'A job for an Aussie': Republicans call for Australia's head of state to be changed
'A job for an Aussie': Republicans call for Australia's head of state to be changed



@shadowwater1 Says:
The 2 Freemasons parties of Australia not invited in the new Republic There's the Toilet brush politician
@johncross5634 Says:
This guy is dreaming… there is know one like who he is talking about.
@BozoTheclown-cs9mk Says:
Yup, and we want them to choose someone who isn't a moron to lead the republican party. Sometimes you don't get what you want.
@johncross5634 Says:
Who would be our king? A ex politician? No way and no respect!!!
@morwickchesterham3875 Says:
I would love if this Royal family Disney cartoon shit ends... but what if we end up with a Trump...
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
King Charles on the Barbie just like **KING TRUMP** at Macca's Billionaires that really really care about....... YOU 😂😂😂
@LisKofod Says:
I have never seen a senetor acting as a clown 😂😂😂 grow up 😊
@Ricky-vd4oq Says:
Thankyou Adam for the only way forward for Australia, to be in control of our own destiny.
@Ricky-vd4oq Says:
Aussie variety? I saw nothing but bloody sausages. Lol!
@conradpoppert1598 Says:
How much did it cost the taxpayers Albo
@francishetharia6557 Says:
Australia should NEVER BE A REPUBLIC...make a census and let the people vote...as for myself I vote to stay in Commonwelth...
@MrNetAble Says:
In nowadays we better support the Commonwealth
@vernonwhite4660 Says:
We have enough woke beauracrats Albo GG Wong Bowen And Canberra is full of them 😊
@MrNetAble Says:
Wonder, how much goes their way from my tax money. ?
@ricky6864 Says:
Bawawaa.. show us the crowds... A few karens
@ricky6864 Says:
Unfortunately we would struggle to find someone to be head of state... all our politicians are corrupt and beholden to their masters
@StephenBrowne-e5l Says:
President Albanese ? Turnbull? No thanks. Keep the status quo
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
Australia will be a Province of China at the direction its going😂
@grey_sloth2862 Says:
And what these people are not realizing is how expensive it'll be for us to become a Republic.
@OdinDogOfRoar2024 Says:
Long Live The King 🇦🇺
@carolynedunsford6582 Says:
we need a good constitution the people here have no rights we r being told what to do in every way
@kidsoxoxox Says:
Australia is a US/UK Colony and the monarchy is an enemy of the people. Why does the solemn oath the Australian Parliamentarians, Judiciary, Police and ADF contains nothing therein that mentions loyalty or service or protection of the Australian people, only to 1x man? hence their contempt for us. Oaths matter. At the 1946 Nuremberg trials the accused repeatedly fell back on their 'oaths' for committing crimes against the Jews but also the German people as well. This oath contained nothing for the German people or human rights but only to one man and the State. This oath was also an excuse to slaughter the Poles, Russians etc. Where is our Bill of Rights? Yes it is about people, We the People, not slaves. The monarchy in 1972-75conspired with bankers and the US Ambassador Green (Nickname 'The Coup master') to 'Get Whitlam by freezing all credit, including Saudi, to the Australian government despite tens of Trillions in minerals as collateral. The English Queen owned Rio Tinto and extremely disliked Whitlam's 'Buy back the Farm' legislation that strived to value add and further process the minerals mined.
@lanceoutdoors8895 Says:
We need our politicians to stop acting like communists then we might have a proper discussion about being a Republic.
@leonharrison800 Says:
Shut down Australia. Ban the Royles from entering Australia again.🤮😡🇵🇸🇱🇧
@carolynedunsford6582 Says:
head of state aussie
@imrithor Says:
Recent governments have proven that we are not good enough to replace the King as head of state. We need the King to keep our bastard politicians in line
@carolynedunsford6582 Says:
imagine albo as president or or guttersnipe Keating bunch of dorks
@theoutsider8745 Says:
Sorry I don't want to live in a republic, just look at the partisan USA! Besides, I don't see how things would be better with our caliber of politicians, Labor, Liberal, Greens...they're all the same. None of them have any real vision for this country except for how to line their pockets with taxpayer dollars.
@jule3480 Says:
I’m not a monarchist but no thanks. We have enough politicians and officials on the taxpayer drip as it is
@chuckh5999 Says:
Just have a look at the amazingly unsuccessful republics like the US, Ireland, France, North Korea, China Cuba, Germany notwithstanding those 3rd world republics and I for one would hardly be excited by a President pennydreadful, or lydiatorpy, or bumblingbowie, or anal, or adbandy, or kev707 or beameupscotty. The thought is truely frightful.
