'So frail, so forgetful': Almost 'impossible' Biden will run for second term

'So frail, so forgetful': Almost 'impossible' Biden will run for second term


It is almost impossible to believe Joe Biden will run for a second term as US President when he is 'so frail and so forgetful', Sky News host Andrew Bolt says. 'I reckon he is going to struggle even to last this first term,' Mr Bolt said.




@linnylin3580 Says:
For Harris to speak how she did there, I'm in a blue suit at the table, my pronouns are she her, she sounds like she is reading her about info on her FB page. That was an absolutely ridiculous for her to speak that way. She's an absolute incompetent joke.
@linnylin3580 Says:
Such an absolute embarrassment to me as an American
@jerelwright1665 Says:
@DCo923 Says:
She has a long history of of banging Willy and getting a Job!
@awc900 Says:
It'll be half term Brandon. He won't last to be in the running for a second term.
@mikepersico328 Says:
He absolutely should run again !!! It will be the biggest landslide victory the republican party has ever seen !!!! It would be like not having a democratic runner for president at all .
@bobphelan4822 Says:
I highly doubt he'll make it much past the Midterms. They will come up with a way to cut the anchor.
@peterpann9619 Says:
I seriously doubt Joe will be alive.
@search4truth104 Says:
I envision a weekend at Bernies scenario, what am I saying we already have that.
@zhmw Says:
It's not even what Kamala Harris said, it's how she said it - with no enthusiasm.
@macbeavers6938 Says:
Joe Biden's Doppelganger for President 2024!
@harrydowning2675 Says:
He will be drooling oatmeal by then. if he is alive at all.
@PJRayment Says:
Why should abortion bans be the number one issue for a female vice president? Abortion is about both male and female babies.
@123blakes8 Says:
He makes jimmy carter look good….
@laurens.2503 Says:
How can they be that stupid.
@lylenesvold6700 Says:
We must be prepared for the next president Kamala Harris. Joe will not survive past much past the midterm elections.
@scottgrooters8357 Says:
@nancyking2867 Says:
@Farmer_El Says:
Biden is so managed it reminds me of how the Soviets only trotted out Breshnev when he was lucid.
@JeffreySmith7777 Says:
Just a puppet for the socialist communist Democrats. PRINT THE VOTE! Plandemic ahead.
@chommie5350 Says:
And so crooked ....he knows he cheated in the elections
@user-rc4nw6xy5p Says:
Biden and Harris show up two very important things media commentators get wrong. First - Neither one was put for their "level of intelligence" they were put there to simply let others do the "heavy lifting" around them. Second - while everyone is talking about Joe or Kamala it is wasting everyone's time. The people in the back ground getting the Democrats crazy polices carried out, are free to roam loose. No-one is paying attention to what the minions in the background are doing. That is where media are missing the point. They put out in front of the media, two whacked out characters, and everyone says, what are they actually doing. Look at these clowns. Answer - Nothing. Real answer - the people who picked them - constructed the 2020 election win - are the one's on loose creating political havoc. That's how this game is played. Stop and think about this. Joe and Kamala between the pair of them - do not possess enough brain cells to turn on a light bulb. Yet they are the mass distraction factor. Put them in the media - and everyone's attention is elsewhere. They are doing their job brilliantly. In the meantime the policy minions are loose running around making all the decisions and changes. That's where the focus should be. Where dirty deeds are done dirt cheap.
@jantelogin9754 Says:
He may run, but, he can’t hide!!
@darlenegoodall7797 Says:
He's not..he's a corrupt person..as bad a his kid..
@bobbarker1798 Says:
DT is is a lying, theveing fatass!
@junehudson5474 Says:
He will hide in basement, and let Democrats cheat again.
@richardtravers8772 Says:
Problem with kameltoe is, she isn't wearing her knee pads like she did with Willie Brown
@gilbertoseixas1167 Says:
Biden first run was from the basement. Second run will be from the coffin.
@oldman2800 Says:
Biden never blinks. Is he already dead?
@Warrior_Of_Light_And_Truth Says:
