Trump has gained support from 'unlikely groups'
Trump has gained support from 'unlikely groups'



@PeterParker-gt3xl Says:
People have had it even those w/ TDS.
@GraceEarney-di6vj Says:
Alot of Democrats are leaving the party and voting for trump
@maureenland2049 Says:
It was not an insurrection it was a Nancy Pelosi production as is all the BS prosecutions of the moment !
@ScorpoSangs-ud2os Says:
Without Pres Trump Republican Party is dead
@ScorpoSangs-ud2os Says:
This time it's not just republican but many supporters from dems party are supporting him,, King David 45
@ScorpoSangs-ud2os Says:
Whole World for Trump 20240284
@zee-ut9vz Says:
What gibberish are these guys talking about? Willfully naive. No matter your hatred for trump kindly acknowledge his results and the truth
@TheKarls22 Says:
At the root of everything is the quiet majority rebelling against WOKE BULLSHIT. Let's hope Australia does the same.
@kittybitts567 Says:
The 'female vote.' You lost my interest when you painted women as some monolithic group, a group this elderly man would be ill equipped to represent even if he did have any insight. President Trump is colossally popular with women in the U.S. Only a fool would think that abortion matters more to women than economic and societal security. If you bother covering the March For Life on D.C. you'll see hundreds of thousands of young women. I know very few women who are pro abortion and even less who cast their vote because they care about abortion to term being available.
@JoseRafael-oc3xu Says:
@JoseRafael-oc3xu Says:
More BS from sky news…
@timboz2569 Says:
This is great news!! I’m very pleased to hear this, I feel better so I’ll keep tuning into this channel and keep your revenue flowing. Thanks so much Sly Neaues
@412StepUp Says:
I hope Trump is able to win by such a large margin, that they can’t rig the election like they did in 2020.
@grahamsengineering.2532 Says:
Trump 2024.
@jeancaron9325 Says:
The JEWS in the USA,Known as long as The DEMS are in Power,They are in Real Danger and the GOP will keep them safe!
@williamfleaher5834 Says:
No vote here!!! We need Trumpty Dumpty like we need a left handed monkey wrench!!! It's a pity party!!!
@geerttermeer3358 Says:
We always love the criminals and the frauds. In addition Trump is in support of transvestites, and puts on loads of make-up each and every morning, to take it off at night, and uses loads of hairspray, which makes him a very attractive person for women, who do not mind being grabbed by the pussy. Also the fact that Trump has been convicted of rape is a very positive thing for a lot of men.
@willieolivas7549 Says:
@davidhay3417 Says:
American here, what planet is this f******😂guy from, he's just making s*** up as he goes along, abortion is a states rights issue Trump is not going to touch the other states. Abortion isn't even the top 20 of things women worry about. Another Rupert Murdoch leftist stooge...
@davidhay3417 Says:
American here, another elitist reporter, he doesn't know what the f*** he's talking about, we've had 20% inflation in 3 years Biden stole one out of every six dollars out of everyone's pocket and we can feel it. Through inflation, Carter was almost as bad.
@LondonSteveLee Says:
People naturally support underdogs - when the entire establishment obviously go after a guy - people support him - even if he is a bit of an orange twit.
@milosradovanovic5280 Says:
No chance ❤ 4:14
@milosradovanovic5280 Says:
Again, I disagree with you, Labor thinking, which is wrong. 🇺🇸🦥🐌🧱👌🔥♥️❤️ 3:39
@milosradovanovic5280 Says:
I do disagree, Trump is very popular, Biden is not popular. 🇺🇸🦥🐌🧱👌🔥♥️❤️ 2:12
@carlbarton566 Says:
Trump Trump Trump!!! 2024
@kruntyart4291 Says:
When someone says insurection you know what side of politics they favour. As for the Supreme court ruling on 14th amendment claim more likely to be 9 to 0 in favour of trump. Judges tend to favour constitution as written not novel interpretations of one side of politics.
@DEVILDOG1964 Says:
@stevenjamison5896 Says:
I like presidents who aren't out on bail.
@GarthClarkson Says:
I think that if you still believe that Jan 6th was an insurrection then it completely destroys your credibility.
@tommoncrieff1154 Says:
This guy being interviewed seems to hate Trump. I’m sorry but a few days in each of a few East Coast Democratic states talking to out of touch left wing journalists won’t give you any insight at all. He is totally wrong about what will happen if he’s found guilty of any of these Democrat-led charges. Trump’s popularity will rise as everyone knows the Democrats can’t beat Trump and are only inventing these prosecutions to remove him from the race. Their every move has backfired so far and these will too.
