How China addresses public complaints from more than 20 million residents
How China addresses public complaints from more than 20 million residents



@errolrobinson5419 Says:
We need quick response like these in my country Jamaica.
@errolrobinson5419 Says:
Thank you very much for making your program available in Jamaica in this format It was once available on my local Cable TV channel but it just vanislhed ,like what happened to the russian TV and now we are bombarded with western Cable TV.. I will subscrube to your program forever Peace and love from Jamaica.
@andreastano7920 Says:
That's great for a fast response to tackle areas of improvement. Adding an internet platform will be even better, so people can write their cases with photos as evidence for not so critical issues.
@1313hyme Says:
We really need need something like this in a country like us. One can complaint and most of the time you don't hear back from them. Also, you're lucky to get a hold of someone on the phone. Sometime you need to wait at least half an hour. SSA is a good example.
@maje9448 Says:
Possessing nourish brain

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