Sydney private coaching colleges success raises questions about fairness of HSC
Sydney private coaching colleges success raises questions about fairness of HSC



@w2class Says:
No, it raises questions about the quality of state education systems.
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
The problem with the traditional education system has always been that students are all given lessons at the same rate. Teachers should be free to differentiate, based on exam results, the lessons taught to individual students. This already happens in a number of schools, including public, where there are advanced classes for at least 4 of the main subjects. Clearly this is the best system, it should be implemented in all schools so that students are not held back and are able to achieve to a standard they are capable of, and are also not bored out of their brains. What happens then in year 12, they excel in their year 12 results.
@southern-samurai Says:
And? In my workplace they give special courses and leaderships scholarships for indigenous or women only. If that discrimination is apparently OK, then this is nothing and pales in comparison to such DEI implementations.
@krs4395 Says:
The cost of living in a free society is that while you can provide every poor child a floor to stand upon, you can't provide every rich child a ceiling to stifle their growth. Is it unfair? maybe, should the government be allowed to take over parenting? no.
@larrylongprong5219 Says:
Catholics 🤣
@bestestusername Says:
its no different to using good tutors, its not about being "rich" its about wanting to give your child or children an advantage. I am just a bus driver but my kid does tutoring and is learning grade 7 work while only in grade 4, that's just the way he is. I am anglo saxon not a family of overseas funded richies.
@snuggles03 Says:
What’s the big deal? So what, if parents have got a bit of extra cash to spend on their children’s education, that’s a good thing.
@alwaysright3718 Says:
All modern education is total rubbish and will make you a button pusher for life...
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
Comments have been removed.
@Bork_Cruk Says:
Lol, fairness? We hoping for a communist utopia? If you can afford to go to a good school, get private tuition, etc, then yeah, it’ll help, that’s why parents pay for such things.
@TheDarkSuit Says:
@joeybrown3583 Says:
Catholic and independent schools had the biggest declines in the OECD’s Programme of Student Assessment (PISA) test results since 2009. Their students lost 1½ to nearly two years of learning in reading, mathematics and science. The falls in test scores were far bigger than for public schools. The learning loss in Catholic and independent schools occurred even though they were heavily favoured by government funding increases since 2009. Government (Commonwealth and state/territory) funding, adjusted for inflation, increased by $2,697 per student in Catholic schools and by $2,310 in independent schools between 2009 and 2021 compared to $1,062 in public schools. The reading learning loss in Catholic and independent schools was nearly three times that in public schools. Catholic reading results fell by 26 points and by 27 points in independent schools compared to 10 points in public schools [Chart 1]. The learning loss in private schools was almost equivalent to 18 months of school compared to six months in public schools. Mathematics results fell by 37 points in independent schools, which is equivalent to nearly two years of learning, and by 29 points in Catholic schools compared to 24 points in public schools. The learning loss in science in Catholic and independent schools was nearly 18 months. Science results fell by 28 points in independent schools and by 29 points in Catholic schools compared to 17 points in public school. Pearls and irritations
@LordEriolTolkien Says:
So the success of those who do extra work makes the plebs look bad, therefore stop working harder than everyone else... it makes us look bad.

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