Eurasia Group president weighs in on potential Ukraine negotiation with Russia

Eurasia Group president weighs in on potential Ukraine negotiation with Russia


The president & founder of the Eurasia Group, Ian Bremmer, weighs in on Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley's comments about potential peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. #CNN #News




@SelimeOzdemir-gundy Says:
@CrouchingShiba Says:
The Ukrainian people have nothing to fear with brave American warriors like Ian Bremmer standing right behind them.
@you6382tube Says:
Putin is doomed. He knows it. He will be taken down from the inside. He's paranoid. Russia is destined to lose in the long run. Crimea goes back to Ukraine.
@CamiloSanchez1979 Says:
My man Ian is the person to go for geopolitical business.
@lunafringe10 Says:
Russia could talk.., but won’t surrender what it has won. But the conditions must be right. No US and no NATO within the Ukraine. The western sanctions must be dropped. If none of that happens, that war will get ugly . Nuclear war.
@louml6233 Says:
Peace is always be there if Russia just stop attacking and invading Ukraine.
@missteresavlog5102 Says:
As being a resident of rural central India a village named Bohani in Narsinghpur district in Madhya Pradesh in Republic of India the Russian army and Ukraine army clash is like some villagers taking their cattles forcibly into their neighborhood farms :)💥💥💥💥 🙏🍬🍭🍫🚃🚑🚒💥💥💥💥
@henrikmadsen6100 Says:
When Russia is completely out of Ukraine, including Crimea and Eastern provinces held since 2014, and Russia has committed to pay for all damages and reconstruction. When Russia has replaced current leadership and given up a sizable part, if not all, of their nuclear armament, then and only then should the West even consider removing any sanctions.
@norinretrescu2474 Says:
what a clown 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@Chukichev.Scientificmyths Says:
Переговоры о чём? Пример: грабитель ворвался в ваш дом, насилует жену, отобрал половину дома, а соседи вместо помощи соседу, предлагают договариваться с преступником. Говорят, что жена уже рабыня насильника и половина дома тоже ему принадлежит. Такие "уговоры" жертвы свидетельствуют о трусости соседей и отсутсевтвии у них совести.
@Stop-this714 Says:
Typical CNN Rubbish 👎
@JohnCSmith-lp1qr Says:
Ne that les Boris Johnson block d ... the talks in Astana. Back in June
@joepublic8473 Says:
Peace talks now are needed.
@j.g4104 Says:
I tell you what if word gets out that putin was going to ukraine for peace talks , id fly to ukraine obtain a sniper rifle & a spotter looking to remove putin... im sure someone would I know for a fact that putin is scared right now , so scared he refuses to leave the country & is worried not only what would happen outside of russia if he left but also from inside russia & he's keep all his generals , close staff all very close by trying to keep a coup from happening
@xD3MONxIxSOULx Says:
This is kind of wishful thinking. Russia has nukes and that changes everything.
@lanceb7288 Says:
Glory to holy mother Russia from America!
@darkhart1275 Says:
The fact that there was collateral damage do to a missile strike outside of Ukraine should never have been a Suprise! (the only surprise is that it didn't happen sooner) considering the fact that Russian missiles are not known for their accuracy as evident by the "special operation" over the past 300 days. and that Poland didn't have any anti missile systems in place along its borders to a country under attack by missiles was just stupid.
@tatianalyulkin410 Says:
But you're not speaking the truth. You are lying.
@tatianalyulkin410 Says:
How many civilians were killed on Donbass during the last 9 years? Sorry, my bad- " It's not the same! ". We're just totally not human. Oh, well, what are you gonna do?
@indydude3367 Says:
Putin has already won. Russia has utterly destroyed 1/5 of Ukraine. Russia will keep Crimea and the coal-rich Donbas. Russia is now smashing Ukraine's power infrastructure, bridges, etc. Not a good fit for NATO anymore. Mission Accomplished.
