Sky News host reacts to cringe Democrats dancing online
Sky News host reacts to cringe Democrats dancing online



@michelleblacklock Says:
when did the first guy make that video ???
@gregcarr4268 Says:
At least the Republicans have crazy Roseanne as a supporter. Sky Australia should interview her. Comedy gold.
@jamestinning8900 Says:
You haven't seen Sky's own Sean Spicer Dancing with the Stars like he danced with inauguration statistics.🤦🏻‍♂️🙄
@CatsandJp Says:
Meanwhile Dancia got her knickers in a twist back in July over footage of a rally she claimed was in Paris with no French flags…for the French Government victory…because it was actually a rally of Gaza supporters with Palestinian flags in Lyon…2 months earlier.
@alexbratos2023 Says:
Why does the first dude look like he is milking a cow in a weird way?
@GenXNewsX Says:
The Cringe is strong with these Democrats!

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