Israeli MP speaks out just hours after Hezbollah launched rockets at the country
Israeli MP speaks out just hours after Hezbollah launched rockets at the country



@GarciaNetwork2576 Says:
Anyone who has researched the New World Order knows that the Freemasons are synonymous with Zionism and Judaism (all rooted in Jewish Kaballah, which has its origins when the Jews were in Egypt and Babylon). The founders of Mormonism and the Jehovah's Witnesses were both 33rd degree Freemasons. Freemasons also produced Karl Marx and the modern Communist movement (from which spawned the central bank, government housing, social welfare and the public school system). Today in 2012, just one decade after the 9-11 New York WTC attacks in 2001, Israel controls the U.S. military and has infiltrated every high office within the U.S. government, placing their puppets into power. Please note that the New World Order is NOT controlled by remnant Jews; but rather, by the synagogue of Satan (those who falsely say they are Jews, but are not Jews). These are Zionist Jews who saturate Freemasonry, Mormonism and Wall Street. Judaism, Mormonism and Hollywood are saturated with pedophile rings of sex-perverts and homosexuals. These are the unsaved Jews who hate and blaspheme the holy name of Jesus Christ continually. They all dabble in the occult and participate in satanic rituals like Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and hundreds more of adjacent power groups, such as The Council of 13. Here's the shocking video that keeps vanishing (watch it while it's available)... Obama Rothschild's Choice (Full Movie) Freemasonry is Jewish Illuminati. John Hagee works for Zionist Jews, Christ-rejecting blasphemers who pay Hagee millions-of-dollars to lie. President Obama's Chief Of Staff, Rahm Immanuel is their newly appointed puppet as mayor of Chicago. The globalists have taken permanent control over Chicago. Rahm Immanuel was trained in the Israeli military. By infiltrating and taking control over the highest office of a particular group (such as the CIA or FBI), the globalists (Zionist, Marxist, Communist, Freemason, Mormon, Judaism, international banking cartel, Wall Street) control the entire organization. It was the CIA that founded Homeland Security immediately after 911 to establish a totalitarian police state here at home in America. Al Qaeda equals Al-CIA-da!!! Al Qaeda is their elusive terror boogieman. Think about it... a mysterious enemy that pops up here and there without warning nor trace, has no headquarters, has no face, can never be caught... it's an unstoppable, undefeatable and never-ending enemy!!! Americans will sell their souls to be protected from Al Qaeda. All the globalists need to do is blow up one (just one) U.S. passenger bus in a busy public place and this nation will sell their souls to be safe, thus forfeiting every last bastion of liberty and freedom in our nation. You cannot have total security without totally losing your freedoms! As I type, Americans are unreasonably submitting to being molested, and their children, at all TSA checkpoints, because there might be a bomb in or your child's or granny's underwear. Right, and I'm Santa Claus! It's all about breaking the will of the people and getting us accustomed to body crevice searches and total police state tyranny! Books have already been written on this subject. The Illuminati (properly termed globalists today, hundreds of years after the Adam Weishaupt's group, The Illuminati existed in 1775) are the architects of the New World Order, the builders. Notice the building square and the compass in Freemasonry's official symbol. They are building Satan's Beast system for the coming Antichrist, which is why 33rd degree Masons worship Baphomet, that is, Lucifer (as evidenced clearly by legendary Freemason father, Albert Pike). The true remnant of Jews today are scattered around the world. They will be caught up and removed from the world at the Rapture. However, a large group of unbelieving Jews will repent and turn to the Lord to be saved following the Rapture. The Times Of The Gentiles will have been fulfilled and God will once again deal directly with Israel (the new remnant of Jews saved during the Tribulation). God won't defend a Godless nation today, nor did He in the Old Testament. One of the purposes of the Tribulation will be to purge Israel to prepare to meet her King, Who will reign from the throne of David in Jerusalem during the Millennium. The Lord will be defending a remnant of saved Jews Who love Jesus Christ when Russia and China attack Israel. But until the Rapture, Satan's false Jews have control of Israel, which is why Jewish rabbis are spitting on tourists in Israel. Search the web and read it for yourself. Also, it's against the law in Israel to convert a Jew to Christianity (5 years in jail). And if that's not bad enough, Tel Aviv is now the homosexual tourist capital in the world. No wonder Revelation 11:8 says concerning Jerusalem, Revelation 11:8, “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” While woefully ignorant believers are worshipping Jerusalem as the holy city, the Bible calls it worse than the wickedness of Sodom and Egypt.
@toddmarshall-lo3fb Says:
Israel fires rockets aswell
@jimmycook872 Says:
BS again and again and again
@jimmycook872 Says:
Bibi sat on a wall Bibi had a great fall And all of the IDF and US Senate couldn't put Bibi back together again. LOL LOOOSER 😂😂😂😂
@kingcobra8840 Says:
Nevermind when Israel strikes Beirut with bombs, killing scores of civilians because a single Hezbollah commander was there, but when Hezbollah fires rockets at Israel (of which 99% get intercepted) sky news has to invite an Israeli politician on. How about you interview the real victims instead of the villains.
@russellcullen9913 Says:
Get out of Israel now.
@k-man7026 Says:
Lebanon has a right to defend itself against IDF terrorist organisation🇱🇧💪
@dogzdigital Says:
I'm glad she's OK in her shelter, I wonder if this callous attack by Hezbollah has anything to do with the six residential building and hundreds of civilians that Israel blew up in Lebanon?
@TheTruthForYou Says:
There is no truth here, only EVIL rhetoric, lies, and misinformation. Israel is a genocidal and ungodly state that the civilised world does not want or need. SAVAGES Israel has no respect for human life or humanitarian laws SAVAGES
@KT-pr2qu Says:
What happens when you occupy and suppress their land rights....
@luiscigar4683 Says:
@Aaaaaaaaaaa901 Says:
Praying for the innocent souls who lives have been taken by the illegal Zionist occupational. Even under international law it is an illegal occupier but sky news does not abide by international law. Not once have you spoken out on the rapes, Tortured and theft of innocent humans. Shame on you. You will apologise one day for all this. And say you were brainwashed.
@BroJustinJones Says:
Praying for Israel, Christians abroad and the world in general. God bless and keep trusting in Jesus!

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