@mgronich948 Says:
Delusional. Ukraine lobbed a missile into Ukraine because the absolutely need NATO to invervene. They see the writing on the wall. They got an unamed US Intel official to call the AP and blame the strike on Russia. But NATO came back loud and clear NATO will not intervene militarily. And by saying it was a Ukrainian missile, Zelensky, don't do this again. Milley also sees the writing on the wall. The US sends 30 NASAM missiles to Ukraine and it can shoot down 30 Iranian drones. But what about the other 2,370 drones Russia has on order? How will Ukraine resupply its army when the cities don't have electricity? The neocons like Bremmer would like to see Ukraine fight to the last Ukrainina. Milley wants Ukraine to have a few people left to pick up the pieces.
@dennisstafford1749 Says:
Milley's odd comments and odd timing. Milley responded to a question addressed to Secretary Powers, NOT him. His statement seamed prepared and it is as if he jumped at an opportunity to make it, unsolicited. His statement did NOT concur with Secretary Power's statements which were coordinated with Biden's policy. Milley's comments were walked back by the White House but Milley did not clarify these statements. The missile strike, press conference and and Milley statement occurred in context with the G-20 summit, the monthly defense coalition meetings for cooperative exchange between the West and Ukraine, and the errant missile firing amongst a timed barrage attack by the Russians. Lavrov had just come from a meeting. He left soon after. Milley has not been fired or resigned and no comment is yet forthcoming but clearly he intentionally spoke in opposition from the current White House strategy and by so doing called policy into doubt. This was a rebellion from the leader of the Joint Chiefs of Staff after recent Republican wins in the House of Representatives. Did Milley believe he was emboldened to speak with a Republican opposition now in place in Congress? And if so why has he not been sacked? I think the future will include a dismissal or resignation of some Pentagon figures.
@liemto9485 Says:
Russia, Ukraine, America are crazy people because they only know how to fight but don't know the way out - The Russians in Donbas do not want to live with Ukraine, the Ukrainians in Donbas do not want to live with Russia, so the Donbas should be divided into two, one half each. - Should let Crimea belong to Russia, Kherson provides water for Crimea - Ukraine should be neutral, but the major powers must sign a treaty to protect Ukraine, if Ukraine is invaded
@TaokosOg Says:
I like how people who never been in the military or been deployed to a war zone themselves, are now somehow experts. The top general in the United States military that oversees all of the military is saying it's time for peace talks, and all you hear is the drums of war. It's disgusting.... For shame!
@antoniofiorentinodistefano2940 Says:
How many nonsensical statements can you make within the 20 odd minutes you are on the air. This man is a master at it.He of course loves the US and loves the Russian people, though I suspect few Russian believe that. And I hope few people in the US put their trust in his opinion. So we have spent all those billions to create Ukraine as the strongest power in Europe, precisely what the Russian have said they will not accept. I wonder what Germany and France think of the prospect? But he has done what he was tasked to do: push for war until the final defeat of Russia.
@jaapongeveer6203 Says:
Negotiate once russia is pushed out of every foot of Ukraine.
@EricMerolaFilms Says:
If there are to be any negotiations... it is immediate inclusion of Ukraine into NATO.
@EricMerolaFilms Says:
It's really simple: until the Russian Federation is destroyed, this problem will continue.
@electronicfarts5105 Says:
awwwww poor wee Putin got a bloody nose and wants to negotiate.
@AGENDA_1938 Says:
why are as subjects for "peace" negotiation are always seen "territories" that would have to be given up. First of all: These "territories" are not just different colors on a map - they are resorts of breaches of the basics of human coexistence on a level of evilness likely without any president. But mainly: If the conflict drags on without a negotiated settlement, the Kremlin itself knows very well what that means fo Russia besides almost certain further retreats: - armed forces, that are for years if not decades degraded to a not serious conventional power any more and limited to it's nuclear threat potential - recovery challenges for Russia itself beyond foreseeable capacity of Russia - decreasing revenue potential on the world's commodity markets - an increasing unstable fabric of the society and the country as a whole Russia's interest at such negotiations for sure already is much beyond peaces of robbed land. So why does no one come up with this as bargaining options: Hey - you get a deal, if you leave, pay reparations and hand over war criminals. That deal will ensure you, - that you can sell commodities as long as there is a market for you - that your armed forces can remain on the recent level - that you can fix your own domestic mayhem - that you can return into international frameworks much sooner than with any other option.
