David Crisafulli showing 'courage and realism' by 'backing coal'
David Crisafulli showing 'courage and realism' by 'backing coal'



@BrainsIntoMonumentsREAL Says:
Maybe people wouldn't vote LNP if ALP supporters weren't such a tedious rabble of insufferable, whinging pricks? πŸ˜‰ **Evidence?** "Jack"/George and Robert Turner, below, jumping right in the boat. Don't want fossil fuels? Stop moaning and cough up an alternative already. Slow much?
@balung Says:
Crisafulli looks like the lead singer from Jimmy and the Boys.
@TomSteindl Says:
The Fooly better stop making promises and money spending that he may not be able to keep, he hasn't had full advice on the books and has no idea of any amount of debt Queensland maybe in
@davehad-enough2369 Says:
Good on him. Someone needs to speak up regarding the lunacy of net zero. All the limpwristed left losers will be tisk tiskering around the place screaming that the world will end by Friday night if we don't destroy all the coal and gas power stations and rely on a windy day. Well even Abanese clearly doesn't believe that the seas are rising - he just bought a mansion on the beach. Queensland is in the prime spot for coal fired power stations. Any move away from that to replaceables would be foolish.
@KellyLithgow-t3i Says:
Put a stop to Bowen him & Albo Bill & Ben flower pot men.
@turnerfamilyinozi Says:
Credlin gets a tick from her boss, Murdoch, for continuing her push for fossil fuels.
@elenawalker3746 Says:
Queensland's state debt is already at an unprecedented $130 BILLION and heading for $188 BILLION in 2027 budget forecasts, with over 300,000 public servants, 50,000 added since March 2024, but voters keep voting for the same red and blue teams, we have NOTHING to show for it but another ugly casino and there's billions going into yet another sport stadium. As a resource rich state why? Australia is over governed and regulated do they expect taxpayers and future generations to keep paying this state debt off, together with other state and federal debt of around $1.5 trillion and rising. Is it time to remove a layer of government reform the tax system, energy etc yet we are paralysed by incompetent elected/selected politicians who are clueless because most are just lawyers, staffers, unionists and career politicians. The only person who seems to be switch on and capable of making a difference in Australia at the moment is Senator Rennick.
@CG-dd9tb Says:
β€œWe should abandon our climate targets because the LNP dragged its feet for so long we can’t achieve them” Peta Credlin, Oct 2024
@CG-dd9tb Says:
It takes an extraordinary amount of courage to act against the recommendations of intelligent people and commit to an archaic and future-less energy source. πŸ‘Œ
@YIMBY-e8d Says:
Don't vote for the Liberals! Or else Australia will end up like the USA under Trump!
@tomjones5338 Says:
Wipe those tears away Lucifer black coal is king πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
@bookertee3057 Says:
Coal, it keeps the lights on.
@buildmotosykletist1987 Says:
Sooner or later even the greenies will be forced to admit we need coal and nuclear to subsidise gas.
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
Road to redemption Step 1 - listen to those who voted to cleanse mainland Australia of all conservative controlled governing... Step 2 - ignore those who's political advice helped to cleanse mainland Australia of all conservative controlled governing, sky's right wing opinionists... πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†....oh and don't forget, Register candidates instead of focusing on sky interviews
@PhiL_Ly201 Says:
Courage. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
@shadowwater1 Says:
Wow you have so much integrity PETA This was like reading a carton of milk.
@dmarshall8366 Says:
Credlin always finds any Liberal leader courageous and brave. πŸ˜‚
@GeorgePapadopolous Says:
The LNP boldly leading Australia back to the past.

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