NATO must keep 'cool head' over missile incident in Poland, says Estonian PM

NATO must keep 'cool head' over missile incident in Poland, says Estonian PM


Estonia's Prime Minister Kaja Kallas tells Christiane Amanpour NATO countries should see the bigger picture as Russia tries to "terrorize" allies while waging "full-scale war" in Ukraine. #CNN #News




@sergeysergeev7564 Says:
Let's ask ourselves, who needs a war? Is Russia trying to talk Ukraine out of peace agreements? No. The US and UK were officially proud that they had dissuaded Ukraine from at least 4 types of peace agreements. Ukraine, at the insistence of the United States and Great Britain, even refused the peace plan of China! In other words, the US and the UK are deliberately setting Ukraine up for a new round of death. More than 300,000 lives have already died in Ukraine! Isn't that enough? Why are the US and UK trying to dissuade Ukraine? Very simple. The United States and Britain created a test site from Ukraine to test their weapons against Russia "in real conditions", not giving a damn about the fact that real people are dying at this test site, this is immoral. While the whole planet is begging Ukraine to cease fire and stop, to sit down at the negotiating table, the US and Britain are proud that they dissuaded Ukraine from a peaceful this normal and adequate? No! Now Britain has supplied Ukraine with missiles with a range of 400 km, which will lead to the fact that Russia will have to respond in kind in Ukraine, even more people will die! Does anyone feel sorry for them? Didn't the UK realize that new weapons would lead to more deaths? Understood. Why did you post? Because the "polygon" and they do not feel sorry for the Ukrainian people. We must stop, such a round of weapons will lead the world to a nuclear war in which everyone will die. The culprits in a nuclear war will not be Russia, but the United Kingdom and the United States.
@sergeysergeev7564 Says:
Zelensky pocket president of the US and the EU. All you see is a theater with an actor without an Oscar. There has been no government in Ukraine since 2014! The puppets of the USA and the EU have seized power and through them they control the territory of "Ukraine"! Zelensky is a showman, his only task is to make a pitiful face on camera and cry how bad they feel so that the US and the EU develop their defense industry by sending weapons to Ukraine. But everyone forgot that people live in Ukraine who will die from these weapons. It seems to you that you are doing good by sending rockets and machine guns, but this is a false feeling, it creates situations in which the war is only developing. Biden knows this, but he's in the gun business.
@joseaugustofigueiredo2796 Says:
Magnanimous and grandiose Russian nation looks out even in space. It will soon have its only space station. The United States will still be at the top of the death tolls of the space race, this answer is for the media in Brazil and the United States who attacked the Russian program, saying that it was all conceived at risk. Russia to send rescue spacecraft to bring Russian and American crew to Earth Russia will send the Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) on February 20 to bring three astronauts, two Russians and one American, back to Earth. The rescue mission comes after the capsule that was originally supposed to transport them failed and suffered damage in mid-December. For that reason, Russian space authorities decided to send another spacecraft, the Soyuz MS-23. The Soyuz MS-22 capsule, currently docked to the ISS, registered a coolant leak. The images clearly showed a jet of particles coming out of the back of the vehicle. The Russian space agency, Roscosmos, considered that the state of the device was too uncertain to bring Russian astronauts Sergei Prokopiev and Dmitri Petelin and American Frank Rubio. Roscosmos reported that the capsule "will be launched on February 20, 2023 without passengers", but with material on board. There are currently seven people on the space station. Not counting the damaged MS-22, there is only one rescue vehicle left, with the capacity to transport four people, in case it is necessary to carry out a withdrawal. An initial assessment of the causes of the leak pointed to possible ruptures caused by small meteorites of natural origin, artificial debris in orbit or material damage. Roscosmos ruled out any mechanical failure and confirmed that the problem was due to a small meteorite impact. According to the Russian agency, the blow caused a hole of "less than a millimeter in diameter" in a cooling tube.
