Nowhere except a few select spots that have anthropological significance should be closed off. This is ridiculous.
@rowanscott915 Says:
Brown supremacists you stupid white people
@boltang Says:
I know two climber in court now for climbing next to a rock climbing rock. Parks are taking them to court for it and using their camp fire they lit early that day to get them in court. Parks Vic is a joke.
@douglasbanks3318 Says:
I will go anywhere i want in AUS ,regardless of BS bans .
@yolandascholten2012 Says:
Slowly, slowly, slowly inch by inch they are stealing your rights, recreation, energy, speech, money etc all in the name of health, climate and safety until one day you’ll have nothing left, ………….. except a cardboard box for your junk.
Sound familiar? WEF
@leaffyTrees Says:
@paddlesmcbean2366 Says:
WA Labor govt must be voted out, they are destroying WA.
@85yugs Says:
Who actually wants big government? Toddlers and psychopaths.
@bestestusername Says:
Get what you voted for
@Angie-x3v Says:
This is terribly concerning. This is about more than climbing bans. This is about a way for indigenous corporations to sell out our national parks to corporations for money and who knows what these individuals will do. As they will be in the business of making money, they will exclude us and then develop, mine or anything else that they so choose. It is obvious that all these Indigenous laws are a way for companies to take over Australia. If the land is sacred to the Indigenous, why would they sell it out for money? Doesn't seem like the actions of a people that love the land to me. I for one would never sell our parks to anyone for any price. These areas of land set aside don't belong to us but for future generations to enjoy.
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
We should reciprocate and ban all Stone Age people from buildings.
@macciza Says:
Australian Climbing Association Victoria.. He does not speak for ACA in other states...
@LuciferBlack-j1k Says:
For those who have never seen the discarded rubbish left atop Uluru and Mt Warning by visitors, it's as bad as one could imagine...
Can't look after it, don't use it
@filop Says:
This BS needs stop.
@Bruvvvv9 Says:
What have the abos done for 60 thousand years but whinge and complain the English brought them out of the Stone Age otherwise they’d be eating bugs and doing walkabouts naked the losers
@robertnelson5190 Says:
Soon they might ban walking on beaches and parks , idiots 😈😈👀
@Conky769 Says:
All of the lawyers are paid for by tax payers.
@ajaxashford4815 Says:
Rules if the new world order.
More bans coming
@kellyco4139 Says:
The stupidity continues
This madness needs to end
@robbo6689 Says:
None of the obese, diabetic, Sky News idiots in the comments section could walk/climb this rock anyway. You would only be interested if you could drive your Ranger or Ram to the top to get some Maccas.
@djseamusSydneyAus Says:
Aboriginals are not behind this BS. They are using this to divide Australians against each other.
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
Well vote Labor out, simple
@djseamusSydneyAus Says:
The government using indigenous legislation to steal public land from all Australians.
@stevesmith9151 Says:
The National Parks are a Commonwealth matter, NOT a State, ignore these criminals in the Vic government and arm yourselves for a fight.
@Peter-p5u8t Says:
This is a free country, the climbing ban is putrid✅👍💯🏔️
@Kim_Jong_Un_2023 Says:
Ban the Ban
@revalationrevaltion9291 Says:
We only talk talk talk they don't give a rat's .we need. Too rise up 500.000 of us on streets 24.7 for months
@outback109 Says:
What most fail to realise is this is predominantly pushed by white public servants.
They are not our friends.
@Scotty123-o3u Says:
The Murdochracy would support mining all our national parks if there was coal underground.
@LochTaupo Says:
Stop the Victorian Labor Government from locking up State Parks by Turning them into National Parks.