental crime, against their sovereignty
@euphegeniadoubtfire1364 Says:
Its not just freedom of navigation that they abuse. The US government ( not its people) practically imposes its will on the peoples of the world WITH IMPUNITY. Case in point, through their annointed Proxydent of the Philippines, the US EMpire has deployed, under the cover of the annual military exercises locally known as " Balikatan", last April 2024 its Typhon Missile Launcher in Northern Philippines. This deployment has caught not only the attention of Beijing but Moscow as well because this offensive weapon system can be used to fire Tactical Nuclear tipped missiles at targets deep inside China. Moreover, from its location in the Philippines, with Intermediate Range Missiles tipped with Tactical Nuclear warheads, it can reach out as far as the Headquarters of Russia's Pacific fleet and its Naval base in Vladivostok and reduce it to ashes. And the cherry on top of all of this is, this deployment Was NEVER DONE WITH THE CONSENT OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE. Now because of the presence of this offensive weapon system in the Philippines and the recent Revisions made by President Vladimir Putin with regards to the Use of Russia's Nuclear Weapons, means the Philippines is just a few steps away from being a recipient of a preemptive tactical nuclear missile strike from Russia in the event that the Ukraine war escalates further into the abyss. And the worst part is, there are still Filipinos who believe that the US Empire is their friend when all its doing is using it as proxy against China and now also against Russia. This means the Filipinos, will not only have to deal with incoming missiles from China but from Russia as well. More importantly, look at Ukraine before the war started and what Ukraine is now. I wont be surprised that Zelenskiy and unfortunately Ukraine or whatever is going to be left of it will be thrown under the bus when its usefulness to the Empire ends.
@kickass7104 Says:
There is no such thing as abuse of freedom navigation.....it is absolute... everyone has a right navigate in free Waters 😐😐😐
@උසස්පෙළභෞතිකවිද්යාව Says:
Chia❤❤❤❤SriLanka China may fall.RAWANALANKA COME TOP🌏🌏🌏🌏
@harbinger6562 Says:
Amen ♥️🇨🇳🦾😇

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