NSW cashless gaming reform will give punters a chance to set 'limits' on betting

NSW cashless gaming reform will give punters a chance to set 'limits' on betting


Child and adolescent psychologist Clare Rowe says New South Wales poker machines going cashless is 'great' but she doesn't think it is the government's position to control the limits. 'That's the way of the economy � we're all going cashless for everything, I suppose pubs and clubs will miss out on those punters that have the spare change at the end of the night,' Ms Rowe told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'It probably does put some necessary earnest on the punter on the gambler to set the limits and that's what they're talking about � I'm all for that, I think it'd be great. 'I am anti, and feel uncomfortable if the government's going to set those limits � I don't think it's the government's position to be able to say whether you want to throw your money away on gambling or not but if we can make gambling a little bit easier, safer � all for it.'



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