'No guarantee' Labor's renewable plan will deliver cheapest energy bills
'No guarantee' Labor's renewable plan will deliver cheapest energy bills



@Macca980 Says:
Anybody with half brain know labours bullshit energy policy will never make power cheaper!! Anything labour touches turn to 💩
@JamesPratt-v1g Says:
Solar panels are made using coal. They require VERY high amounts of energy to create the silicon. It must be used to create the silicon in. Making the panels.
@IeuanBevan. Says:
Can't we wait a bit for better technology? Save the lithium for better technology and not waste it now.
@mk1479 Says:
No there's no guarantee whatsoever as by the time they build anything renewable it's going to be obsolete and needing replacement. Solar panels don't last forever either, same as windmills...
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
Just stop that crap-
@clydesimpson1462 Says:
Coal is the cheapest form of energy on the planet.
@marktanska6331 Says:
Always wondered why labor wants censorship laws. They need them urgently to stop the truth getting out.
@leighcolless7046 Says:
typical for a terrorist supporting commie
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
Surprise, Surprise Labor lied with their claims that renewables are cheaper according to AEMO
@johngeier8692 Says:
Net Zero is prohibitively costly, impractical and totally unnecessary. We need to abandon this economically destructive folly and simply use the most economical energy resources available.
@Genesis-007 Says:
The Labor party is a pro globalist, pro immigrant anti-Australian enemy of the state.
@Orcbotbasher Says:
Uninformed Leftie eco zealots seems to be worldwide phenomenon.

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