@WEASEL8512 Says:
No more money for ukrain
@GEX-_- Says:
It doesnt matter who fired this missle at Poland. What matters is why its happened/happening. The blame is on russia even if it was Ukrainians. 7 generations of shame to those who started this, will not be sufficient when ww3 ends in 2030.
@DSandy111 Says:
NATO should install large numbers of air defense assets along the Polish border and if it happens to protect western Ukraine, that's just a bonus! 😉
@henrywilliams8313 Says:
Just watch russia will announce in a general mobilisation in a few months
@lionelpayette4628 Says:
Best honest video ever 👍👍👍👍👍
@southernstablesauto Says:
How do you "negotiate" with an opponent that is currently, historically and unquestionably either unable or unwilling or any combination thereof, to identify the reality or truths of any one situation with any degree of confidence in their word? If they invaded a country under the auspices of "denazification" which was in and of itself a deception... then, I just have to ask...can you believe anything they say or promise? The result of any "agreement" is to honor that agreement. Anyone here detect the slightest scent of honor? Me either. Foot to the floor, all or compromises. "Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive."
@Chicago48 Says:
There have been peace talks in the past, held by Turkey. Russia doesn't want to talk.
@elizabethnjoki6186 Says:
The only way out of this war is not forcing Ukraine to a negotiating table . But get Ukraine out of Russian slavery . When you negotiate with the devil and decide to give him your finger , he will come for the hand and eventually the whole body .
@ercost60 Says:
Really enjoyed Ian's take and thoughtful insights on the Russians. Slava Ukraini!
@knowledge3563 Says:
weighs in heheheh ok sure like we care what he say
@bushlee6844 Says:
Russia can destroy europe without nuclear weapons, JUST SO U KNOW
@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 Says:
hahaha Zelensky used CNN and BBC to spread his fake news! NATO admits Zelensky 'outright lied' about attack on Poland, observers slam Kiev The world held its breath on Tuesday after a missile hit a Polish farm near the border with Ukraine, killing two people. Ukrainian officials immediately blamed Moscow, while their Western patrons invoked the NATO Treaty article on collective defence. It soon turned out that the missile was Ukrainian. Western support for Zelensky's government is showing signs of strain, with Kiev's insistence that the S-300 air defense missile that landed in the village of Przewodow in southeastern Poland was Russian, despite evidence pointing to the on the contrary, adding insult to injury.
@TheGreenVeterans Says:
Seams like an epic movie : Poland has been secretly giving Ukrainian pilots and flight crews training to use the F16s from the start of the war. 9 months is enough to put a squadron of pilots and crews together. After testing and real war research. Advance drone technology groups and combat ready manpower are now working as independent units. Combined mission strikes! Send swarms sea and air drones to attack front and rear lines of defense, followed by waves of missile attacks with at least 400 mile reach to hit radar, command and control centers ahead of F16 air strikes on rail yards, ships, munitions depots and airports. Putin’s conscripts will run over each other to get to what’s left of the bridge to Russia from Crimea! This script is already written, the actors are now learning their parts. Rehearsals are probably just about over. The weather will set the stage. The outcome and epitaph for Putin’s and his troops are waiting to be written in their blood at the right moment. 😊
@KINGGEORGE-nl5ye Says:
when the rusians were being killed by Hitler the warsaw pact saved russian asses now they respond with rocket attacks?
@KINGGEORGE-nl5ye Says:
so a sarmat response will befit the Kremlin for suspision being behind rocket attacks on warsaw
@KINGGEORGE-nl5ye Says:
were addressing a security situation in Poland how is that a provocation to russia?
@KINGGEORGE-nl5ye Says:
putin should focus on his sovereign interests
@KINGGEORGE-nl5ye Says:
Russia has nothing to do with a possible Polish sovereign interest
@KINGGEORGE-nl5ye Says:
Polands more of a nato member and ally and associated more with the west than Russia

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