'Come back to bite them': China left with 'egg on its face' after spy balloon incident

'Come back to bite them': China left with 'egg on its face' after spy balloon incident


China's attempt at undermining the United States' position ahead of talks between the two nations has 'come back to bite them on the toe' after President Joe Biden destroyed its spy balloon, according to ASPI's Malcolm Davis. 'The Chinese have now got egg on their face, and they look the aggressor, but certainly it doesn't help in terms of trying to mend fences between Beijing and Washington DC,' he told commentator Steve Price. 'Not that any real significant advance in that aspect would have been made at these talks.'




@jennyohara4011 Says:
what evidence does Sky news have that it was spying? looks like more WMD lies to me
@jennyohara4011 Says:
Has the FBI ADMITTED what they are checking out has no spyware?
@JuelzFromPaldea Says:
Cmon government is in on it lol
Nothing intelligent about it. I'm guessing it was made in China so it probably broke a day after launch.
@cetujavu3466 Says:
Why not everyone talking about...they shot down the mechanical part...and destroyed Into thousands of pieces... When they could have just shot at the ballon ...and let the unit just crash into ocean for fast recovery... Instead.. They took direct aim at the unit..with $400k missiles. 😆...
@shazanata Says:
no one these days is stupid enough to believe its just a weather balloon. Well, China might be. Why can’t China mind its only business and work on their problems.
@Piecenotwar Says:
The Chinese themselves admitted they had lost control of it, so a out of control aircraft in foreign airspace without authorisation, I wouldn’t expect any other response than to blow it up.
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
On what evidence is everybody assuming this was a spy sattelite.
@sloopjohnb7271 Says:
War with China, War in Ukraine, Energy Crisis due to CO2 stance, Everything woke, North Korea firing Missiles across Japan, Governments worldwide like lost sheep. World economic Forum, wanting a "New World Order" Like we have not heard that from Europe before. Re-Runs of US Democratic Party up to their top legs in Lies With much the same people. headed by a guy that doesn't know which direction he is going. (Puppet). Media so Bias ! So called scientist lying through their teeth for Grants What chance do the people have? How can we feel safe? How are We supposed to see a future with all this going on? Crime is through the roof, we are loosing police, medical care is a joke, mean while the elite fly their planes live up the high life totally unaffected. The Schmitt is going to hit the fan.. Paddled up the river by a Heir Schwab ! China is going to WAR! They have made that perfectly clear, Taiwan will be just a small part of the Plan ! But what is happening the world has been distracted by fake situations Running around trying to impress how green we are! How Woke we are! how reasonable and fair we are! Rubbish. We can see what is wrong, common sense has gone. Stupidity has been bred into us. Sheep.  ( I'm going to use capital letters not to shout but to highlight ) BUT TO WHAT END. HERE IN AUSTRALIA THE ABC LIES AND DEFAMES. YET THE GOVERNMENT PICKS UP THE COURT COSTS! HOW HAS GOVERNMENT BECOME SO CORRUPT SO OPENLY ? Media! What ever happened to open reporting? Note Reporting! Un-bias truth? We have a Labor Government with a genius among them.. Yes we have! He is going to rewrite Capitalism ! Russia, Communist State ! Has Billionaires. China's Communist Party, Has Billionaires. Capitalist are Billionaires! In one way or another it requires oppression of people and control of people. I really think Labor's Genius has NO answer to the World System of Oppression. There is always going to be someone at the bottom. Far more than those that are at the top. why because most people are decent people and care ! Unlike those that seek great power and money. Those that corrupt government departments.Use police agencies and the so called justice system to shut their oppositions down.  Politicians that stand up and bare face LIE! How is it we are to vote for referendums without FULL Disclosure! Full and Final Details. Sounds to me like these guys are ex Car salesmen. Or worse these days. Builders of new homes taking on more than they can handle leaving people out on the street. DON'T WORRY there are Laws against that and back up schemes. Aren't there? What a JOKE! We are all suckers. The Australian Government allows Private foreign companies to sensor supposedly FREE Australians. Billions in crime via internet. Banks make us use Plastic cards and internet. But what protection is given to the end user? How much cheaper is it for the Bank. Sacking peoples jobs for machines? We are heading for power outs where is your money then? This is real ! It is Happening NOW!
@Pasta-B1FBA Says:
@Anonymousa69 Says:
Philippines just opened 5 military bases for the US and its allies. The Philippines also made a deal with Taiwan for evacuation measures if war does breakout with the mainland.
@georgehoyn916 Says:
The CCP believes Americans and the woke BS with confuses crap they started in universities and work places including wall street to gain developing country status, they keep peddling this crap assuming after seeing what is happening with Biden supporting it even within the US military the UN is also supporting this garbage by CCP members outnumbering all other countries letting the stupidity by saboteurs selectively placed bought and bribed to do the bidding of the CCP same applies with all that the CCP is involved with country after country is and are being destroyed failing basic intelligence EU, African, Asian, Latin American, Canadian, Australian with Pacific nations being sabotaged by CCP funds bribes and promises. To me it appears the Biden family with the actions of Joe Biden Supported by the Democrat party have been allowing sabotage and treason to continue by supporting the CCP, Joe Biden has not to date pulled up the CCP for any of the UN and domestic laws broken and abused claiming they are not enemies but adversaries perhaps if the media dug a little deeper presenting some facts to the US people might find the Bidens have grown very wealth from CCP funding in shady ways working just like the HSBC which has been laundering funds for Drug dealers cartels criminals countries of all description and is still operating with the blessing of the WTO , and many more UN bodies compromising poor little countriess that should have developing county status
