Australia needs 'gas in the mix' for energy supply
Australia needs 'gas in the mix' for energy supply



@impossible5500 Says:
ออสเตรเลียอาจต้องการไอเดียนวัตกรรมมาเสริมการลงทุนเพื่อออกพันธบัตรในระยะสิบปีเอามาอุดช่องโหว่ของดอกเบี้ยเงินกู้ เพื่อให้ไม่กระทบกับงบประมาณในการอุดหนุนค่าครองชีพของประชาชนมากเกินไปครับ 😎
@MarcPagan Says:
Per MIT / Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 90%+ of Earth’s atmospheric CO2 is from decaying leaves alone, 2% at most from fossil fuel. So, if atmospheric CO2 is a crisis, what’s the plan to stop plants from rotting? Search: "The Mathematics of Leaf Decay" for the MIT News article.
@JohnyTerr Says:
!!!I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks or Crypto will be appreciated
@kidsoxoxox Says:
Aussies should be the richest people on Earth but LNG exports not taxed correctly and minerals not processed for further value adding. Whitlam's 'old Labor' Buy Back the Farm legislation tried to fix this but Mudorch MSM waged a smear campaign, the Queen owned Rio Tinto and between her and US Ambassador Green (The Coup master) and the High court they 'fixed Whitlam'. We have been a impoverished African style exploited simple economy ever since.
@oasis042 Says:
Every single time Sky News runs a gas story - I think you should also call for Gas to be taxed properly. As a rule. There's nothing wrong with saying more gas. Please just make sure to also say Australia needs to make sure we tax our gas properly. IN FACT. You could fund as many insane wind or solar farms as you like if you taxed gas properly. And our plastic manufacturing and our steel manufacturing would not need to shut down. Please start talking about taxing gas properly.
@coal_man Says:
Blackout Bowen

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