@mcchicken9878 Says:
Lidia Thorpe looks like she's what 2% Aboriginal she can pull her head in
@murielbuxton6993 Says:
The few are always the loudest but they don't speak for the majority
@richardtravers8772 Says:
Didn't we have a referendum on this and it was overwhelminly rejected. Fancy having some Incompetent Like the Clown with the Bandana on his head to keep the crap inside or heaven forbid a Politician like Each Way Elbow, or a mentally deficient like Adam Spencer.
@mcchicken9878 Says:
thats the first time shes cooked in decades lol
@kaymcdonald3957 Says:
Royal Family is far better all politicians.
@bernie4268 Says:
Great to see them cooking the BBQ
@Berserker978 Says:
Never. Fk the Republic. Why the Fk do people feel the need to change things that are working just fine. Oh!! Except the GG who should of Dissolved Parliament.
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
My view is that the Commonwealth does more good than the UN.
@MrMattias87 Says:
Lol the bus has gone, you had your referendum 25 years ago and it was a resounding no. So stfu reptards.
@KimChapman-ko3hz Says:
Charles we dont want you wh o cares Charles isnt our friend
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
I’d make Lidia Thorpe head of state. 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆
@NRCZ5BRO7_ Says:
Two things labor wont agree to. 1. The people elect the President - not the politicians. 2. Bill of Rights. Labor wont allow power to the people. That's why they always talk about a Republic whenever - they feel it suits their "needs." We pass all our own laws in three levels of Government. We elect all our own governments. We have our own immigration laws. Own tax laws. Print our own money. We have our own law courts - and write all of our legislation. Unless you are labor - and adopt the U.N. 2030 report or the WEF - ideology. But labor wont talk about that - as it forms the basis of it's political manifesto - we see in play under labor. That labors policies of the international left. And labor wants to distract you - from the reality of it's lies. Labors "woke agenda" - just so happens to be the U.N. 2030 agenda and the WEF agenda. Not exactly - or distinctly Australian Institutions or governments. But hey - albo's fine with trying to be a dictator. He's "loves" sucking up to China. Because a "republic" under labors thinking is - you have less rights - you own less - you lose free speech - you have no say over your politicians - you only get digital money - a greener safer cleaner environment. Is all the agenda of someone else. Our State Governors and the Governor General - are all Australians. Go check up - on the decisions the State Governors make - and the sort of people labor have put into those positions. Tells you - they are not picked by Buckingham Palace - but by labor in Australia. Bob Hawke passed the legislation in 1986 that removed the ties between Australia and the U.K. government having any power over Australia. Labor likes to beat - the Royal Voo Doo doll. They get worried people like the Royals - more then anyone likes a labor politician. Labor always try - the boo koo white man magic bad royals stories. It's a joke - like labor. The King is not on any sort of mission to take over Australia. He simply visits as head of the Commonwealth of Nations. To him - he wants to see Australia - thrive on it's own. That's the reason he visits. It's the trade deals - he brings - with him. The role of Royals in Australia - is very much - symbolic. Of where our parliaments came from.
@AlbieAughtie Says:
Australia is not a republic. Had a referendum and said no. That's the end of that.
@Xscapeplan01 Says:
Nah keep it as is we just need a competent government first
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
The Republican folk in Australia don't represent anymore than 10%
@thetechman143 Says:
Well l think Peter Dutton should be our PM, poor bugger has a hard job but he can do it. More than Qualified in several ways. And if we decide to go it alone, the most suitable President would be Mr Dutton. And he DOES NOT rubb salt into peoples wounds like current and previous.
@voxac30withstrat Says:
For years I have often asked Peter FitzSimons EXACTLY how a Republic would benefit the average Australian. Never once has he responded. I do know the answer - it wont. Not in the slightest
@David-d4k9k Says:
Republicans have been banging on about a republic for decades, but still cannot articulate how it would work in any detail . As for you Minns, the least you could do is to show some respect and do your jacket up properly.
@ChickityChicken Says:
Just put in a P-fi-zer rep because aussies do whatever they say anyway.
@davidcarter4247 Says:
Absolute guarantee - whatever republican model is adopted will result in a series of presidents the public can not abide. That will be because whether chosen or elected, they will be partisan political players emboldened by the fact they are not representatives of the Crown but the actual head of state. The only way to avoid this is to ban past and present politicians, party members, and political staffers from holding the office. It won't happen because the republican movement is driven by the politically partisan.

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