Get out of the way PM/ Bowen and your Labour Government !! Common sense coming through 😂😂😂
@aclifford652 Says:
Ok, she's hired.
@aaronaaron3003 Says:
What I want to know is if we were to build new power stations on the existing power grid which is all foreign owned in Vic & S.A, who would be taking in the profits?? Would we have to pay these foreign owned companys or what?
@robbo6689 Says:
"[The] Coalition's plan to build seven nuclear reactors in Australia would only provide 3.7% of the country's electricity demand by 2050" - source: University of Western Australia. So for a project cost of $600 billion, which could easily blow out to $1 trillion, you get sweet FA. And no, SMRs don't factor in because they don't exist commercially. Can't wait to read the Coalitions costings which i'm sure will be released late Sunday night using the Christmas week as cover. Just pathetic.
@Creality.R.Crooks Says:
How many more fabricated bottle blondes from ficticious made-up pretend ORGANIZATIONS will it take to reconstruct Chernobyl in someplace safe, like Tenant Creek or Broken Hill or Whyalla? What have we got to lose?
Lucky for Peter Dutton most Australians are nongheads who can't tell when they're being lied to by paid actresses.
@Scotty123-o3u Says:
CSIRO right, Murdochracy media wrong.
@pyawallah7080 Says:
the options are unreliable power and no industry, 3rd world country, or reliable clean nuclear energy thousands of jobs and prosperity again first world country
@DevGuharoy Says:
Nuclear makes good sense.
@adamsmith-bq8ku Says:
Obviously Sky is being paid to spruik nuclear energy. After all its well known that American nuclear proponents have engaged an Australian PR company to encourage debate.
@PaulStewart-tj1ju Says:
Clean our coal simple
@jimmycook872 Says:
How can nuclear radiation be clean. If you believe sky then you also believe Australia has been invaded by shapeshifting goannas from planet Zeno. LOL 😂😂😂😂😂
@jimmycook872 Says:
Sky climate change conspiracy theorist BS again and again and again.
@jimmycook872 Says:
What a load of baloney
@anguswilliam2141 Says:
On a solar flare it wont matter. Might as well get in on it.... Whole planet going to glow in the dark - forever.
@rodneymcgiveron7494 Says:
Wind and Solar all day long ...Nuclear subs are a whole different thing you gooses ..more truth , less rhetoric
@MirageMages Says:
The bohemians
@MirageMages Says:
We can control all of humanity
@anguswilliam2141 Says:
I'll say no. This shit is as dirty as can be.
@Prognosis__ Says:
How will Bowen get kickbacks from the CCP if he cancels their solar panels and wind turbines
@RogueElementMkII Says:
We could just use coal y'know...
Just a thought.🤔...😂
@user-kk9hj9nj6l Says:
کلی چیزا عوض شده مسئولان نالایق به کنار اما مردم استرالیا و انگلیس هیچ اهمیتی به ازدواج و حتی بچه دار شدن نرجس و باران و دریا و بقیشون نمیدن چون فهمیدن اونا از معمولی هم معمولی ترن مثه صدها زنی که مزدوج و باردار میشن مردم استرالیا و انگلیس فقط نگرانی شدیدی از ازدواج و مادر شدن من دارن غیرت دارن فقط برای من همه مردان استرالیایی و انگلیسی میخوان پدر بچه های من بشن و اگه نشه سکته میکنن😅 فک کنم باید از الان آماده شن
@mdshamsulhaque9169 Says:
Make sure trillionaire me
@Genesis-007 Says:
All Australia needs now is credible leadership, VOTE ONE NATION 🇦🇺 PROBLEM SOLVED 👍