Gambling addiction management is about 'impulse' control

Gambling addiction management is about 'impulse' control


Psychiatrist Doctor Tanveer Ahmed says gambling addiction is about behavioural 'impulse' control, with problem gamblers making up 'almost a third' of total profits. 'I think gambling is much more ubiquitous with online and the internet than it has been, especially in the last five years, so I think there is a bit of a community concern we're taking it out on the pokies,' Dr Ahmed told Sky News host Chris Kenny. 'In my field, gambling's known as a behavioural addiction � so it's not like a substance that causes a physiological change, but it's still about poor impulse control, not being able to regulate rewards, so there is something in this, and I think Perrottet's clearly seen it as a winner. 'We don't actually know how it's going to operate � the argument might be the problem gamblers, still in terms of the revenue, make up almost a third of the total profits, even though they're a tiny portion.'



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