Chinese surveillance balloon didn't follow 'normal protocols' before launch

Chinese surveillance balloon didn't follow 'normal protocols' before launch


Astrophysicist Dr Brad Tucker says it is clear China did not follow all the 'normal protocols' usually conducted before the launch of a surveillance balloon. 'When you launch these things, you have to have certain tracking beacons operating on certain frequencies - you have to issue what is called NOTAMS, Notice to Airmen, because you are going through civilian airspace,' he told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'This balloon did not do a lot of that, so as much as they say it blew off course, they didn't even do the beginning things that would make it clear this is a civilian scientific payload.'




@kaseyjoshkaseyjosh3366 Says:
Baarrr Baarr Baarr...
@meredithisme3752 Says:
And I note that FBI agent banning conservative speech on twitter CHAN
@jacquelineryan2885 Says:
Its a message of some sort I would say?!
@sammartin2365 Says:
It looks like China thinks he higher than the other countries pm in their country is he another putin or trying to be
@baasheep4188 Says:
With Chinese stealth technology you not even see it if for spy purposes
@falseprofit4u Says:
Reminds me of a line from a John Wayne Western, "if they ain't afraid of us following nor findin em, then what is it ?" "It's an ambush or raiding party"
@leokimvideo Says:
Such a weird saga, it takes 80 Million dollars of military hardware to deflate a $50 spy balloon. I'm thinking China are having a huge laugh now
@trevorcrook5753 Says:
The great American military terrified of balloons . 😆😆
@coleheketoa Says:
The pussification of society is alarming. China is not the real enemy. It's the US and UK government. Big distraction created to disguise bigger atrocities in Syria and Yemen. Shame on you war mongering fools
@coleheketoa Says:
Bunch of bull was an actual weather balloon that veered off course which is very common. Fooken media and the USA trying to escalate a cold war...cowards
@xisotopex Says:
this balloon was not just steered by air currents they had means to control its course to a point
@TheGecko213 Says:
It was a spy satellite hung beneath a stationary massive helium balloon. Can take ultra high definition live action video which a Orbiting satellite can never do,
@buildmotosykletist1987 Says:
As a mate pointed out to me, it's bigger than most people think. The payload is the size of three buses so the balloon is bloody huge.
@nigelmaund9057 Says:
What a lot of MSM hysterical nonsense! It's a meteorological balloon that's simply blown off course and out of control. Why does China need to spy with a balloon which is downright obvious when it has lots of high-resolution spy satellites!
@tonys2683 Says:
It's called propaganda... A weaponized weather balloon spying on the US .. Really?
@Desertduleler_88 Says:
Strange how the USA allowed it into their airspace for days before finally destroying it.
@lw216316 Says:
so, first we have a ufo that the government (usa) says is a weather balloon then we have a weather balloon that the governement (of China) says is a peaceful civilian craft. yea, that makes sense. Why bother with a balloon when you can walk across the open boarder?
@NewFrontier63 Says:
This show is fucking pathetic. Fear mongering bullshit.
@dermitto Says:
These spy balloons have been entering American airspace since Former President Trumps Era. None of which was disclosed to the general public. The United States Military are already aware of what information the Chinese military are tying to garnish. Just have a think about it, satallites in space can photograph the bald spot on the back of my head. The CCP can't send jets over the United states like they do over Taiwan to create fear, so they send 18th century technology and the Western media spread the fear for them!
@jonburgmann Says:
Drone with bow & arrow with grenade on tip
@cw1069 Says:
Its just a balloon.. why are the Americans feel rattled. Next time it will be missiles..
@Undies790 Says:
Dumb cu*ts should of painted it blue.
@jonburgmann Says:
Everyone focus a mirror to a pin point & burn hole in it
@izziharassed Says:
So full of crap this is a set up. Why didnt anyone notice North Carolina area had this balloon hanging out same place Corona was summoned. Chinese sleeper cells in America as promised and using zionistic tactics honey America is done sold out!!!! Go back to1950's reviewing China's plans for the USA duh he we are you damn fools smdh whats in that air lol
@jonburgmann Says:
Burn a hole in it with laser on a drone
@lukem2260 Says:
The west is in cahoots with china. China monitor and track there citizens ,and guess whats coming the west . People need to open there eyes . And sky news or any other channel will not tell u whats coming ...