@hanjianwar7189 Says:
@hanjianwar7189 Says:
@IgorBogdanov-rc2ql Says:
I only speak Ukrainian. I am using google translator. Therefore, please excuse me if the translation is bad! I am from Western Ukraine. I am a nurse and I save lives. I live now in Germany. I need a lawyer to file, with other disabled citizens of Ukraine, a lawsuit against Norway. My husband, a Ukrainian (oil worker, human rights activist) became disabled as a result of his defense of the rights of other people (Norwegian and Russian media for 9 years). My husband fought corruption in the Russian oil giant, which was headed by the founder of the 6th Directorate of the FSB and the ex-Chancellor of Germany. My husband defended the rights of disabled people and Ukrainians in Norway against Russian-speaking citizens of this NATO country. The Norwegians took my disabled husband to Moscow AFTER: anti-war pickets of my husband in the Russian Federation, his defense of the rights of Ukrainians in Norway, the issuance of documents to my husband by the Norwegian Red Cross for his close relatives (Polish servicemen repressed by the Russians), sentencing his defender to prison (in married to a citizen of Finland for 25 years) in Belarus, who reported the crime of the Norwegians against the Ukrainians and was recognized as a Political prisoner. My husband and his lawyer warned the Norwegians about the coming war, but they did not believe him. The husband was kidnapped and the war began. And after the war began, the Norwegians do NOT admit their mistakes! Unlike the Swedes, the Norwegians DO NOT LIKE to admit their mistakes even when the Chechen refugees deported by the Norwegians were killed in the Russian Federation (Norwegian media).....SS
@servakas1 Says:
Estonian PM is useless. Most Estonians hate her.
@carpenter3069 Says:
Two facts point toward a Russian missile. First - the warhead was at least 2x's more powerful warhead than that used by the S-300. Second, and more telling, the coordinates of Przewodów, Poland are 50.47 degrees latitude and 23.92 degrees longitude. That's the same longitude as Lviv and the same latitude as Kyiv. The Russians probably launched a 3M-54 Kalibr cruise missile which uses inertial guidance with inputted coordinates. Quite smart by Russia really, they get to send a tangible warning to Poland while at the same time having plausible deniability. They can just say one of their missile crew accidentally inputted the wrong coordinates if they are caught.
@hermansutadi6243 Says:
NATO is losing its mind
@amansadu5034 Says:
I think its clear Ukraine fired the missile in the name of Russia So that NATO will join the war publicly...
@MrsH202 Says:
I can’t take anything these people say seriously to be honest. Diplomacy is where NATO should be deploying its efforts and not giving demands and trying to control non western countries. Escalating conflict isn’t the way forward 😳
@Vindiisel Says:
She’s corrupted. Its in her DNA
@Chukichev.Scientificmyths Says:
Чтобы таких "инцидентов" не происходило, поставляйте больше современных противоракетных систем. Экстраполяция на примере: когда большая вооружённая банда атаковала полицейский участок со всех видов оружия, полицейские отстреливаясь, ранили прохожего. Может стоит в этом случае не обвинять защищающихся полицейских, а возложить вину на правительство, допустившее разгул преступности?
@khemrath493 Says:
good new how every one think?
@brandon9610 Says:
since when does nato control our country f&#k them its none of our business lob a bomb in the USA be a way different story they made their bed sleep in it
@TripleAstyle1 Says:
No worries, Biden probably hasn't even realized what's happened yet. Just keep letting russia do whatever they want because Trump.... Sad
@janicetan5299 Says:
Freezing all Russian money abroad who serve in the mobilization
@ИванОбразцов-ж8з Says:
@maxrpm2215 Says:
It came from the Russians the crater is to big, nato knows it.
@Zalundra Says:
Ukraine steals our money
@thomasbarth4129 Says:
the main focus is Not .., FTX
Maybe the missiles were Russians .but Russia is too big for us. So we continue the bla bla bla
@brucewayne2503 Says:
Ya because they were Ukrainian missles
@zerihuntefera2866 Says:
I completely disagree with this lady says. Ukraine will never defeats Russia. It is betger to lookfor another optkon.
@suzanahong8312 Says:
Kaja Kallas you seem to be a real warmonger !! How about peace talk ????
@sanmeneaTV Says:
@davhag3089 Says:
The American military-industrial complex is a threat to humanity!
@markelmslie6832 Says:
Everyone knows it was a Russian missile but it is best to pretend it was an accident caused by a Ukrainian anti aircraft missile to prevent escalation!
@thedustyhead Says:
" So this never happens again " .... " So this never happens again " BUT IT'S HAPPENING NOW !!! At the very least NATO should close the skies of western Ukraine to protect borders ! That could hardly be seen as an attack on Russia !! Let me get this straight NATO's protection of it's borders is it hopes Russia doesn't attack them !? In it's self defense , Ukraine is not allowed to attack Russians in Russia !? But they are free to have their cities And themselves pulverized by Russian missiles while they try to defend themselves with Soviet era missiles from the 80s ? If Ukraine had twice as much air defense and twice as many HIMARS , it would still only have half as much as they need !! I mean what are we doing here ?! If this is a demonstration of NATO helping to protect a sovereign country , I'd hate to see what happens to a country they are not helping !!
@alkra1247 Says:
Hahah Russia looking pretty goos so far. Is NATO gonna hit Ukraine for bombing NATO territory?
@TM-tw1py Says:
Clearly, the US needs to send Nuclear Warheads into Moscow and Beijing. The only rational thing to do is start WW III.
