Hungarian business insider: Cooperation with China vital to EV growth
Hungarian business insider: Cooperation with China vital to EV growth



@planje4740 Says:
- jadni ste vi u kini - vi se dali električno kao i neki drugi narodi - a "oni" i dalje u ratu za naftu i gas i niste to još uspijeli shvatiti - šteta za vas _ - ništa i totalno ništa što je vitalno za život ili prijeko potrebno ne može raditi na baterije - niko se ne smije pouzdati u to
@jonlee580 Says:
U would be an idiot to not include the party that supplies the material and resources to make products cheaper for the consumer
@Souchirouu Says:
Tariffs are just self imposed sanctions and if you want to get out of being effected by them you NEED a real plan to actually fill the gap in the supply chain that was created. This plan needs to be made between the government(s) and industry and have very specific goals that need to be met to move forward. The problem with the EU, US and most other countries that impose sanctions do so with no real plan and just hope that their industries will do what needs to be done. This doesn't work, the companies will exploit the higher margins to make short term profits for their investors and CEO compensation packages but don't actually take the steps to fill that gap in the supply chain.

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