US Navy recovering parts of Chinese spy balloon after dramatic shootdown by F-22

US Navy recovering parts of Chinese spy balloon after dramatic shootdown by F-22


The US Navy is working to recover parts of what the White House says is a spy balloon from China. Lawmakers are close to learning more about what happened.




@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
provke world war
@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
Provoke world war
@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
Provoke world war
@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
world world war
@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
Provoke world war
@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
Provoke world war
@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
provoke world war
@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
provoke world war
@กฤษณะภักดีประชาชน-ย7ส Says:
provoke world war
@trayolphia5756 Says:
The biggest proof that Ballina DIDNT enter under trump… …they’re pretty big and obvious, and even if more difficult to spot, with the media having constant reports about his misconduct…wait…that’s right…we’ve never heard about it til this, and with the way the left wing media outlets were constantly after him…if there were any truth to balloons during his time, they’d have run with it… So yeah…none of that ever happened…
@apoeticsong Says:
Imagine if that balloon carried an EMP device (Electromagnetic Pulse). Those clueless stupid Americans would be making their morning cup of coffee on a camp fire.
@anderander5662 Says:
Imagine what this little episode cost... from tracking it for days to finally shooting it down and then recovering the parts. 10's of millions.
@zigzag8949 Says:
Satellites and Stealth planes are overated. We have balloons 🎈
@JaseBDaley Says:
lmfao god americans are lying cvnts. now they're saying it had explosives on board to justify being as scared as fvck about an obvious weather balloon.🤣 anybody saying different, explain to me any purpose it would have that they don't already have with faster, more reliable less obvious methods? fvckin weapons of mass destruction all over again. PATHETIC!
@rmmachaudhary9203 Says:
Seriously…??? Amazing wtf stand on in your feet 👣 no one comes and feeds you …. Wake up asap….:!!!
@rmmachaudhary9203 Says:
Any one think and answer America will protect us…???? They are can’t fuck in shutdown the balloon 🎈 and oz thinks because of 🇺🇸 America we are safe …???? Claps 👏
@JaseC80 Says:
Typical of today’s West….let China and the likes do whatever they want. Spy balloon or weather balloon, China recognises NO country’s borders. Send a weather balloon over China and watch the reaction…they’d probably hit it with a couple ballistic missiles.
@axle.australian.patriot Says:
I think this balloon saga has been blown all out of proportion...
@brainiac1890 Says:
Biden failed Everything from day one. Aircraft Carriers now million's to down one stinkin balloon. They've done nothing but waist money and give to everyone but their own citizens.
@sublimeblush Says:
hmm. why would they blow it up instead of slowly deflating it in order to keep it intact for investigation? geez louise I wonder?
@christian14329 Says:
The LIVE Data it scanned are already in China! US should had shut it down as soon as it crossed the airspace. 😒
@adrianjohn. Says:
it was jyst a giant fortune cookie that reads: ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’🙃
@chasebarnard1223 Says:
So he gave the order on Wednesday... i wanna know who's being court marshaled for not following an executive order for action against a threat to national security?
@simonmackie5458 Says:
This has the makings of ww3, the Yanks don't need much of an excuse to kill millions of innocent people, actually they will provide the excuse.
@Madskills-hw2ox Says:
😂 A balloon deception… Hilarious
@pal7252 Says:
BTW, did they tell you that it had explosives on that balloon? 🤔
It's been 24 hours and they still haven't got it out of the water and they probably never will.
@matt-rw6li Says:
They wasted a 400 thousand dollar aim9x on a ballon, they could have used a small $2000 burst from the m61 Vulcan 20mm Gatling gun on the f22. 91iq
@OneIdeaTooMany Says:
Send a Winnie the Pooh balloon to China and see if they do anything
@mangosorbet768 Says:
US is staging a case for world war 3.. LOL
@marksnowden89 Says:
Now they just need to shoot down the 20000 Chinese spy satellites but hey atleast they got the balloon
@crenattahm6018 Says:
It’s non military balloon 🎈😅 I wonder if China allows to shoot US ship or jet on top of China seas and air like near between China and Taiwan island 😁💙
@Filo-Joe Says:
USA and China must start the duel. We want to find out who owns the best weapon.
@Filo-Joe Says:
WW3 must begin immediately
@rinzler9775 Says:
Maybe the whole situation is over inflated ?
@ike8236 Says:
The story of 2 jets is bullshit too, I know someone who lives there and they counted 23 jets in the sky at that time.
@MrNetAble Says:
Not sure about that balloon media hype.. Shoot it down if it is an issue. End of story.
@petergorian535 Says:
Joe blows up weather balloons and not just things like the Ukraine and the Nordstream pipeline.
@TheBeresford7 Says:
There's going to be a war I'm now convinced
@kenchuck9544 Says:
What they found are chingtong soyfaks that come up to their knees
@Horusinsun Says:
Lol I’m surprised they fly lol. Venezuela was reported by 9 news even though it isn’t America. Oh boy it’s almost as bad as project mogul Mj Jesse Marcel and a bunch of debris they will photograph and voodoo spin a bunch of bs again
@TheGeordietheWitchandtheWench Says:
How dramatic, it's a weather balloon!! I could of popped it with my long range drone :-)
@benhill8384 Says:
Why the hell did Canada not do anything about it?
@honahwikeepa2115 Says:
Important to note is that all satellites need a condom to stay afloat. No space station in no space. NASA debunked.
@befeleme Says:
Let's celebrate and gloat over the brilliant achievement of the heroic US Air Force for having their $200 million F-22 fighter plane so bravely taken down a Chinese spy balloon, using a $400,000 missile. A major achievement! Thanks also to the CCP for providing a low-cost, slow-moving and highly visible firing practice target. Seriously, folks??? Why oh why, in the age of satellites, would anyone wish to launch a non-steerable helium balloon into unpredictable winds half the world away, to fly over military bases for some spying mission? It is complete and utter nonsense. But of course, it's a great story for the gullible masses, always ready to consume some prepackaged hatred. Let's stir up some more anti-Chinese hysteria in the media, and for the corrupt US elites to have a handy excuse to pour yet more money into their military-industrial complex (you know, the one that Dwight D Eisenhower warned us about, and where half of the US Congress hold stocks). Don't forget to buy some more stocks in Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, too. It's gonna be a win-win situation when we finally start a war with China.
@-TheJewel- Says:
The report is just distraction to Hunters Laptop
@maxmcg1621 Says:
How much of a weakling do you have to be in being afraid of a balloon with Chinese writing? you do realise the CCP own satellites and various social media platforms to spy on Americans?
@colinlee9678 Says:
Such a hypocrite is the US when it is every day provocatively sending armed warships and spy planes into China's territorial waters and air spaces ever since 1949 under such pretexts as freedom of navigation to justify their illegal intrusions and serious violations ! This shooting down of this unarmed civilisn weather balloon has now set a dangerous precedent that gives China the legal right to armed reciprocity against any of the daily intruding US warships or warplanes!
@windsong3wong828 Says:
Do the USA need to send a few planes and a navy armada to shoot down a ballon and to retrieve the remnants ? Talking of hysteria. A ballon as a new sophisticated war machines …..? Hahahahha… and arrow next ?
@reddemongaming99. Says:
Lol I found it super funny that under trump this happened 3 fucking times and he did literally nothing

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