Andrew Bolt exposes the 'collapse' of the Albanese government's big dreams
Andrew Bolt exposes the 'collapse' of the Albanese government's big dreams



@TrevorMills-i8j Says:
No genius, carcinogenic substances ,and cancer cells cause cancer.Wheres your white lab coat.
@deanhunter1753 Says:
Warmest period wss in the 1200ad yet no coal fired power stations bacj then lol
@simonemullucks9446 Says:
How is it that China was on the list of developing countries - 😵‍💫🤷‍♀️
@simonemullucks9446 Says:
Sure he can say whatever he wants to however why can’t he show that science & evidence- I’d just be happy to see/ read what he’s basing his opinion on because I don’t get it 😵‍💫🥴🤷‍♀️
@kenvandemhoek2543 Says:
Does funding war ,help people on erath ,selling gas so we buy it from Singhapor & Hong Kong ,help migrant resettle ,so we go homeless ,oh ,toxic femmenisum & the meadia at fault ,busted now !!!!
@ladislavtoman9327 Says:
I have been, like Andrew, folloving this climate change con for some 20 years. And even though I am not a scientist in any sense of the word, I know a fair bit about the issue because I read about it almost daily. This is the reason why I disagree with Mr. Lomborg. No, there is no problem with the climate. We are living in the coldest part of the last 5000 years, so what's the panic? And no, burning fossil fuels is not driving CO2 levels up. Humanity contributes only just under 4% of CO2, the rest is all produced naturally. And even if we were increasing the concentration of CO2, it would not matter because dozens of studies in recent years have shown conclusively that CO2 is NOT controlling the Earth's temperature. Maybe Andrew should invite a real, honest climate scientist next time.
@waynepaddison8559 Says:
It is obvious is a total idiot He and his mate Albenesy are dragging Australia yelling and screening back to the stone age for God sack these idiots before it is to late for Australia
@alexfagyas9342 Says:
Climate change the made-up catastrophe used by globalists and socialists to instill fear and guilt and remove our freedoms while pretending to be saving the planet. SHAME ON CHRIS BOWEN AND HIS GOVERNMENT,!!!!😈😡😡💩👿
@didee86 Says:
What do farmers say, that are not owned by China?
@richarddaniel2416 Says:
how the hell is money going to change the sun, which controls our climate. But he forgot to mention the extra food we get from higher CO2 in the atmosphere, and its at a historical low and we only contribute 3% to CO2, which is way too low.
@ronfesta771 Says:
Me thinketh the leader of., men and the leader of........women and children!@!?🤑🤑🤪
@lyndameyers6122 Says:
They need counselling
@DannyHawthorne-w9t Says:
I bet that these scientists that are going mental about climate change are sitting in an office with lights on and aircon and computers 🖥️ and also charging their phones 📱 maybe we should turn off the power to their offices and homes that also have lights on and aircon and tv 📺 and chargers their phones laptops and washing machines and dishwashers then see what happens I bet they would jump up and down and scream where’s my electricity what hypocrisy
@mikehanlon8036 Says:
I feel sad every day to see what this government is doing to our Australian economy.
@lesleypaterson1463 Says:
Why are we listening to abject liars. Australia makes 1% of Global CO2 emissions. But the country absorbs over 4%. Why are we destroying our country on the back of lies?
@dennisodriscoll1969 Says:
Climate been changing before these people were born , now they exist they need to tell us climate is changing , intelligent morons
@ivansultanoff6719 Says:
The science tells me Bowen is an arrogant,stubborn, uneducated moron who can't see past his nose wearing horse blinkers thus should be locked up ASAP
@deanhall6045 Says:
It's very generous of you to call this bloody nightmare a dream, mate.😮
@davidverster9523 Says:
Australia continues to sow seeds of its own destruction
@davidverster9523 Says:
Climate fear used to destroy western economies...
@geoffcohen613 Says:
Where is Tim Flannery, remember him, he said it would never rain again.....
@davidverster9523 Says:
We still smoke cigars...feel better and relaxed...cancer? BS...nonsense
@davidverster9523 Says:
Labour and greens are devious and evil deviants
@davidverster9523 Says:
Climate change is the biggest fraud perpetrated on mankind
@leeclews7731 Says:
Tobacco doesn't cause cancer, but the chemicals they add to it do.
@ianbell4527 Says:
I'm an older guy and remember the coming ice age they pushed in the 60s
@davidreynolds6477 Says:
There is no climate crisis global warming is a figment of the climate zealots minds and over the decades fossil fuels have made everyone’s lives better and CO2 makes plants grow we are being ripped off by those making billions out of this green shite
@Hardwick989 Says:
Let's see that info Bowen.
@anthonywilson8998 Says:
The whole thing is a scam and they are all running scared. Of being exposed by Trump. His advisers have known for years like Prof Will Happer who can’t even get his papers printed by scientific magazines. However if Trump re employs him he can prove CO2 is not a problem. and is beneficial to the planet, .All the frauds will be exposed for what they are. The trillion dollar moron led industries will dry up and a much more sensible policies adopted. Nuclear is a must. Gas is a must but renewables have only a partial. use more as a secondary. Source. Nuclear will take over with gas,.Coalwillbe phased out worldwide as a partial solution until nuclear is on line in quantity. Some of the proposals will be scrapped like heat pumps . Concentration on fuel efficiency of property will always be useful whatever the heat sources.
