Lidia Thorpe's royal outburst an 'embarrassment' to Australia
Lidia Thorpe's royal outburst an 'embarrassment' to Australia



@DrFelonious Says:
Only an embarrassment to you monarchist bootlickers. The rest of us think she's right.
@phawkins-mi5pc Says:
Lydia Thorpe is a dunce. The raygun of Australian politics.
@Runninlejit Says:
Shes a bogan whos only qaulification is being born half aboriginal.
@kevintaylor2854 Says:
You should resign,embarrassed not only the government but also all Australians.Pull your stupid head in.
@donnawalker3260 Says:
Listening to her is like listening to Kamala, nails on a chalk board. Charles is a complete spud but the other 2 take the cake 🙄
@davidsutherland4280 Says:
The BBC, just like the ABC are simply pathetic.
@grahammorgan3858 Says:
when is someone going to have the guts to tell the REAL truth?.. Its simple...The Brits invaded Australia 200+ years ago and conquered the native peoples. So after that the natives dont own swat and have ZERO rights. They were defeated and only have whatever rights or privileges that the conquerer decides to give them. If thats nothing then its nothing. Thats just human history in action like everywhere, at every time in history. WAKE UP folks that just reality, nothing special or unusual. So today, Australia is a vastly multi cultural country, with relatively few who could trace their ancestry back to the invading Brits and the squatters etc. So many generations later, why would anyone alive today be reasonably asked to accept any form of responsibility for events and actions of distant history that they had no part in. Likewise the indigenous today have ben granted HUGE privaleges that they themselves have NOT earned, by playing the poor victum me card...and they have played that game very weel for the past 30 or 40 years. But enough is enough, time to get real and decide whether Australia is to be a country of equality of opportunity, or one where one race (however defined an/or justified) get opportunities and privileges that the vast majority done get? That seems like pure RASCISM is to me....
@carolyn3093 Says:
U.m look up peeps. Geoengineering runrife in Oz since the 40s...
@warrenw273 Says:
A bikie mole with a voice..
@franckpanday7724 Says:
Has she been tested for mad cows disease ?
@mervynsullivan Says:
Prince Charles is clearly unaware of the latest study, just another in a long line of other previous studies, that debunk the IPCC mantra that CO2 emitted from human activities is causing catastrophic global warming and is the key driver of climate change. This lates peer reviewed study by three polish scientists clearly demonstrates CO2 does not cause global warming.
@rockyscott5847 Says:
@Sozjot Says:
It’s all about me!
@porourangi10 Says:
I mean she isn’t wrong 😂
@carolinec2773 Says:
All public servants (be it in state or federal gov) have a Code of Conduct to abide by. How is it that this Public Politician (Lidia Thorpe) can conduct herself disrepectfully and aggressively and get away with it? If a public servant was to act disrespectfully and aggressively repetitively they'd be sack. In respect to the argument that she can't be disciplined as it was outside of work that she did this, all employees these days are bound to act professionally and respectfully at out of work events (and this event of the King's visit should be seen to be an out of work event as she is a current Public Politician) !
@amadormediero3978 Says:
You Sky morons are an embarrassment to all of humanity.
@sueq8862 Says:
Lidia is such an extremely abhorrent Australian! Eff off Lidia!
@TheBrokeDiggerGaming Says:
Who actually has the authority to boot this... demented witch?
@johncrow5552 Says:
They said, we need more women in politics to raise the standard, they said!
@mickannieobrien2803 Says:
Harry S. Truman said show me a rich Politician and i'll show you a Crook.
@Suviasi Says:
It would sound more sincere and believable if she can also speak and scream in one of the Aboriginal languages...
@grahammorgan3858 Says:
Wonder how she thinks that anyone would react positively to her vulgar disrespectful racist rant. She, and those like her, are a good part of the reason most Australians reject the cause and arguments that they make. Its way past time that the faux indigenous folk were told to get off the couch, boose, and crime and start to take responsibility for themselves and try making a contribution rather than spong on the rest of us. Is it any wonder that the Voice went down (where it belonged), with advocates like her, whose best argument was to call anyone who disagreed with them as rascist....well perhaps thats just their projection .😁
@lulurosenkrantz3720 Says:
A very troubled woman . Probably needs a friend & a little cuddle from a white dude.