Biden smokes to much crack with Hunter, Why is Biden still in office?
@bluejuce1344 Says:
hes good stop complaining
@Warrior_Of_Light_And_Truth Says:
No one likes Biden at all , why are we even talking about this crap!
@joelopez8535 Says:
Would rather have an sloven, uneducated blowhard (DJT) to be president again?!.
@stableianF1oracle Says:
Apparently Biden shit on Kamala Harris's head but he's still fit for office 😆
@theophrastus3.056 Says:
Goddammit, he needs to go NOW! Has the entire planet gone insane?! You can’t have a senile old fart in the most powerful office in the world. That’s why we have a 25th Amendment. Use it! Look at the damage he’s done in just 18 months. We can’t wait another 2 1/2 years. Do we have to wait until he drops his drawers and takes a 💩 live on national TV?! Democrats - are you telling us Kamala can’t handle it? Why’d you put her there? Just because she’s a woman of color? Tell her to stop giggling, put on her big girl pantsuit, and get ready to actually act her age!
@freelander4058 Says:
He is not frail This is what happens when you are so evil you rot from the inside
@birdlipbandit Says:
He’s a good man. Biden. Top bloke.
@retrofedora7061 Says:
Seriously?. Why is he still in the white house, when he is supposed to be in retirement house.
@bonniehage8163 Says:
Harris is not a viable alternative!
@iDeagles Says:
Why shouldn’t he run? His voters will finally be able to vote for someone just like them. 6ft under.
@briannaugle8350 Says:
Doesn't Matter What She or Even Biden Says.... the government is SO Corrupt that the powers at Be will Put Whatever Puppet they Want in Power! Votes and Public Opinion Do NOT Matter Any Longer! OBVIOUSLY... Plan on More Lies More Force Feedings of Directional Propaganda and FEAR! That's All They Have in Order to Maintain Control of the Sheep (YES U and ME)!!!!!! Unfortunately until Something Stops the Flow this is Becoming a Hurricane of Destruction and Removal of All we Stood For as Americans! 100 years of Back Tracking in a Matter of Months!!!! LETS GO BRANDON and Everyone who Follows this Disaster to the Bitter End.... Good Job! YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED And are Falling Properly into Place on Schedule! By the Time U Wake Up it will Be Far Too Late and then at That Moment I Truly Hope it All Clicks for U like something turning on a light bulb and U KNOW How Badly U FAILED... Good Luck With Following the the Footsteps from Germany in 1940s. Ooops was that Uncalled For??? Too Bad for Everyone who doesn't think this is Happening Again! Better Start Praying u Don't Hafta Suffer through the Horrors of the Next Annihilation of Humanity! But I'm Crazy for Thinking These Thoughts....?
@jfkassnation5980 Says:
Biden may actually forget to run.
@michelepeterson9197 Says:
2nd term? What a Joke!
@j2b3et Says:
Don't worry will find someone dumber to vote for.
@ytr8989 Says:
I believe Biden has always been the way he is.
@InspiredInsights4U Says:
There was a sequel to weekend with Bernie’s remember so a repeat of the Joe Biden presidency yeah I think it’ll probably if he’s even alive will happen because he is in a lot of Democrats Irish the perfect candidate he does nothing but read whatever’s in front of them has no real thoughts in his head that anybody could understand anyway and it’s getting sold now that they’ll soon have to put them on a two wheel dolly to Connor and around from room to room As for Kamala Harris she has no political future the woman is this dumb as a brick she’s a real embarrassment to say that she was formally educated and has a lot agree just listening to her makes me want to take my kids out of school and teach them myself what a horrible individual she is but what do you expect when you start your political career on your knees and on your back
@linda6987 Says:
This country can’t handle a second term. Hell, we can’t handle 1/2 of his first term. I think we need to visit the 25th amendment! She an idiot - God help us if she we asked in!!
@Michael-uo6sq Says:
At this point I'm torn between thinking it would be hilarious Biden running again and cruel
@PonziZombieKiller Says:
Oringeman Empire Collapse
@timheavrin2253 Says:
Mutt and Doofus!!!

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