Australia must look at neighbouring countries that use nuclear to gauge costings
Australia must look at neighbouring countries that use nuclear to gauge costings



@johnwoodrow8769 Says:
This woman is clueless in saying that nuclear power plants being build on existing coal power sites may not be in the right place. Yes the coal power plant was built there because the coal field is there, but it still had to have been in a place that was feasible to supply consumers and industry via the existing transmission lines. Nuclear power plans built on this same former coal plants WILL be in suitable place, just like the former coal plant was.
@Genesis-007 Says:
Japan would be an ideal place to gather that information
@claudballs5679 Says:
If you Google the opening back up of Three Mile Island you will see that Bill Gates and the shell company under Microsoft is hoping they can get it up and running enough to power his water cooling plants for his servers not for the people for Bill Gates this is a pipe dream of his it will never happen
@ChrisM-fz6xx Says:
Australia must look at why Liberal PM John Howard Banned Nuclear Power Stations in 1999 and Australia must look at why Liberal PM Tony Abbott signed the Paris Agreement locking Australia into Net Zero by 2050 . Australia must look at why Peter Dutton NOW wants Nuclear Power Stations when he was Deputy Treasurer in John Howard 's Government who Banned Nuclear Power Stations in the first place ! Australia must look at why for 9 years of Liberal Government , the 3 Liberal Stooges , Abbott , Turnbull and Morrison Shut Down 7 Coal Power Stations and built 90 % of all existing Wind Turbines and Solar Fields . Australia must look at why they persist in blaming Labor for the Liberal Government 's Stupidity.
@Lenzman00 Says:
Why do they always show cooling towers on thermal generating plants? it is only steam coming out not polutants.
@trickyboy1517 Says:
Jasmin has to be the worst lobbyist ever for not reading the CSRIO/Gencost reports. All detail overseas costings. :I
@LouMinarty420 Says:
The leftards here are so predictable. Pathetic.
@GTDandNee Says:
3 Mile opening because they want 24/7 reliable energy . France 65% reliable nuclear energy .
@lukei6255 Says:
I thought Australia's neighbouring country is Tasmania. Certainly not Finland.
@by7810 Says:
I live in Florida. We use nuclear, oil, NG, and solar/wind. Power works best when used in unison and union. not in competition. Plus it has created a very robust system that takes massive damage frequently but is repaired very quickly after hurricanes.
@joelmirabito7390 Says:
If you feel helpless, it is because you have only the part of the truth that recognises the problem but not the part of the truth that empowers you to solve it.
@Hyperboler Says:
Three (3) Questions: 1. Which uni' and when did Jasmin (no E) do her masters in nuclear physics? 2. How many hours ago did the Global Nuclear Security Partners register the business name and ABN? 3. When did France, Finland and Canada become neighbouring countries to Australia which was in the Southern Hemisphere last time I went to the airport.
@aheat3036 Says:
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
@victorianrichard8097 Says:
Labor government build nuclear plant
@victorianrichard8097 Says:
Net zero not good for energy for nuclear plant
@josephgee143 Says:
@stenkarasin2091 Says:
Under the circumstances today, Nuclear power is the only sensible path to follow.
@HyperVaccinated Says:
Why do we need dangerous nuclear reactors when we can do it for cheaper with solar and wind farms?
With over 100 nuclear power stations in operation, all generating copious amounts of electricity, the USA appears to be the one to obtain advice from.
@user-hw7zf2in5e Says:
Useless Vladimir Putin has just welcomed all Australians seeking asylum from from the destructive values of the Australian Government! Now Australians will be able to obtain a fast tracked residence permit in Russia to escape the Albanese Government.
@Eric-jo8uh Says:
Look at Finland.
@DieterZimmermann-yf4le Says:
Still waiting for my $175 , or was it misinformation and disinformation.
@MrKenng123 Says:
Just vote for Liberals or (Lnp for Queenslanders). Albo is just a nightmare to the good old Australia. 😊
@unvaccinatedAndPureBlood Says:
If UK had just 7 nuclear plants, they would power ALL their homes. The debate is over. Time to move into a tried and tested and proven power source.
@frankcoates4609 Says:
The Coalitions secret modelling of their nuclear power plan proves that renewables are failing and Australia is heading for disaster. Peter Duttons secret nuclear power plan will provide cheap and reliable electricity. Peter Dutton is a visionary genius providing secret solutions to problems only he can see. What could possibly go wrong.
@alancotterell9207 Says:
Malcolm Roberts denies climate change is happening -
@nikita360bmx Says:
australia is cool,yeah i would work in a power plant,i bmxed for most of my life i was ok, but people think get a real job ,your job you dont bust yourself up, i modeled but love bikes i have a gsxr 750my brothers have bikes , hey mum is a pretty famous model and my brother boxers for a living im a joke i work out ride my bicycles and dont do much, mum owns a million plus terrace ,she was a model i modeled but fu@ked that up i punched a frog in the head and he liked mei talk to him online and he's cool im a leffty like dad and my brother
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
Three Mile Island's working reactor was shut down in 2019, 💥 **after a legislative effort to bail out the plant failed when it could not keep up with demand for other cheaper energy sources.** 💥 Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates invested $1 billion in a nuclear power plant that broke ground in Kemmerer, Wyo., in June. WE LIVE IN A SUNBURNT COUNTRY😼
@whiskeygamer9402 Says:
I got my Fuel generators on standby 👍🏽🥃
@philippusgouws7852 Says:
Australia give their gas away for free to American companies, I thought that only happens in the third world
@LuciferBlack-z9f Says:
🌊🌬️🌋☀️ - powering life on earth for 5.432 billion years........🌏 😆😆😆...tell dutton he's dream'n
@lesblack413 Says:
You need to talk to the US and China. We emit such a small amount of emission that it is ridiculous thinking that Australia can save the planet.
@RowdyTrain4472 Says:
thats a bit hard to do when the goverment has its head stuck up its arse
@user-pj5ub5cp9k Says:
What type of nuclear reactors, how much will it cost, and when will they come online?
I'll never happen. Labor are more interested in ripping Aussie battlers off, not giving them cheap electricity
@Design_no Says:
What is renewables costing? Nobody knows. Not even the government who is forcing netzero on all Australians.
@bretloyd8097 Says:

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