John Kennedy: Whoever crafted Kamala Harris' economic plan wouldn't be in charge of a ham sandwich
John Kennedy: Whoever crafted Kamala Harris' economic plan wouldn't be in charge of a ham sandwich



@tommclaughlin5354 Says:
Shes clueless about the economy, border security and foreign affairs. She co signed the inflation enhancement act and to this day doesn't acknowledge it's a total failure and an abusive financial act upon American citizens and families. If American citizens keep doing what there doing they will keep getting what there getting to a greater extent if she gets elected.
@patriciapearl2529 Says:
I have family in California, a few are democrats. I never questioned them about voting this year because they are passionate about their democratic status. I was shocked to see their Facebook posts recently regarding their dismay of Kamala’s incompetence and lack of any type of plan for this country. Happy to see they are voting Trump this year!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@liselwells9235 Says:
My gosh, you mean I have the right to have aspirations? Forget the price of bacon, I'm good.
@zapot66 Says:
Boy oh boy she's talking again without clarity
@Persile61 Says:
Its clear which advisor he spoke with
@terrioliver6041 Says:
Kamala Harris is absolutely avoiding every question that's sent to her.She runs around the merry go round and never answer the question, it's the same thing biden did.
@MikeMaulhardt Says:
Higher taxes, more regulations, the Green New Deal to force an energy transition where the technology is not proven, unafordable, and too expensive. Then there is the single party political control. All of the policies like forgiveness of student debt, $25,000 to buy a house or start a business! Where does this money come from? Answer: The tax payer, the utility rate payers, from more national and state debt. What about the helicopter arrival of federal funds to support the reelection of Democrats at the State, Local, and Federal level. This is the game plan for Big Government Socialism. Ruination of the USA!
@karinmostert-p2k Says:
If we believe their polls the joke is on us
@DM-iw2qt Says:
A big question where are these polls taken that favor. Harris. ? Hollywood. Chicago. Philadelphia Detroit. Atlanta. Sick radicals keep voting Democrat things are bad. Nation wide world wide
@josiemorgan2654 Says:
If she gets in we’re done and I’m so sick of these ridiculous interviews where she says nothing. It’s not even funny anymore it’s pathetic
@maryhooper786 Says:
I love you Senator Kennedy. God bless you❤
@carolynblack4527 Says:
Listen up Kamala experts know and you do not know. Raising taxes is not the answer
@PeterGoyer Says:
She says nothing and means it. Elect me and FAAFO. She is a Marxist
@randyhubbard2391 Says:
Way to late the country is a cesspool
@Lhomeland Says:
Kamala is so out there…she can’t even answer questions. The only people that will be voting for her obviously do not care about the average American people and how we are having to live.
@totalqualitydiesel8941 Says:
Just because John Kennedy spoke .. I will vote for her!!
@Finnv830 Says:
Imagine being so condescending looking down your nose while you tell somebody with a bachelors degree in economics built an empire and became a billionaire that your economic plan is better than his! Haha
@carolynblack4527 Says:
Here we go again. Full of crap
@maryhooper786 Says:
Oprah answered the questions
@NullNull-xy9du Says:
Trump is the pied piper of white crime. Everyone in his orbit should be audited by a 3rd party. NOT the IRS.
@joemanifesto8742 Says:
I don't trust the news, and I don't trust AP polls. Those numbers are certainly skewed. I believe the gap is much wider than what they're showing us.
@clairwaucaush7225 Says:
Those polls have to be wrong. Driving around all I see are Trump signs in yards. I have not seen ANY Harris signs or anything like that. HOW can anyone like that woman?!!?
@kodamooshface1108 Says:
That AP poll shows a greater problem than understanding Kammi's word salads. 41% of Americans are insane.  3 1/2 years of Biden Harris shows they have NO ability to fix this economy as they are the one's that BROKE IT!
