Labor doesn't understand the link between 'productivity and prosperity'
Labor doesn't understand the link between 'productivity and prosperity'



@dennisodriscoll1969 Says:
Albo what productivity ? ... Ahhh sending emails im very productive 😂😂
@aaronfarley14 Says:
This is what happens when you elect incompetent idiots who’ve never ran a business!!!
@pumpedhard Says:
Same old skum freemason pedos sold out the satanic agenda. Indictments are coming
@stevenmoule2236 Says:
Why doesn’t the government just employ all of us?🤔Give us ALL houses and do the same for anyone who wants to migrate here?Its so easy!
@stewatparkpark2933 Says:
They have spent their lives suckling on the public teat , It is no wonder that they don't understand basic economics .
@Poorlineforeva Says:
The coalition had ten years to improve productivity and failed completely
@robinwood590 Says:
Labor kniws exactly wgat they do, and the liberal/Natiinal with them.
To be honest. they don't understand much at all. ...
@timh132 Says:
Leftist Labour love to burn money like no tomorrow .cos its not their own money .now if it was it would be a different story 😊
@chairmandan1794 Says:
No worries, problem solved by Labor's money tree!!!
@miajackson3559 Says:

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