If he's still ahead at 4am PST I'll start to believe it.
@gannonpass12 Says:
The Steal is on
@donovanbryan5000 Says:
Pa is holding out. Looking to see how many votes they need. They have boxes of ballots on standby.
@tonibwaddell317 Says:
Dude lol that wall is slowly crumbling.
@disiamtheillusion Says:
Communism will never be victorious in america
@Anniegrace3 Says:
TO promote the killing of God's innocents...wicked
@outsider8059 Says:
That "narrow path to victory" must become so narrow as to turn out non-existent.
@Lenergyiskey358 Says:
The Australian Government be warned, a Trump win is a vote for freedom of speech and cost of living, which is exactly what the Australian people are dealing with right now. This MAD bill will be the Labour Govts downfall. The Trump vote is also a vote against this wave of woke. Of course, Americans are not Australians, but it is an indication that people in the free world in general have had enough of this controlling, crazy nonsense.
@johncorlett3699 Says:
I am an ordinary person in Australia, do you know, like most Australians, don't give a rat's butt about the American elections.....and it just reminds us that we have to go through the same crooked s hit next year
@Prognosis__ Says:
SNA has bipolar?
One video says Kabala has a chance to win, the other trump is powering to victory 😂
Never trust white-liberals.
In my opinion, white-liberals have a globalist mentality. They are obsessed with diversity, it gives them a savior-complex. This explains the mentality and virtue-signaling of democrats, EU-members, Justin Trudeau (white-liberal-dictator) and media networks like CNN, MSNBC, PBS.
@yogibbear Says:
She's been destroyed. Who the hell would vote for someone endorsed by the every single celebrity off every damn P. Diddy party list.
@toorcicefist8018 Says:
Kalama "cheat harder"
@douglastalbot7551 Says:
Obama will now move out of Washington!
@elmerfudd9677 Says:
President Trump is also leading the popular vote!
@grahamparkin5568 Says:
It’s now being understood in the USA
A strong position on clamping down on illegal immigration gets you an increased vote from legal migrant (and minority) voters.
@gracefulshepherd4454 Says:
I'm happy to see him doing well, but I'm also disappointed at how many millions of people really voted for pamela
@MrPopo-nn7kp Says:
Misinformation formation Bill in parliment today.
Get your bucket's ready for those lefty 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😃😃🍻🍻
@tella117 Says:
Hey liberals we don’t want your agenda … eat ish
@Class_Wars Says:
Trump thumpers are the absolute epitome of america's ignorance and stupidity. Of course he'd win. They're all daft.