@drakekendrex3087 Says:
41% of Americans believe Kamal would do better fixing the economy?!? That stat just proves 41% of individuals do ZERO research, and in my opinion that’s our biggest issue as Americans.
@jasonjeffordsiii7941 Says:
Kennedy you lie you’re standing there lying to people because they’re too dumb to actually figure out the truth. She’s taxing unrealized gains over $1 million.
@willmiadykes7748 Says:
Grade school Kids with homework could know more than her. It’s like watching a comedy show on TV. She is trying to understand Trumps way of prospecting but don’t have the knowledge to rebuild this country as Trump did. She can’t think like or have his knowledge. Maybe she feels better with stupid over acting Hollywood know nothings. Who runs in every disaster. They get their horrible movie and programs and think they are real. So does Kamala, sad people who has destroyed this country.
@useyourlittlegraycells Says:
Who could not love Senator Kennedy? “Her tax plan is like a rock, only dumber.”
@AaronJeffery-888 Says:
i wouldn't put that person in charge of a ham sandwich best line so far!
@thomascraddock8697 Says:
I dont know how anyone with a brain can stand her.
@artemisiya1549 Says:
There’s far too many stupid people in the world. I really can’t wrap my head around why people are torn between that… thing… and Trump. Trump already had four years and the change in administration is what got us into this predicament!
@johnbanks-ml8wt Says:
kennedy southern dandy and lindsays closet lover
@franklinjohn5067 Says:
OPRAH WINFREY amd MARK CUBAN know a little about business ownership and success; BOTH SUPPORT HARRIS BUSINESS PLAN
@dianthompson1315 Says:
This plan is like a “rock”, only dumber! lol
@SueShambaugh Says:
WORD SALADS?? How about putting it a lot plainer GARBAGE! 🐂💩! NONSENSE.
@dianthompson1315 Says:
This plan is like a “rock”, only dumber! Lol
@carolejackson8676 Says:
I dont wantvto year one word of the billshi-and callous indifference communist kackula and her communist party are advocating. Americans do NOT VOTE FOR COMMUNISTS
@markbrowne1967 Says:
Trump should stop adding new tax breaks. The policies should stand by themselves.
@sahodrechowtie2858 Says:
She has one big secret to bring The communism law to take away the rich people money and property to make her presidential she just want the power. Like she said she have witnesses the power of the stroke of a pen
@nooneson1 Says:
The husband's face gets redder and redder seems as tho he is getting so upset that Harris is just spewing bs at them as if they are dumb fox should get those two on and see what they thought of her answer
@eddiearmijo6635 Says:
Like trump P Diddy is Innocent. Thise two have done more for Women And the Black Community in the History of the World.
@chrsitineadriaenssen6074 Says:
Fox is poison
@jasonjeffordsiii7941 Says:
Kevin O’Leary you’re lying, it’s not just taxing unrealized gains it’s taxing unrealized gains over $100 million.
@jasonjeffordsiii7941 Says:
Kevin O’Leary you’re lying, it’s not just taxing unrealized gains it’s taxing unrealized gains over $100 million.
@ladybug9171 Says:
Imagine her being in charge of our army???? Wow! I've given up.
@johnscott5105 Says:
Economy was recovering until Biden/Harris too over and spent us into a super high inflationary period that only now has begun to slow.
@Frankleberry731 Says:
You trust an AP poll? I don’t think the voters are that close at all when it comes to the economy.
@holtzclawpulling9567 Says:
I dont understand Fox. How is your poll showing Kamala that close to Trump, and Trump is the only 1 that has a record and the only 1 to talk about policy... Something aint right here, and i seems like all the statistics are being falsified.. Noway, kamala is close to Trump on any issue!!! TRUMP 2024
@texaslady65 Says:
@denisevarner7308 Says:
She has no relational skills. This is not a leader. She like Obama are being shoved down the public's throats.
@hughmanetti1908 Says:
I thought Kamala was gonna answer, “Yah, me too.” When they said, “We’d really would love to know what your plan is to lower the cost of living ...”

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