'Race to the gutter': 2024 US presidential election will be about 'fear'
'Race to the gutter': 2024 US presidential election will be about 'fear'



@lalutte65 Says:
Vote Biden—4 more years of misery, embarrassment and division
@umoabasute9424 Says:
#Question: Question 🙋‍♂️ do the Establishment Swamp and Mainstream Media actually know what MAGA stands for? Make America 🇺🇸 Great Again but evidently they don’t which is @POTUS Sleepy 😴 Joe continues to hate on MAGA because he hates America 🇺🇸.
@umoabasute9424 Says:
#2024Elections: America 🇺🇸 we need to elect a President with a vision for the future of America 🇺🇸. We need a doer in the White House not a talker which is why we need @RonDeSantis for President. Look at what he has done in Florida and he can take those policies nationwide.
@umoabasute9424 Says:
Advice of the Day: America 🇺🇸 we need to understand that leadership matters and @POTUS Sleepy 😴 Joe is supposed to be leading but evidently he’s not. America 🇺🇸 is more divided than ever and Sleepy 😴 Joe isn’t making things better.
@riverraven7359 Says:
Sloppy joe is bad but trump is like a Confederate soldier by now
@juegomaestro11 Says:
Biden acting like Hitler with his Reichstag Fire propaganda to take supreme control.
@ellie698 Says:
Biden is a disaster
@Jason_g_kennedy Says:
They all knew Epstein.
@brettchristoffel6391 Says:
Trump has been branded a racist, a nazi, Hitler, worse than Hitler, for the last 8 years, its worn pretty thin and people just arent buying it.
@Leftyhanded56 Says:
Yeah, i fear sky news Australia.
@boukhalfaguem5022 Says:
Le président Trump est le meilleur choix pour l’Amérique et la meilleure chance pour la paix.
@lucasroe2878 Says:
Ha ha ha ha.....hoo ho ho ho... he he he, giggles kkkkkpppppp...HARRR HA HA HA HAAAAAAA.
@cccbbb3161 Says:
AMICUS J6: Trump again today brings comfort to insurgents by promising forgiveness in the event of another catastrophic term.
@IcanBePsycho Says:
Biden has set a very low tone, by calling Trump a nazi. When Trump fires back, Biden will say “Did you hear Trumps nasty words, that’s not presidential”. Let’s go Brandon!
@brunoprimas1483 Says:
With 12 million illegals pouring across our southern border, we should already be fearful.
@johncorlett3699 Says:
beginning to think msm has less bias than sky......
@stevesandgroper3241 Says:
Let's replace JFK's quote “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,” with Trump's latest profound thought: "How do you wake up in the morning and put on your pants? And I say, well, I don't think about it too much. I don't want to think about it because if I think about it too much maybe I won't want to do it, but I love it because we're going to do something for this country that's never been done before."
@northshoremoana Says:
Where did you dig up this ignorant raggedy racist? He needs to worry about getting that nasty fro lined up.
@ejb9545 Says:
If America's are that stupid they need another 4 years of the moron in the office now
@raecarver2382 Says:
If you haven’t seen what’s been happening for the last 4 years you haven’t been paying attention. You should be very afraid of another Democrat President.
@allahsnackbar2757 Says:
How can anybody vote for a pedo?
@anthonysokolsky6210 Says:
For Biden it's not a race to the gutter, instead it's a race to the toilet because his butt is heading for an avalanche hence the necessity for a constant change of y fronts!
@Jeanne90275 Says:
Uh ..the millions of illegals crashing the border annually... forgot that one. The Left is using the courts to try to accomplish what the impeachments and the Mueller investigation couldn't.
@bryanoliver5550 Says:
May it be the Supreme Courts fears ?
@brucermarino Says:
A two dimensional idiot.
@RRQmail28 Says:
Trump is bastard election, a hope are very bad after court to stopped republik
@geoffmcmahon3288 Says:
Why are you talking to this layer,,,,,Trump was not convicted of insurrection, the FBI organised Jan 6....sake up everyone....poor work from shy news
@truefactjack Says:
If the republicans don't win America is finished
@WilliamCooper-l6f Says:
I will truly be surprised if America makes it to the election. Whoever becomes president will inherit a serious mess to clean up.
@LovelyLass-nb8op Says:
With all due respect I'll do my own research not listen to an African. He's a pure example as to the problem in the west
@elmalo5851 Says:
Democrats = Fear & Racism Republicans = Hope & Prosperity Ultra MAGA 2024 🇺🇸 Semper Fidelis! 🦅🌎⚓️
@cyanidejunkie Says:
Orange Hulk Smash!
@lonniehensley661 Says:
the black liberal sure makes a fine ass kisser for thee radical communist pushing liberal soros supported party that openly grooms kids , and biological men and boys in children and girls, and womens bathrooms and school bathrooms ! this is also another election, it's a election for the good against the radical evil of the democrats, it's a election to save America , the constitution and peoples freedoms from the radical liberals communism to enslave Americans . TRUMP 2024 LAW AND ORDER AND NOT ONLY TO SAVE AMERICA BUT TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM THE SOROS SUPPORTED RADICAL LIBERAL DEMOCRATS WORLD WAR 3 and liberal COMMUNISM!.
@rogergiddy2634 Says:
Joe Biden turning the U.S. into a banana republic, not to mention he doesn't even know where he's at most of the time
@Genesis-007 Says:
YES and if my prediction is correct could potentially lead to a civil war prior to the next election.
@digittbr1688 Says:
Toluse Olorunnipa has it backwards. All those charges are there because Trump is running. He isn't running to gain control over the charges. This dude can't help but let his bias shine through.
@kellysouter4381 Says:
Biden reads whats put in front of him. We cant know if he knows what it means.
@PaulJames-ch7ji Says:
Sky is balanced, far left in the morning, the right at night.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Racial fear?, your wrong Toluse, do you really think that Trump needs the presidency to dismiss the charges?
@Blackjack_Official Says:
https://youtube.com/shorts/3zCY38uYKcQ?si=_pWuP4w5R8w70R9k Something majority need to realise
@mitchell_seeds Says:
Who let this trash speak on your network? What a disgusting display of spin. Confident ignorance & or stupidity is dangerous
@donnalambrecht1550 Says:
America is in the gutter thanks to the Biden administration. I long for the days of prosperity, peace, safety at home and no more new wars. Bring back Trump. We have never been so divided as under Biden. He drove us into the gutter and Trump can save us. This guy is another race baiter!!
@tonybennett638 Says:
Sky has become so silly
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
FASCIST WHITE SUPREMACIST NAZI: **"They said Hitler said that," Trump said Tuesday after he again told the crowd in Iowa that immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of America.** Playing the racist card for support... even his victims are dumb enough to support him.
@kukuipupule4415 Says:
Kamala for president 2024
@gojo2194 Says:
ccp will probably win again...
@Bigwaste2222 Says:
So much bull shit you guy portrayed Binden is the true hate
With the possible exception of RFK Jr. the quality of ALL 2024 presidential candidates is appalling. The USA is not alone in this regard as both leaders and potential leaders in many other countries are equally as bad. The common denominator is always an ignorance of serving ALL their citizens and not just those who voted for them.
@derekeastwood3355 Says:
Who is this dipstick ??

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