Voice to Parliament is 'a bad idea': Credlin

Voice to Parliament is 'a bad idea': Credlin


Sky News host Peta Credlin says the Coalition needs to oppose the government's intention to hold a referendum for the formation of an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. 'It's a bad idea, and the sooner the Coalition opposes it in principle the better,' Ms Credlin said. No Liberal Party worthy of the name should need to wait for any detail to declare that a race-based body � on any level � is okay." She listed the three 'massive problems' with enshrining a voice in the Constitution prior to knowing 'exactly what the voice should be'. 'First, simply enshrining a national body or voice could invite court challenges as to its adequacy," she said. 'Second, the Commonwealth already has powers to do this under section 51(xxvi) � as the establishment of ATSIC by the Hawke government demonstrates. 'And third, any proposal that effectively gives the government a blank cheque is asking for trouble.' Ms Credlin said establishing the Voice to Parliament 'would mean creating a race-based electoral roll, to establish a race-based body, to consider laws on the basis of their impact on just one race alone'. 'How is this not a form of racism, of dividing people by race, even if it's what lots of Aboriginal activists want us to do?"




@lorenzlorenzo1975 Says:
$30 billion yearly, enough representation in the parliament, multiple programs in place to help the Indigenous community, recognition of land owners, welcome to country ceremony at every event and meetings, automatic job placement for anyone with Aboriginal blood, etc. Australian Aboriginals are the most privileged indigenous community the world. The Voice is a scam and will not magically fix the issues in their community. VOTE NO to this racist insanity. We are all but one. We're all Australian!
@geoffreytoomey682 Says:
VERY politically incorrect but probably completely true!!! Abo woke bullshit! Why has Aboriginals suddenly become First Nation? Just how WOKE can YOU go? ‘The comments below’ are from a reader of the Daily Mail A former indigenous politician who received a prestigious award from Barack Obama has described Aboriginal 'welcome to country' ceremonies as 'bullshit'. Quote from former indigenous NT minister Bess Price (mother of Jacinta Price). 'All the "Welcome to Country", all the "Smoking Ceremonies" and all the made-up bullshit rituals about "pay our respects to elders past and present" is just one big lie. The 'welcome to country' was adopted into Australia's parliamentary protocols in 2008, after then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered his apology to the stolen generation. However, two years after that decision Aboriginal entertainer Ernie Dingo claimed that he invented the concept in 1976 when Pacific Island dancers demanded they receive a traditional welcome. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Abos have supposedly been here for at least 30,000 years (some say more like 60,000 years). That was about 29,750 years before the British arrived. Since the arrival of the poms, only about 250 years ago, Australia has prospered and developed into a modern first-world country, along with all other Western democracies. Yet for at least 30,000 years (prior to the arrival of the British) the Abos seemed to have not progressed one step. To put this into perspective, the Egyptian empire came and went between around 1570 BC and 1070 BC. Abos had inhabited our great land for at least 27,000 years prior to the Egyptian empire. The Greek empire was at its peak in the period 500 BC to 300 BC and the Roman Empire was at its peak around 117 BC. Each of those empires were highly advanced and contributed enormously to the advancement of the modern world. It therefore beats me why the Abos are now so revered. I could understand it if during their 30,000 years of occupation they had built massive pyramids or miles of high-rise aqueducts or invented steam engines etc. Sadly, the Abos have invented zilch and contributed 'F-all' to modern society. Having forwarded these interesting historical events, I must also point out, we have had and still have many Aboriginal Australians, and many Australians with Aboriginal ancestors who, they, like most other Aussies, love our sun burnt Country
@Cobber2023 Says:
If you vote yes you are a clown
@Cobber2023 Says:
I say become a republic and stop funding them
@Cobber2023 Says:
The worst idea in this countries history lol Linda is a muppet
@profgyland2 Says:
What has she to brag about? Most of the time she is not doing her news service. Two months Christmas holidays away followed by mid-year holidays absence for two months, mostly she is replaced by another presenter. What a wonderful lazy life and being well paid. - I will no longer watch Credlin. It is disgusting how she treats her faithful followers. She lost me as a viewer of her programs. By the way, the program has too much negativity and complaints. That's it. Finished!
