'Get with the program': Victoria urged to tackle 'appalling' pro-Palestine protests
'Get with the program': Victoria urged to tackle 'appalling' pro-Palestine protests



@daneyal7162 Says:
These protesters belong in gaza, not in civilized society
@oldtimers6460 Says:
Yeah, Victoria that wants to put up a statue of Comrade Dan- The original Granny Killer. They will throw the Jews and the Christians under the bus to suck up to the racist, violent religion of peace.
@CatsandJP Says:
Half of them aren’t even brave enough or have enough bollocks to show their faces..they hide behind masks and scarves.
@VanLe-tq7go Says:
covid19's protests vs pro-palestine protests = ??????????????
@AaronTakiari Says:
Did they protest this hard for the Iranian women in 2022? Bunch of hypocrites only protesting because it’s fashionable right now
@Uzi920 Says:
Garbage countries... Australia Canada UK France 😂😂😂dumping grounds for Arab terrorists
@Mike-ry4ti Says:
Funded by Iran.
@Darkjack-FR Says:
Wanna be terro "students".
@Design_no Says:
Why do so many people support terrists?
@daniellebcooper7160 Says:
This is not a protest for freedom or peace, its a 'Ant-west' rally, organized by 'Usefull Id*0ts"
@oasis042 Says:
Identical to England.
@forestgreen435 Says:
They just want the votes. Victoria sucks.
@Design_no Says:
These people are no more Australian than the Denisovans were.
@jonnbonn Says:
How can you be GAE and support Palestine? They would unalive you

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