U.S. Congress holds first public hearing on UFOs in half a century

U.S. Congress holds first public hearing on UFOs in half a century


For more: https://news.cgtn.com/news/2022-05-18/U-S-Congress-holds-first-public-hearing-on-UFOs-in-half-a-century-1a8n9WaLQze/index.html An increasing number of unidentified flying objects have been reported over the past 20 years, a top U.S. Defense Department official told lawmakers on Tuesday at the first public hearing on UFOs in half a century. Intelligence officials also showed UFO footage. Subscribe to us on YouTube: https://goo.gl/lP12gA Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvnews-app/id922456579?l=zh&ls=1&mt=8 Download our APP on Google Play (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imib.cctv




@revive5 Says:
If it is not because of a rising China I don't think they will be this bold and they will continue to ridicule and shut out witnesses accounts as their classical "swamp gas" nonsense.
@thndrngest Says:
the u s regime is having big difficulty in facing reality, so diverting attention seems plausible.
@spookyninja4098 Says:
Wow Did Congressman Gallagher at the UAP hearing just ask the Pentagon about the 10 Malmstrom Nuclear ICBMs shut down by a UFO in 1967 = Then he asked about the Joint Chief Admiral Tom Wilson Memo where he admits to MJ12 and Roswell recovery Holy Molly 😜 That was worth it right there,
@catonpillow Says:
As per usual, Congress do what Congress does best. Which is nothing at all. At least not and something useful for the people who have supposedly elected them.
@andrzejczaplicki5798 Says:
These UFO reports are most likely a Pentagon hoax designed to distract people in America (and beyond) from the Ukrainian conflict and Sino-American tensions. If the US government had real recordings of unidentified flying objects, it is obvious that they would never be released to the public and kept it strictly confidential.
@discoverchina1885 Says:
Existence of UFOs could be found in Area 51 in the states Just admit it Uncle Sam
@Deon.99 Says:
👉 old tricks and nonsense 😜😂😂😂
@Flankymanga Says:
We are finally on a path to the greatest discovery of history of mankind and at the same time we are dancing on the boundaries of ww3. If there is a intelligent civilization of species out there that are watching is.... they must be looking in disbelief how absolutely retarded these creatures living in Earth are...
@johnmathew3423 Says:
Fake and again bullshit American propaganda
@Nobilangelo Says:
There's an Ultra Fat-headed Object in the White House, pretending to be a president.
@pcuimac Says:
Typical US disinformation campaign. They know exactly which ducks they targeted in flight. They want to audiance to look away from US imperialist crimes watching bs instead.
@felixsu375 Says:
We would love for China to declassify some UFO data that China has. It would be great to know that all this bickering from the West is just making humanity weaker.
@felixsy6726 Says:
Focus on inflation and wars committed by america to other parts.of the world and not ufo ..ufo is only a movie that people dont like to view!
@alanmalcheski8882 Says:
Funtime in Hollywood Indefinitely
@Atticus6557 Says:
@euroopanmestari Says:
Extraterrasoldiers coming to observe and changing the us narrative from false to truth of everything!
@BigGrizzNYC Says:
Record inflation and now is the time to talk about UFOs..
@hahahuhu9828 Says:
test shadow ban
@shenzhendrake2429 Says:
USA is a joke.. what next, santa claus is real??
@hahahuhu9828 Says:
I'm more surprise

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