'Rude and disrespectful': Some Australian politicians to not meet with monarchy
'Rude and disrespectful': Some Australian politicians to not meet with monarchy



@jennymills3147 Says:
Why is anyone surprised. A country full of far left socialist governments.
@ChrisM-fz6xx Says:
Why don't you tell your viewers who those Politicians are ? Let me help you . Every Premier from every State in Australia has said they are too busy . Not a single one has the Decency to meet the New King who is still Australia 's Head of State regardless of what they think about that . Disgusting Bastards .
@trishacardus9063 Says:
Well it's their choice and if that's how they feel then they are entitled to that 👍 at least they're not hypocritical like some
@zaphod5660 Says:
im english my lot invented everything thats worthwhile in western society unfortunaly we are ruled by stupid people atm like you lot what did old bernard say the problem with the world is stupid ignorant people are so sure of themselves while smart people are full of doubt,
@michaelbaker1087 Says:
Accepting inbreeding is rude disrespectful against the genes
@alexandrews9493 Says:
Bloody hypocrites. Just shows how bogan our politicians are
@RT_today Says:
Lefties have always been rude and disrespectful. It should come as no great surprise, especially that the Victorian Premier, the 'Queen of Rude' has taken a stand. She forgets though that she represents the State of Victoria, not herself.
@roblexwilson5701 Says:
As they shouldn't! I'm american but beautiful australia should shun the slum of Britain. Keep your amazing culture. Trump and the american ppl have your back, we adore oir alliance the UK just wants to homogenize you and keep their foot on you. Screw them! You are beautiful ppl with a wonderful country with ample resources. Dont let the globalist british push migrants into your continent or any other country. Britain is broke will cur in the face of a chinese attack on australia. They should have remained in the beta european union australian men are strong and tough, australian women are the most beautiful in the world, extremely intelligent and compliment each other perfectly! NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO MEDDLE WITH THAT
@blackorchid2180 Says:
I’m sure if he was from a certain culture, those pathetic politicians would be grovelling at his feet ... my youngest and her friends (all in their late 20s) are turning to the Monarchy in droves because of Prince William and Princess Catherine 😊
@kaosthecosmicreviewer1055 Says:
We didn't exactly request his appearance, did we? No, he just decided on a whim to just pop by for a cuppa and a chat. Piss off Charles you and your inbred family are not welcome here. #AUXIT
@dvoristoler5177 Says:
But they will meet Hamas representatives and Samidoun representatives or Hezbollah supporters
@johnfisher247 Says:
So these politicians swore an oath to the constitution with the king in it but won't meet with our head of state? That is treason. Why won't they do it? Because they want the executive power for their grubby selves so they can gaslight, mislead, lecture and have immediate power. Pleasure and power is what they crave. The king is represented by the Govenor General who also falsely took an oath of allegiance and state governors. The great thing about our system when compared with the US or any Presidential system is it limits the executive power, keeps politicians out and is far more stable. The Marxists expunged kings with violence.
@BlackBeastsofIpswich Says:
Let the rude politicians meet the royal family so we can be rid of the rude politicians that don't work for Australians
@douglaswasley1461 Says:
I bet the Politicians take the KINGS BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY..!!!!!!!
@ashleyleboydre7751 Says:
It is to be expected that pathetic useless politicians don't want to meet the King. We are part of the Commonwealth. You want to be a banana republic. Then go to America.
@mattigower1479 Says:
Republic or monarchy, will we notice any difference. I am still waiting for someone to explain how becoming a republic will benefit us, the plebs and minions, and what huge great big advantages we will get. Nothing springs to mind, and nothing has ever been put forward. We already make all our own decisions, so that wont change, we already resolve our own taxation, so that wont change. So what is the point? Beyond that, assuming we go for it, what do we get to replace the monarchy in terms a republic government. No one has ever put forward the grand plan for the new Government mode of operation, so what are we actually moving to? Who gets to replace the monarch, and how do we decide that? In the final consideration, the only people who perpetually push the republic shift, are the politicians, as it would mean they are no longer answerable to the current monarch. In other words, they are really keen to sack their boss. Personally, I think what we have now works ok. It's not perfect, but it is bearable, and I am quite to leave it be. If it ant broke, don't fix it. Its a useful way to prevent those with ambitions for creating a dictatorship from ever achieving it. Classic outcome, united, we stand. Divided, we fall.
@aaronaaron6569 Says:
How will this ease the cost of living...😊
@dmarshall8366 Says:
This is pathetic, nobody cares, I would not cross the road to see them. Just paying for these spongers to live in luxury off of our taxes.
@lorddevonshire6382 Says:
Lefties are utterly unbearable.
@Jan-w3z5v Says:
Jacinta Allen has made the wrong call there. Most Australians love the monarchy especially Victorians.
@nescionetizen295 Says:
Sky news= Republican.... But only when reporting about Trump. 😂😅😂 Sad sad.
@Jan-w3z5v Says:
Who would want to meet Jacinta hypocrite Allen. She is just an embarrassment to Victoria anyway. She will be out soon so who cares about a nobody like her. Let alone lack of manners and she is the height of ignorance. The sooner she is out the better. Who would lower themselves any way to even meet such a rude woman.
@vickisampson408 Says:
It is a national embarrassment. Our politicians be damaged by their rude and short-sighted behaviour.
@Bud-m1e Says:
THEY don't respect THEM they don't respect you show them the same at the ballot box😊
@alexandrugeorgescu6366 Says:
"Some Australian politicians to not meet with monarchy" LOL da horror... *The Horror (Marlon Brando) Apocalypse Now* 🎥
@CatsandJP Says:
No one is obligated to meet the Royals…it not part of a politician’s job description…the same as they are entitled to their own religious beliefs which they have no obligation to be part of the Church of England……which Charles is head of. ..people also forget our parliamentary system is based on the Westminster system…
@joleenpalmer1932 Says:
What a wank
@UltraPerception Says:
@alexzannoni1501 Says:
We have absolute scum bags as representatives!!!! Definitely vote NO to ALP at a local, State & Federal level!!
@jamestinning8900 Says:
Better honesty than hypocrisy in the name of performative money wasting 💂🏻‍♂️
@johnd2303 Says:
Not just politicians tomorrow media anniversary October 14, 2023 “No” voters as “dinosaurs” and “dickheads”
@pacnbeans Says:
Vote 'NO' ALP 2025 .
@rhyno1740 Says:
But they will meet with their CCP masters.
@trickyboy1517 Says:
This country is not ruled by a fascist regime, Angela................ Yet. ;)

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