@noelanderson703 Says:
The blunt fact is that Lidia Thorpe is mentally deranged, look into her background, and look at the type of people she has associated with, totally lunatic. I would like to know how much Aboriginal blood she has, her sir name is Viking/Saxon for a start LOL. She rabbits on about genocide, the Aboriginals killed more of their own than colonists ever did, that's a historical fact, and if it was not for colonization they would still be killing each other, put that in your pipe and smoke it missy. pun intened
@timandjacquinicklin9596 Says:
As for climate change ? A planet that has been here four and a half billions years and seen many ice ages and warning periods . Humans have been her 300'000 . Surely you can work out the con there. As far a Thorpe goes it is white people who have made her rich the hypocrytical racist idiot . In fact it is white people that made the modern world rich . So the racist idiot should be saying thank you to the white man . As for the British press , under the far left british hating government in charge over there at the moment , that just anti white british hating propaganda .
@JasonGriffith-f1i Says:
Shes no embarrassment, she speaks truth good on you
@nunayadoxing4623 Says:
isnt it funny. that if someone is half aboriginal and half white. they will always choose aboriginal? this woman does not represent or speak for true aboriginals. shes a grand stander
@bumscorchos1070 Says:
She made the great hall of parliament house sound like the Centelink of Redfern the afternoon before dole day.. Lay off the petrol Lydia!
@harryevans5577 Says:
Thorp the idiot,
@wildwomanofthewoods Says:
I find it hard to take seriously, someone who earns more than most Australians can dream of, seeing herself as a perpetual victim.
@mawang457 Says:
imagine being so ignorant to say there isn't any evidence of climate change. Typical uninformed boomer wanker you are Chris Kenny, get ur head out of ur ass. You'll be 6ft under by the time you will properly feel any affects right? So It DoEsN't ExIsT
@bridgetcave2658 Says:
Shame, shame, shame
@PeacefulGardenLife Says:
Immediate dismissal warranted as she has verbally rescinded the oath of allegiance she swore when entering Parliament.
@dikkybee Says:
Some first nations are proud while others are disappointed. She is a goose and should have been gone long ago but no one is strong enough to say anything because they are scared to be called a racist. Obviously the people who died to give her freedoms would be rolling in their graves to give their lives to this type of idiot.
@normannutbar424 Says:
History is the best predictor of the future. Britain colonized North America in around 1607, and, as we know, the USA acquired independence from Britain on the 4th July 1770-something. Canada, however, remained their allegiance to the commonwealth. Fast forward a couple of hundred years, and I ask, which one of those two countries is the most functional now? Australia must not start breaking relationships with old and stable western nations!
@randalllawson1351 Says:
What a repugnant pig she is.. what pack of idiots voted for this thing.
@kerry3233 Says:
Good on her the truth hurts When everybody is trying to hide it
@chuckmaddison2924 Says:
They must be having a big laugh at this in the UK. And pretty much everywhere else.
@rondellthreadgate8092 Says:
The woman is a female Trump, no better than attention whore, anything to get attention! She should be thoroughly ashamed of herself, but her ego outweighs her manners !!
@tritonjackmam5.681 Says:
nothing will happen to her 😂she won't lose her job 😂 she has a nice fat government job
@DawntoduskNetAuTas Says:
Lidia is an embarrassment to Oz. Full stop.
@hughaustin2875 Says:
She's a nut job elected by a group of nuts a bunch of monkeys
@ashleytidd-w9i Says:
She is just a filthy old scrubber,sucking off the public purse.Just kick her out,she is an un-worthy.
@travelfootiekie Says:
How is she paid such a high salary doing these disgraceful stunts... yet I work day in and day out and only make a small percentage of her salary in the private sector................
@Mr4pete Says:
Lidia Thorpe is a brainless Aboriginal "RELATED" white woman grandstanding for selfish personal reasons. She thinks she will win votes from the mindless Aboriginal "RELATED" community. I make no apologies.
@marielyons6815 Says:
Leave Liddia
@luke3708 Says:
swamp hog
@BlueSky-le7nh Says:
She said the truth.

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