@Nibby12 Says:
Why would you sign a blank contract?
@Hipnosis65 Says:
All animals are equal... but some are more equal than others.
@lawrencewarren3054 Says:
Great job lassie dere is only one race, d human race
@hirschy10 Says:
Do not trust any government all there for there own agender we are in hell this is not 🇦🇺 I know . 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺😎
@icu64 Says:
Let's talk about Tartaria that was already here before colonisation
@patrussell8917 Says:
No referendum just a waste of money Parliament representation is adequate all not needed for 3% group
@papersplease Says:
I refuse to support racist policies in Australia.
@Cracyfox4359 Says:
There are over 10 Indigenous representatives now in parliament so why do we need this Voice in Parliament. Furthermore, the Australian people should vote on this implementation. The Labor party seems to want to ram this policy through. How can the Australian people accept this "Voice in Parliament" when we don't know what is being put into legislation? AnAl and his Labor party came into office by promising to include the Australian people into what ever policies the implement into parliament. Seems like a broken promise by the 32% elected Albosleezy lying government. This party is acting disgracefully and elusive six weeks into power. We are a one people, one nation with one voice. God help the Australian people!!!!!!!
@richardtravers8772 Says:
It's not a bad idea, it is the stupidest idea that Labor have ever tried to push on the Australian Public. There are no details becasue Airbus and his crazy party are still lobbying the Greens to agree on some details.
@terryquarton2523 Says:
Dishonest just like John Howard's referendum on a Republican. The ALP is working in the word and here the Murdoch lackey spreading fear all for Rupert Murdoch lackey for his ratings dollars.
@gw5436 Says:
Hey! Here's a great idea... let's throw the "we're all equal and we'll work hard to achieve it" idea out the window and try an apartheid system that makes two classes of people official! Politicians are the dumbest and least qualified "people" to solve any issue on earth.
@Finn-mt2ir Says:
What other BS and fake news. It's very clear what the voice for parliament is. It's just another department that will look over laws and see if they're discriminatory. That's it. None of this division BS. Sky News are just pushing trash onto the media
@brettmitchell6431 Says:
The arrogance of these people! ‘Leave the details to us, prole’
@lawrencebuck4118 Says:
@brettthomas6823 Says:
Fk you Freemason slapper...you and all your criminal mate's are running out of runway...we comin for all of you
@bullshitstomper9417 Says:
Sky News is not worthy of my like
@joeybrown3583 Says:
It’s anti white racism. Not acceptable.
@jfkfitirjdjjsisieirirjfjdj5967 Says:
give it back plus compensation,that’s the only fix for 250 years of robbing original peoples of their resources and wealth,if yas wanted resources then pay like we and everyone else have too
@AximandTheCursed Says:
Agreed. Too many useless voices already in the house, one more not needed!
@mikespike2099 Says:
Well said 👏 we are one nation and one people! Australia for Aussies! Aboriginal Australians vote just like Anglo Aussies for MP … all should be equal!
@Voigt465 Says:
It’s about feelings not details.
@gavinbottcher9174 Says:
The left love to divide anyone who can't see this are as evil as they are.
@haroldmclean3755 Says:
No Indigenous Hoo HAH, Were All the same , Have a Great 😀Day 👍
@belteshazzarbenyakovleib4009 Says:
It shall be enshrined and you will be pleased about it
@rogerthat487 Says:
There are indigenous voices in Parlt representing their electorates as a whole - with the exception of one or two who choose to use racism as a gimmick to grab headlines
@luciferblack6125 Says:
Whilever PM Albanese and his ALP government ignore the opinions of Murdoch's 🦟🦟🦟, they won't suffer the same fate of those who did... The LNP...😩 😆😆😆😆😆
@shanehansen3705 Says:
feelings not facts how can I vote on feeling when they might change down the road but the facts wont
@stylesection Says:
they had atsic and what happened? oh yeah THEY MESSED IT UP
@TurnerFamilyInOz Says:
Why are Labor such scumbags? 🙄
@Design_no Says:
I'm white. Where's my voice to parliament?
@SOz-uf5yq Says:
One Flag > One Nation >>>> FULL STOP <<<<<
@SOz-uf5yq Says:
Oh please let's have the Referendum TODAY > See how many will agree lol.
@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 Says:
All citizens are equal before the law. That's the cornerstone of democracy.
@lukeh321 Says:
Racism and divisiveness is a bad idea? Get out

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