'Enormous human tragedy' unfolding in Turkey and Syria

'Enormous human tragedy' unfolding in Turkey and Syria


Shadow Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham says there is an 'enormous human tragedy' unfolding in Turkey and Syria after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the region on Monday. At least 3,500 are confirmed dead with officials warning the death toll is set to rise. 'What we are seeing from these earthquakes that have struck these regions is an enormous loss of life, a huge destruction of building(s) and of infrastructure,' Mr Birmingham told Sky News Australia.




@AGTV10 Says:
Basic supplies? But when a Zionist rat like zalinsky wants aid against russia we send 100,000,000 dollars and over 100,000,000 millions dollars worth of military missiles and vehicles. What a bunch of rats.
@revelmedry Says:
Sky TV,for whom you represent. You bloody people always blaming turkey and Syria by complaining about their human rights and freedom of these two countries. Why the hell you are not leave great civilizations to be mind their own bussiness. The pathetic news outlet.
@orac229 Says:
This loss of life is part of the WEF and UN population control by forcing people into more dense housing apartment buildings built to very low standards. Klaus Martin Schwab has blood on his hands, again!
@xaulsanz4511 Says:
We got two chill earthquake in USA.
@Koala63211 Says:
Can the world just stop with all the wars and conflicts going on at the moment, and direct their efforts to assisting the people of Turkey and Syria. Penny Wong, get your arse on a plane to Syria and Turkey and see what we can do to help those people.
@tonybennett638 Says:
Absolutely horrific.. poor buggers.
@vivrowe2763 Says:
Wait until you see a lot more, and volcanoes exploding. Australia will get a biggie too!
@graemekeeley4497 Says:
Nature doesn't discriminate Turkey sits on the intersection of three major tectonic plates, Turkey is frequently shaken by earthquakes and recorded more than 22,000 in 2022 This was just the inevitable big one The world will help Turkey
@TheHolySwordOfLight Says:
Turn to Jesus before it's too late! These are signs of The End Times!
@concernedpatriot9314 Says:
Horrible I hope it’s done and they can recover the dead 🙏
@atromitos7094 Says:
*Bu, İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye bir GOOGLE çevirisidir. Umarım doğrudur.* *========================* *Ben Yunanım ama aynı zamanda bir İnsanım. LÜTFEN Hayatını kaybeden TÜM kişiler için Dualarım ve İçten Taziyelerimi kabul edin. Yüce Allah Mekanlarını Cennet Eylesin, Geride Kalan Tüm Yakınlarına Uzun Ömürler Versin.* *========================* *I am Greek but am also a Human Being. PLEASE accept my Prayers and Sincere Condolences For ALL those who lost their Life. May ALMIGHTY God Rest their Soul Forever at Peace and May He Give Long Life to all their Relatives left behind.* 🇬🇷
@susanmunoz7688 Says:
May God bless and protect all ❤️
@davmac6148 Says:
I am sorry for the Turkish people but I got to say that there is nothing humane to be expected from Australian authorities. I have been stuck in Italy since when they decided to shut down all the flights going to Australia. Now that I am asking for 10000 dollars for the first time ever from my superannuation to travel back to Australia, I have been told: Sorry we can't help you.
@buddysghabi2249 Says:
We won't give them NOTHING cause we gotta give IT to Ukraine it's more important than even us 😔
@amexicanladyonthesoutherncross Says:
From a Catholic to my brothers and sisters who are all people in Turkey and Syria my prayers are for you. God bless you and give you peace.
@martinepstein3332 Says:
Dreadful, just dreadful
@pamronning Says:
That is terrible. That is why there are building codes. We had a 7.1 where I live no damage other than an on ramp
@dorothe430 Says:
Humanity should give here. Not for war.
@bullshitstomper9417 Says:
They got enough to go around
@jimmycook872 Says:
Didn't see the Turks running two Australia's aid during the floods. Always crying poor
@jimmycook872 Says:
The Turks got plenty of money and resources to attack the Greek nation. Those Muslim Turkish war mongers don't deserve any help.
@jessekoch3480 Says:
It's on a fault line and has happened before in 1939 was the biggest recorded. Very sad to see the footage and a country with high poverty and 80% inflation.
@Idol76 Says:
Zelensky now needs $100,000,000,000 to fight against Russia because of this.
@mrj3217 Says:
Do worry America's still occupying Syria maybe they can help?
@bullshitstomper9417 Says:
Was in Turkey and had them be racist to me They’re like Asian the Turks eh
@nickdavis3177 Says:
Wonder if they will put this down to climate change
@JoeBrandonBiden Says:
*Turkey and Syria need help, Here’s a shit load of money 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰🇺🇸 doesn’t need* Sincerely,Joe Brandon Biden
@jimmycook872 Says:
Don't help the Muslim Turks they don't deserve our help.
@broncaforever9824 Says:
God Bless Everyone Going Through The Hell Over There.
@Chris-vq5vr Says:
God bless these poor people. Especially the innocent ppl of Syria.
@dennyking1677 Says:
You're on the other side of the globe called earth. How are you breaking news. For something that happened yesterday

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