Boris Johnson meets 'tumultuous end'

Boris Johnson meets 'tumultuous end'


Sky News host Chris Smith says outgoing UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has met a 'tumultuous end'. 'After almost three years in office, which is a near record short stint, the wheels started to fall off earlier in the week, when two senior ministers handed in their resignations,' he said. 'By the time Johnson decided his time was up, more than 60 frontbenches had quit, with some of his party rivals, already canvassing their leadership ambitions.' Mr Smith said Mr Johnson was not 'altogether contrite' about leaving 10 Downing Street � and in fact hit out at those who were against him.




@stenkarasin2091 Says:
I have a sneaking fondness for larrikins, but it is difficult to feel much sympathy for Boris Johnson, as most, if not all, his wounds are self-inflicted. A shame, he started with such potential only to fritter it away on follies and virtue signaling.
@oknar67 Says:
One less Anglo-Saxons neonazi.
@deniswauchope3788 Says:
Boris and ScoMo had one thing in common: they're conservatives who failed to present conservative policies. Each of them adopted much of the Left's agenda, including the ruinous (and idiotic) Green policies. If they had actually governed as conservatives, they'd still be in power!
@lesjayco7785 Says:
Another conservative down. It’s just like people don’t believe main stream media anymore. About time!
@mayraoliveras7729 Says:
I thought it was Putin who was supposed to resign?
@captainchokdee1039 Says:
As a British subject I nominate Vladimir Putin as replacement. You’ll get: No bullshite, cheap energy will be abundant, wokeism will be an instant thing of the past, the UK will have the fastest missiles on the planet that nobody can catch, patriotism will return & the country will be proud, the Queen will have very interesting cups of tea with an intelligent person, everybody will be on the same page, radicalism will vanish, nobody will glue themselves to roads, the borders will be protected & illegal immigration will be a thing of the past, Poms will be walking in space again, greenie’s will “become tree’s”, super yachts & Bentley’s will be everywhere, the US will toe the line, we will become friend with the other ½ of the 🌎 (BRICS), the list goes on…
@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 Says:
If Boris is forced to go, make Ben Wallace the PM.
@stevecaldwell8740 Says:
Rory Stewart is biased, but this guy isn’t?
@trainzactivist7245 Says:
@ericstevens2584 Says:
@akyukon Says:
Wow. The "West" is falling apart and the Russia/China partnership is strengthening.
@Kari_B61ex Says:
Boris wasn't brought down/voted out by the British voters - he resigned due to the horrendous continuos daily attacks by the BBC and the 'woke' left media. He may have been a 'bumbling fool' BUT he believed in Britain and Brexit. We now need a new Brexit believing PM - Penny Mordaunt, Steve Baker or may be Jacob Rees-Mogg. Forget the likes of Sunak and Javid that the BBC are backing. The problem we have in the UK is that we don't have a credible opposition (unless you're happy with a leader who can't define what a woman is and 'takes the knee')
@MrKenng123 Says:
First there was Boris resignation them today came Abe's assassination. No wonder why people always hate politics.
@jimmydseeker5321 Says:
👏 👏
@rawpah4680 Says:
He was weak and a RHYNO!
@CoreyChallis Says:
Looks like Murdoch can't punt to save his life. Boris, Scott and Donald all gone 🤡.
@isaacacmillan8404 Says:
This is one of the heaviest humiliation ever charged against Boris unlike any other previous prime ministers . Wishing he got a strong mental power to sustain it otherwise he might be needing psychological help to overcome if anything comes to worst.
@imnotanalien7839 Says:
Long COVID??
@leeklein7724 Says:
@Mike-mh8gy Says:
Bye Boris. You will not be missed.
@pj1043 Says:
Boris Johnson was having parties while everyone had to be in lockdown. Boris Johnson was like ScoMo. One rule for one & one rule for everyone else. Sky News get your facts right.
@stevemartoni9562 Says:
Here in the United States we want President Trump to be our president impeach Biden
@stevemartoni9562 Says:
What scandal did he do
@stevemartoni9562 Says:
Impeach Joe Biden next
@kamilkazmiruk2677 Says:
A politician shouldn't have ego, but confidence, and Boris has received a vote of no confidence, because its all just ego.
@bigbopper143 Says:
A lot of politicians go out with a whimper. Not BORIS
@mele1617 Says:
Oh my 👀 now watch this it will happen here in America as well
@Woodman-Spare-that-tree Says:
Sadly Boris did not deliver on Brexit. Look at our fishing. Look at our borders. And why are we still subject to the ECHR?
@muzzleflash1 Says:
Vladimir Lenin is furious that Boris has been removed, with him taking great steps forward for one western nation.
@culturecanvas777 Says:
BoJo's bribe regime has ran out of money.
@BlitzHavenDirEnGrey6 Says:
Sad to watch him go as an American, but hey! He'll be missed more than Joe Biden with these dumb food/gas prices. Remember: "I did that!" Joe Biden on almost every gas pump.
@nickpope8056 Says:
Boris is openly supporting Ukrainian neo naZi terrorists. He should be in prison
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Now the Tories must quickly find a successor
@icxcnika1823 Says:
Piggy looking Boris needs treatment , mental health one. Which country he loves most ? He is UK citizen for only a few years . Typical of Boris boy to resign in stages . what a Court jester .
@run2cat4run Says:
Boris will be know as the worst British MP in history lol
@MrQbenDanny Says:
Boris, You said one thing and did another. Worst case of governing.
@errandlad8289 Says:
By,by Boris.Now you can party as much as you wish. P.S. You don't have friends.
@frankbrunt-sinapati6509 Says:
This was premeditated just like Scott Morrison former priminister of Australia exit, Corona reset whatever, something dodgy going on here.
@ElizabethWarrenYeahYeah Says:
He's going nowhere until he's used Checkers for his wedding. He's not actually said he's resigning...... Listen to the use of language. The wedding invitations for checkers have been sent out, and is going nowhere until he's had his wedding there. Larry should change the locks and hide the tin opener. Revenge for poor cat food and being forced to sit on the doorstep in the wet and cold, waiting for the door to open. Larry has a brilliant Twitter account and threatened to sh*t in Boris's shoes if he didn't leave.
@gail9906 Says:
He turned woke and slid to the bottom.
@americansparkyii4688 Says:
Johnson's fraud was evident the second he welcomed biden as an american leader.
@cynwalts771 Says:
Probably shouldnt have given thew crooks in Ukraine the defence budget while cutting the troop numbers. Charity begins at home and the UK has an enomous problem with illegals just like his buddy biden. too much influence from the world economic nut jobs tru-doe and company
@niks966 Says:
Boris should have been cunning like Blair was....but he was not.
@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 Says:
Essentially, those 60 frontbenchers have just disclosed their true identities: they are WEF puppets. Boris must stay as the Acting Prime Minister and create a cabinet from other people.
@pantaleologoluso9593 Says:
They’ve done the damage now they can go
@pantaleologoluso9593 Says:
After Georgia Guidestones this is the seco d most satisfying episode Let’s keep it going
@jennynairn1388 Says:
Brexit 🤦🏼‍♀️ Oh wow! So successful 🤦🏼‍♀️
@alank616 Says:
Looks like Boris is having another bad hair day .
@geraldbrookes3666 Says:
He loves his country?????????what planet you on,he loves it that much he wanted to give it to the WEF!?!????
@patriciaoreilly8907 Says:
Boris loved & respected Australian "Get up & go for life ) also good work ethics .

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