Surf Life Saving urges swimmers to be safe at the beach

Surf Life Saving urges swimmers to be safe at the beach


Surf lifesavers are reminding beachgoers not to be deterred by busy patrol beaches and to stay between the flags despite rising COVID cases. Last summer there were 136 coastal drowning deaths. Surf Life Saving Australia's Shane Daw has issued a caution to swimmers. "The real message that we're really saying to people is be really conscious about where you're going, what you're doing and what your limitations are," Mr Daw told Sky News Australia. "Sadly, already, up until the 26th of December, we've had 12 people which we know have drowned along our beaches so that's almost one drowning every second day, and we know there's been a few other fatalities occurring as well. "It's been a sad time for a lot of people and we want them to think about what they're doing, how they can be safe and how they can enjoy the beach this summer period."



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