@yinyang6456 Says:
This guy clearly not happy with current proceedings.
@barrymccalman5350 Says:
There was no insurrection as there was no armed malisha , only the people can say who the want to represent them not the Democrats.
@stillsmallvoice1277 Says:
Trump is a bully, a thug and a want to be dictator, 'is that OK?' Apparently, the Majority of MAGA Republicans' think so. A narcissistic criminal is not a strong leader nor a good leader. If unsure listen to Trump's own words. Trump is emotionally damaged and insecure. That is why he lashes out at others and calls people names. Trump is worse than a spoilt and petulant school ground bully who never grew up. "Lock him up!"
@rutanyaalda2222 Says:
i live in new york and ny and wash dc are both democratic states...unfortunately you dont know america if you want to know how america thinks you have go to america...the midwest states...and what you fly over. you really miss the mark here sir.
@buddhastaxi666 Says:
Unlikely groups is " DoubleSpeak" for "Scraping the Barrel".
@tobind6190 Says:
American news agencies are trying to choose the next president for the American people by their bias reporting.
@Angrybogan Says:
Insurrection, my ass. T r u m p has not been charged with anything, let alone convicted. The real insurrection were the BLM riots and they killed more than 20 people - most of them black.
@pap2-371 Says:
There was not an insurrection, only lies from democrats. Watch the videos.
@MoonjumperReviews Says:
Interesting that he believes that political violence (which is unacceptable, to be clear) is somehow unique to the history of the United States. He doesn’t seem the sort that has never opened a history book, so I have to assume that he’s being deliberately disingenuous.
@bobomac8330 Says:
What insurrection?
@fredneecher1746 Says:
What insurrection? Since when did party propaganda become treated as fact? And to say Trump is not "overwhelmingly popular" is wishful thinking - for some.
@Home_Gold Says:
Trump isn’t popular?? 😂 You need to spend more time in the states apparently
@scottarmstrong666 Says:
Was George Washington an insurrectionist?
@robbiesmith9820 Says:
Biden might not have a Cult following, but the Constitution and Democracy do! tRuMp for prison, Biden for president 2024!!!!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
@starmnsixty1209 Says:
The world needs to be watching closely the 24 US elections. Its may well be very troublesome either way it goes as divided as we are. Trump 2024.
@froilancrisostomo9113 Says:
It’s not The Republican Party,it’s The Trump Party 🇺🇸 2024👍🏻
@invisiblecollege893 Says:
Teflon… or unfounded legal accusations. Tomato Potato
@LaurenSmith-e9w Says:
Hello! American here! Thanks for the work you do. I’ve been following you for some time. 😃 Something is amiss with this report, though. Violence is not part of US culture. Nobody likes violence. Only 30% of Americans own guns and that includes military and police. The reason people are overlooking the insurrection is not because Americans like violence. It’s because they’re doubting that it actually was an insurrection. Anyone who has been in the Capitol building in Washington DC knows that Capitol Hill has its own police force. There are heavily armed guards with assault rifles and metal detectors at every entrance of The Capitol building, and if you so much as look at one of the guards the wrong way, you’ll be stopped and searched and questioned. They are trained to shoot and kill if someone poses a danger to the building or the area. I know this because I had to visit the Capitol Building a lot for work. So how, then, did a bunch of shirtless crazies in coonskin caps, carrying assault rifles get past Capitol police? Things don’t add up. The only way they would’ve gotten past police is it the police let them in. This makes people feel like the “insurrection” was an inside job led by Obama/Biden, or other politicians, who wanted to make Trump look bad. Only someone very high up in the government can give orders to Capitol police to stand down. Nobody doubts that Trump approved of a protest. It’s the insurrection part or it that people doubt. Americans’ trust in the government and the media is at an all time low, even more so now that there’s proof that the media was protecting the pedophiles who had gone to Epstein island, by not publishing anything about them. I don’t know how it is in Australia, but in the US, the media lies a lot. So, lack of trust in government and lack of trust in the media lead people to doubt the insurrection and other things that others around the world take for granted as “fact.”
@leex187 Says:
I think he’d get more of the black vote if he’s convicted so I think this guy is wrong about that
@patriotdefender808 Says:
Trump is my president 100%. This will be his 3rd term!

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