Government doesn't need a 'voice mechanism' to talk to everyday people

Government doesn't need a 'voice mechanism' to talk to everyday people


CLP Senator Jacinta Price says she doesn't believe in creating 'another layer of bureaucracy' that's going to siphon off the taxpayer dollar amid debate over the government's proposal for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. 'They don't need a voice mechanism to have conversations with everyday people,' Ms Price told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'And given that they haven't done that and that they're disregarding these voices, well then, I simply cannot believe these proposals that are being put forward. 'We've seen so many forms of bureaucracy that have done this and that have failed in terms of trying to alleviate the situation of this advantage for Indigenous Australians.'




@Tyronepeader Says:
Great to see Rottweiler Kenny's smarmy fawning all over Jacinta Price. Think he's found a fellow travelling little favourite there!
@jakeloh326 Says:
Wow such a common sense Senator and leader of OUR people.
@paulchilds9137 Says:
Chris, when are you showing your special criticising the ABC The word is that it was hopeless. It got outrated in its timeslot by the ABC by 5 times by a show about an elderly British women in a wheelchair touring Australia. Rupert and other billionaires are going to be very unhappy with Chris. Try copying some ABC shows and you might get a much bigger audience Epic fail.
@kettlekett13 Says:
Hi please watch out what you say you could drive a wedge between Aboriginals or Australian and bring back the old times when the Aboriginals were at war with the whites
@rogermckinnon5738 Says:
But according to absent Albo there is no native/Aboriginal representation in parliament. That's why he wants the referendum to alter the constitution to give them a voice. Such hypocrisy and disrespect by him and his minister's, against Jacinta and her fellow Aboriginal minister's.
@mitchmccarron8337 Says:
I am so impressed by this great Australian woman, it's obvious she truly cares about her people and her country. Perhaps someday she will govern this great nation - and re-take all ingenious lands, in a sense - and that will settle the matter once and for all. Perhaps... Mitch from Gippsland Vic.
@andrewwilliams8413 Says:
Legend ! everything that is great ! About Aborigines, not political correctness, quite frankly the least politically correct people in the world. God save Aborigines from white lefties !
@lja8534 Says:
Absolutely I agree it will be another way they can blame indigenous when systematic problems hinder solutions.
@gregnulik1975 Says:
So, they admit it's not our govt anymore. Who's for a non profit representative ?
@judyadams8178 Says:
Just love and admire Jacinta price U are my hero, love to u from one Australian to another
@user-pf2ll4ck7f Says:
ABC YouTube channel only has 1.67 Million subscribers while Sky News has 2.68M. However, ABC is spending tax payer’s money without tax payer’s consent. Stop funding ABC. ABC didn’t report any of Jacinta Price’s speech because she said the truth that they don’t want to listen. ABC can’t represent my view, or any Australian’s view, why they cost money? I rather donate money to local animal shelter.
@infidel202 Says:
I agree Ms Price these woke politically correct sanctimonious career politicians should go to these communities before making decisions that impact Australian citizens lives, the amount of money spent on staged performances in political point scoring should be spent instead to improve the lives of Australians in isolated remote communities, clean water, proper sewerage systems, education, health, adequate housing, write to your local government member tell them you want action not words, if you turn your tap on you expect clean water
@ralphsmith1170 Says:
Jacinda gives me hope that we may be able to move away from the slavish obeisance to WOKE activism, and finally begin to address the real issues affecting Aboriginal people in Australia.
@ritaloitz719 Says:
There is a leader whom I would like to see as a PM.
@dontbeasheeple5883 Says:
When would they ever consider talking to us mere plebs?
@thelegendofmikehunt9573 Says:
Reconciliation has never been the aim. Colonialism has been constructed by the Neo-Marxists as the ‘unforgivable sin’ to gain cultural and political power at the expense of aboriginal people who they need to keep in perpetual impoverishment and dysfunction for their model to work.
@paulslater9061 Says:
The governments in power around the world don't know honesty it's alien to them we need to fight back or we will regret it
@thelegendofmikehunt9573 Says:
‘Labor’ politicians have never met a working-class person in their lives. Labor: once the cream of the working-class, now the dregs of the upper class.
@pwillis1589 Says:
Constitutional recognition and a voice are essential to reconciliation.
@Prognosis__ Says:
Lucille is striking for better pay? Where’s Lucy? 50c isn’t worth working for with high inflation
@stephanmaric6796 Says:
One country, one nation one flag!!!
@TheRealBobSmith. Says:
Kenny what is your go ? Why are you pushing to have a 2 layered society . We are all Australian . Enough! It will do nothing but cost a bucket of cash .

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