@MsLizzyPower Says:
Pentagon says it had 'an awareness gap' that led to failure to detect 3 Chinese balloons under Trump days CNN today !
@samanthadixon5323 Says:
why would china make such an obvious balloon for spying ! somethings not right here and we know the main stream media are just fed lines and lies from the powers that be
@mikechec Says:
So sick of this bs media
@mtcruse Says:
The Xiden regime should NEVER have allowed the balloon to enter US ETJ, let alone over the continent. However, do we chalk this up to the absolute incompetence of the current Resident or that Xiden is in the pocket of the CCP? Guess we need to break out Occam's Razor on this event...
@ObservableUniverse888 Says:
2019 china sent sinle engineen jet with one missile fied and downed 1 US spy balloon, but today US flyed 7 + aircraft and carrier battle group to 'counter' a unarmed balloon...my laughing stock
@denysmith9469 Says:
Made in China ? How did it get so far
@williamsimmons7093 Says:
Went over Canada first , they didn;t even notice it. Nice work Trudeau
@JimSmithInChiapas Says:
"Left with egg on their faces"? Sure -- they can cry all the way to their "peaceful" occupation of Taipei. Why would the Taiwanese believe that the US have their backs any more?
@iDeagles Says:
China Joe was backed into a corner and forced to finally take action. They had no intention of recovering anything to study or they would’ve used the cannon and not a missile to bring it down.
@hotchihuahua1546 Says:
Swing it any way you want . Bottom line , both nations would have argued the same point and done EXACTLY the same think ! Although the US showed a lot of patience, patience that was not a good look for US national security .
@daniellelee4920 Says:
Time to fire back Americans spy satellite…
@LabelsAreMeaningless Says:
There was no egg. You guys made this balloon thing into a huge drama fest in order to distract from something else. Sensible people do not care about the balloon. It wasn't the first time, it won't be the last and they always have the satellites. Stop being children or treating your viewers like children. Now tell us what the heck you were all trying to distract us from.
@medialcanthus9681 Says:
This is precisely how westernized superficial minds do not and cannot understand Sun Tzu .
@rhonamocke6527 Says:
Yes I have seen one.
@Judah_Stroyer Says:
I expect this kind of trash behavior from Pooh Bear and the CCP. The slow and tepid response from the White House is whats more alarming and shows that this administration is weak and spineless at best, but more likely they are just paid off CCP Stans.
@ppmppm7010 Says:
Really like the idea of countries dropping giant water balloons on each other
@donttakethebait Says:
It’s not China whom has egg on their face, it is the whole damn omelet on the face of the U.S.
@donttakethebait Says:
You did notice that they aimed for and hit the equipment instead of the helium filled balloon, right? Intentional!
@TerrenceBosworth Says:
If it was a weather balloon gone of course why didn't the CCP inform the USA that the balloon was out of control ? CCP lips are moving, they are lying.
@JayOw-ug6zt Says:
Small children playing with a balloon. China did something like this to burst your balloon? China supplies you with Tesla cars, but without NIO there is no Tesla. China supplies you with mobile phones, chips, solar panels, so why are you throwing dirt on China? How will you feel in the cool XPEV flying cars that will take you anywhere?
@ThePathStrider Says:
China has pretty much embarrassed the US on the world stage. Who exactly has egg on their face?
@_SamUSA_ Says:
The CCP have a huge problem with their spy satellites. That's why they need to use balloons. The problem is that their satellites are made in China.
@TheKkpop1 Says:
Chinaphobia is making a big issue on balloon and twisting the incident an spying balloon. I can understand US is lacking confident to deal with China.
@charlesventry1004 Says:
Why is nobody talking about the second balloon over South America
@keithcanfield3251 Says:
Amazing the word acrobatics some use to spin this story. The only ones with egg on their face is the Biden administration.
@padensposies6009 Says:
No Biden looks weeeeeeeak
@davidklaehn2938 Says:
@teejohnston2635 Says:
This balloon was arranged! Biden and CCP are thick friends... Biden needs an argument to bug out of Ukraine aid since he has finally recognized that Russia wins by a large margin and that billions of aid are useless... Gosh.
@JoseParedes-qd2mi Says:
Thank u for leaving comments on unlike channel nine and others…..
@JoseParedes-qd2mi Says:
Why would they not capture the satalight, using a hot air ballon,chopper whatever, seems like they wanted the equipment destroyed … Seems odd to me….. They cold have called ELLON as well..😅
@eyeswideshut783 Says:
Are they using a Balloon to start an fund a war 🤔
@Mr86tango Says:
What a stunt for mentally ill incompetent FJB. You shoot the thing down before it completes its surveillance mission across the USA. This incompetent A$$ needs to be impeached, indicted and incarcerated! Maybe someone from Texas can do some dragging behind their pickup truck too BBQ. 🤣
@FlattardiansSuck Says:
The USA does CONSTANT fly overs by planes, satellites and balloons.... Stop talking crap, and whining because someone did what YOU did. Power to Ukraine
@gregsmarth3581 Says:
Don't bother looking at that equipment: It's all stolen technology! Nothing new.
@kathleenkendalljacksgrandm6902 Says:
Did they?
@stanbalfour3808 Says:
Lol “spy balloon” never mind using their multi million dollar satellites.. seems more like, “hey look over there” while someone steeling a cookie out the cookie jar
@majinvegeta9280 Says:
Well it's time for us to fly a balloon over China and see how they act and then say their overreacting. The bidens have been paid for by china
@Philcopson Says:
They don't want to recover the equipment - that's why they waited until it was off-shore. The Chinese would certainly have fitted the equipment with a "self-destruct" function anyway - unlike the US military, they don't gift top secret technology to their enemies.

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