@billydog1954 Says:
Why didn't balloon surrender he could have saved himself maybe he wasn't a spy maybe he was running away and was shot down before he could explain so many questions and all we have is a dead balloon
@keithcanfield3251 Says:
It's just a coincidence that the balloon made a grand tour of our sensitive military sites? Is Occam's Razor not taught anymore?
@GrooberNedJardine Says:
If anyone believes the propaganda and bullshit behind this , then you probably believed the Vaccine was 100% effective .
@mediaamzv2410 Says:
My wife's Chinese if I told, her the balloon was Chinese, she would laugh. The balloon does not have a race, doesn't surprise me, America doesn't learn from the 🎈, what do we learn from this conversation nothing.
@ntong7288 Says:
This shall change the game in China's South China Sea.
@GrooberNedJardine Says:
The yanks sent it up themselves so that the Vegetable in the White House could order it shot down and give everybody the impression that he's actually not a useless piece of furniture after all . But really he is .
@pearcey1113 Says:
It could of killed people flying on a plane or helicopter, especially when it’s from another country the US have thousands of planes flying around all day and night, who’s going out there hand up if it brings down a plane, bloody unbelievable should’ve been shot down long before it was abs I don’t even live or ever been to America, bring the thing near Sydney see what happens to it 😂😂😂😂
@frankcoates4609 Says:
Your head looks like a spy balloon.
@oscarwindham6016 Says:
Here we have a three-minute conversation, more or less, without really saying anything, and this gentleman saying that he used this same balloon platform for some of his research is a bit of a stretch, in my opinion, since this balloon was tracked, and stayed aloft for months, according to Tucker Carlson, was or is maneuverable, and can and did hoover in place for days in the stratosphere where the wind speed is recorded at 130 - 155 mph, amongst having other extremely high tech attributes. My guess as a layman, after viewing the shoot down video, and seeing all of those small spheres escaping from the shroud is that China has overcome the biggest, to my limited knowledge on this subject, obstacle for using a helium filled balloon which is having a non-permeable container for preventing the leakage of the inert helium gas which China has obviously been able to produce. That should be a really big deal in the helium filled balloon community. It looks like China had enough very high tech, high quality small filled with helium that is more than likely 100%, or there about, pure helium that were contained within the outer shroud which allowed for this balloon's ability to stay aloft for so very long without needing to be replenished, and it did not appear to have the conventional tear drop shape but was round which answers other questions. This balloon brings to mind the helium balloon lawn chair guy from years gone by which I believe resulted in otc helium to be diluted.
@willgeo2215 Says:
Didn't know there were normal protocols for launching a spy balloon
@manospheremaniac2177 Says:
It's not a spy Bay balloon it's a Chinese EMP device to shutdown our power.
@philipstreechon4523 Says:
It was looking Hunter's laptop..
@keithcanfield3251 Says:
The largest global advertising campaign, complete with tv, radio, and billboard ads, couldn't have more effectively show the weakness and indecisiveness of this regime. Good job China!
@joekrim6557 Says:
Fkn bs. What more can biden do to convince the left he's a nutcase? When ww3 breaks i cant wait to hear all the biden voters who will cry and expect the gov to protect em. 😂 They will be the ones that hid and let real men fight.
@Jason.cbr1000rr Says:
This is just that whyte guys speculation and opinion.. next time please post official concrete information....
@honahwikeepa2115 Says:
So much for the NASA space Station fantasy.
@honahwikeepa2115 Says:
Hunter Biden is China's spy balloon. Probably had classified material on it. Biden's slow response is like his leaking documents on the drip.
@robstone4537 Says:
Quick, go out and buy toilet paper!
@kyezapple6257 Says:
@micksmick2912 Says:
Whatever the media (including sky news) is telling us, the truth will be the opposite.
@leecheelek Says:
Chinese helping Joe in "Wag the Dog" operations?
@Dcage13 Says:
Nothing to look at here, it's just America looking for another reason to start a war. Searching for weapons of mass destruction sound familiar? One million Iraqians died 😭
@dleo5062 Says:
At least paint this Balloon blue for spying purposes?
@andrewb8698 Says:
How is this bawling ball still relevant and how are we still allowed to hear the spin that comes out of its grubby little mouth?

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