@Blitzkers99 Says:
Its a shame how useless US air defense are. They can't intercept a normal Missiles, what they will do to Sarmat, they will die even before they see it coming. It shows how useless NATO is
@Blitzkers99 Says:
Biden : We will Defend every Inch of NATO Missiles fired inside NATO territory and even Killed Innocent Civilians Biden : Is Poland there in NATO 🤔
@Blitzkers99 Says:
Its shows how useless NATO is 😂
@Benjamin-tg79 Says:
Zelensky is a privocateur. The events in Poland are an attempt to start Word War 3
@sparky7915 Says:
It has been proven that the missile was fired by the Russian army. Some Russian soldier reversed the latitude and longitude numbers. So the missile crashed in Poland instead of Kyiv in Ukraine.
@lucycamo4664 Says:
It really would have matter if it was lunch in a real western country as France or Germany but this is Poland.... No one would risk to start a such war for a country like Poland come on man 🙄
@vandenriesen1294 Says:
Stoltenberg said, "It was a Ukraine missile that hit Poland". Truth is Zelensky lied to NATO. His next LIE is, Bucha 3.0 in Kherson. He will ask for more money and more free weapons
@Luigi13 Says:
The Estonian leader she is very logical in her answers and most Eastern block European countries are, because they have lived through Russian occupation and they have the experience of it. Other western European nations where fiddling with Russia years before the war and never been under Communism before, the only thing that comes close are the World wars which affected all of Europe. By this measure especially a leader like France, Italy and a few others they feel nothing will reach them since they are further from those Russian borders. In my view if it came to a war footing I don't visualize Macron as or even close to what Zelensky is able to endure and handle. Some of these young European leaders they don't look like they have the stamina or personality to stand up to Russia. In this big club of NATO only few countries such as Britain and others have stood up and still do to help Ukraine and be more aggressive towards Russia. Macron got even slapped in the street and that showed his vulnerability as a president. When you are leading a country you have to carry the weight or you are not qualified.
@andrewstromfeld312 Says:
I know all the European Nations have all their armament factories working full speed 24/7 turning out weapons for Ukraine, right? ⚙️
@Luigi13 Says:
We are in the nine month of this war and we are seeing a lot of destruction and death of civilians over and over. NATO countries and the US are helping Ukraine with logistics and armaments but also they are limiting where and how Ukraine can hit back at Russia for what it is doing, so we watch a slaughter of civilians day by day because Putin wants to win at all cost and I heard the US saying we have to defeat Putin. Somehow the West is also acting in its own interest trying not to provoke Russia just because they have nuclear weapons and they have no limits to what they can do. The fear that the West seems to hold on to not provoke Putin while he is killing too many civilians what will it help here? If Ukraine falls because one day they might find that the help is dwindling isn't it in the court of NATO to face Russia face to face? What is the West waiting to not wanting to close the skies at any risk here? It is simply the fear of escalation and it is giving Putin the upperhand to keep destroying the country against civilians. Or is the West buying time at the expense of Ukrainians life to prepare itself? Anyone has a better thought?
@fausto15091960 Says:
PM Kaj Kallas proves to be a person of exceptional lucidity in this interview, a lot of people still don't realize that if we let Russia win the price to pay will be much higher than the price of gas. Now I follow her on Twiter.
@chhunchhay8467 Says:
Keep the tone low to defuse the tension.
@СергейШестаков-я8м Says:
Is Ukraine a democracy? No. Ukraine has been waging war against a significant part of its own population for many years, and all opposition press is banned. Is Ukraine a state where the rule of law prevails? No. Torture and extrajudicial executions have become the norm for Ukraine. Does Ukraine want to drag NATO into a world war? Yes, without this, Ukraine will lose... Will you go to die for Zelensky?
@skylangford6083 Says:
Go on, hate and blame the Russians just as Joseph Goebbels and the Germans once did. We all know how that ended....
@shivamsrivastava664 Says:
Very rare women are good and brave pms. For eg if today ukraine would have been ruled by so female thenbthe war could have ended a lot earlier and a lot of lives could have been saved with some part of ukraine given to russia
@Kevin_geekgineering Says:
yeah chill out, women and children in Ukraine got your back they are defending Europe for you
@jimroth2493 Says:
It’s stupid and dangerous to keep on in that direction…Ukraine will be totaly distroyed unfortunately if it doesn’t stop, don.t you see that ?Just common sens!
@manni7356 Says:
So the rest of the world should allow Russia to completely destroy Ukraine for the war Russia started which has no reason or rationality behind it. Ukraine needs weapons that can reach Russia, that way citizens of Russia can rise up against putin and stop this insanity.
@RayCasey2010 Says:
She has epaulettes on Super creepy war mongering...

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