Bjorn Lomborg on how the world is 'wasting money' on the climate problem
Bjorn Lomborg on how the world is 'wasting money' on the climate problem



@MarkPiekacz-j4u Says:
Oh and the other thing is humans are a carbon base life form and plants and trees need carbon to make oxygen that's how it works. The carbon they want to kill is you and me.
@MarkPiekacz-j4u Says:
How about stop manipulating the Jet stream to change the weather. They been doing for many years and then blame it on cars,trucks, and cows come on. It's a lie and they make big money on pushing this B.S.
@hotchihuahua1546 Says:
When the entire world becomes a dumping ground to be seen by all with alternate energy ! It’s sad it doesn’t fix our problem with energy !
@KellyLithgow-t3i Says:
Sense talking
@bruhverlybruh4012 Says:
I dunno. Governments are netting a lot of land for their energy endeavors. That land hold value. For them anyway. My guess is that if this fails, they don't exactly sell the property.
@ssuwandi3240 Says:
The new Trump's Treasury pick has said that Climate Economics is basically a fabricated economy due to lack of integrated policies.
@jurisvilde2151 Says:
We need MORE CO2 so that we can green the planet.
@philvdk6540 Says:
Our tax dollars were spent to oblivion on over-responding to the 'COVID crisis' - a real problem but one which was dramatically over-blown. And then instead of recovering our economy, our government went straight into spending even more on over-responding to 'climate crisis' - a real problem but one which is being dramatically over-blown. Average Aussies forking out their hard earned dollars to the point of household recession while those who are spending recklessly live on easy street. Not to mention certain persons and entities whose wealth has increased substantially as a result. What will Aussie voters do in response to this at the next election?
@LucienCanon Says:
Only the West is wasting money on this crap.
@Berserker978 Says:
Since all this nonsense began Co2 has Risen. 😂
@RogueElementMkII Says:
This renewables crusade, is actually increasing the use of "fossil fuels" to manufacture... Renewables.😅
@matttravers5764 Says:
There is no climate problem. The climate has always changed and there's nothing we can do but adapt. Reasonable conservation is a good thing but extremism is bad.
@theresaroussell919 Says:
He speaks the truth ❤
@paulchasteauneuf2098 Says:
Redistribution of wealth to Communist China. Well done world leaders 🤪🤪
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Strong views all round
@helloyou-i9u Says:
Im drunk if you didn't already figure it out, probably a good time to pounce, i wont feel anything.
@GovernmentOfAmerica Says:

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