@yolandascholten2012 Says:
Energy bills are strangling many businesses and house holds, forcing some to go out of business and cut back. What’s the end goal? Certainly NOT the planet.
@matthewrobinson8886 Says:
Bowan is a retard
@MrMeldarionx Says:
These women are emotional toddlers ... they are not scientists at all ..
@AndrewWilliams-kw6bc Says:
Lomberg ? Trojan Horse ? It's all BS !
@timifumi46brown91 Says:
if someone went postal on bowen for their struggles or any labor Politian, i would not feel sorry for them ....reason this party has put so much hurt on this country , lied to people and some people can only take so much before the lose it !!!
@RT-hi1ms Says:
Emotional twits posing as scientists can't be taken seriously. The same goes for emotional twit politicians.
@derek6600 Says:
No more whiskey before your show Andrew, you're slurring again.
@jonathanparle8429 Says:
These lefty climate scientists should stop using or owning phones, personal computers and even stop wearing their red spectacles. And they should always catch the electric tram or go to work (and everywhere else) on their e-scooters. And of course no holidays using any conveyance that burns fossil fuels, no TV, no watching films in cinemas and no restaurants (since they not only use electricity, they also use gas). So please show me just one of them who lives by all these non-hypocritical rules.
@rattleyourdags Says:
"Doesn't sound like dispassionate science" - you mean "doesn't sound like science"
@michaelnunn1805 Says:
For goodness, we are made of carbon we consume carbon as food, we breath out carbon as it CANNOT BE DESTROYED, We die and get consumed by comustion or by rotting in the ground. We and ALL of the Earth's lifeforms are composed of carbon, CARBON is the basis of all life. Why are we using the cardon to process hydrogen at woefully low energy efficiently? Is this to be the basis of ARTIFICIAL intelligence?
@hadrian3487 Says:
Oh yes, I forgot about the science, follow the science about viruses, which equals lockdowns, masks, social distancing, curfews, follow the science how & why to get net zero. We have not seen the science, because there is no science. In fact you don’t need an environmental science degree to understand how the planet works. It will continue to rotate the sun, in spins once in 24 hours, it has seasonal weather, photosynthesis, thunder and lightning, volcanoes, earthquakes, tides, a magnetic field, night & day. I learnt that at primary school and my teacher said it has been doing this for billions of years and will continue for more billions of years. I also learnt that the planet is innate. It’s intelligent it can destroy and heal itself. Krakatoa is just one example, it blew more carbon into the atmosphere in a day, than the entire industrial world in 5000 years.
@jonathanparle8429 Says:
Ask any person in their late 80s and beyond which is the worst Government by far they have ever lived under and you will get Albanese every single time.
@dogsy273 Says:
Nepolian Bonaparte. Liars feeling upset with the reality of their ridiculous aggressive comments upsetting kids. Causing post traumatic shock syndrome in our children.
@kerrywhite7891 Says:
They are all bloody lunatics There is no climate crisis I have been listening to this rubbish for over 60 years. First it was that we were all going to freeze to death Then just over 50 years ago we were all going to die from acid rain Now we are all going to cook to death So sick of their bs They are destroying the planet in order to save the planet. Really if they want to reduce CO2 emissions then plant more trees instead of removing them for windmills and solar panels
@bloodymctandy9138 Says:
Science of lies
@Birch37 Says:
FYI. Tobacco smoking has reduced from 56% to 13% and related cancer conditions have not reduced. So no 👎
@aclifford652 Says:
He never mentioned what the climate problems we have are. All those plants behind him thrive on carbon.
@stephenbrickwood1602 Says:
9 billion people need clean electricity. Nuclear electricity is perfect. No CO2 emissions worldwide. All the plutonium can be added to MOX fuels. And this is only 10% of all fossil fueled energy. So 10 times more clean nuclear electricity is even better. Mass construction can greatly lower construction costs and finance costs. No CO2 emissions worldwide for the next 10 decades, wonderful breakthrough. More electricity transmission lines capacity construction for more grid electricity, what a giddy happy time to be alive. Worldwide wide millions and millions of km of national electrical transmission grid including all the distribution lines to billions and billions of people. And then billions of electric vehicles and no petroleum is needed. Australia can export billions of tonnes of uranium yellowcake and can afford even more nuclear submarines. And more USA military defence weapons systems. 😊😊😊 Ukraine can help build nuclear reactors as they have been the original reactor builders. Ukrainians can rebuild its country. China can put nuclear into their cargo ships and not need to worry about importing oil from the Middle East or from Russia. Nothing but freedom for worldwide trade. The world bank can help pay for the INCREASED $TRILLIONS infrastructure investment in the new transmission grids. Happy days for the world. Even thorium reactors to use all the plutonium from the uranium reactors. We just have to build more transmission capacity. $TRILLIONS in economic stimulus. No CO2 emissions worldwide, no climate destabilisation worldwide.
@roberte5057 Says:
Hang on it was only 35 degrees in SA for one day. We had a blackout. Don't go go down the path of SA. Our power prices are crazy. We need coal and nuclear power plants. Please Australia vote these leftists out. I can tolerate the cold more than the heat.
@rickman2267 Says:
Six months more of Labor! Helps us all.
@JuneCahill Says:
Now Wong backing a terrorist organisation at the United Nations, upsetting allies Israel and United States, but then their socialist and we know Albosleezy loves China

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