The Left 'masters' of 'confecting outrage' against anyone on the Right
The Left 'masters' of 'confecting outrage' against anyone on the Right



@alexandrugeorgescu6366 Says:
*George Carlin on soft language* 🎥
@ThaMassDebater Says:
Free speech and thought allows us to say things that might offend people in the search for truth... When we can not speak, because it will always offend someone somewhere, speech and thought becomes oppressed, and the truth is whatever you're told it is......😢
@guffawersyd5582 Says:
No sympathy for Albanese. The absolute hypocrisy of the left-wing political class that are all too happy to attack anything from the LNP. Remember Albanese wanted a kinder, more respectful QT.
@Prognosis__ Says:
Does anyone get triggered these days?
@troyjohnston7454 Says:
We live in a fake demoncracy that's run by NaZionist parties that can never be sacked at the ballot box
@CatsandJP Says:
Angus Taylor was rude and lacked respect to the entire parliament by constantly interjecting…which was probably his intention….an off the cuff comment is normal because everyone does it…..the main thing is if it offends is to apologise. ..apologies are not a sign of weakness..they are a sign of simply owning up that a mistake was made.
@MrPerson-e7u Says:
Without an earth im presuming this is DC logic, not ACt
@andrewbristoe1833 Says:
agree but if the right said it lol buch trotsky toe succers snoflakes ..that aint extreme real
@GraemeMcDonald-i7k Says:
A guy who oh grew up in a housing commission house with a single mother oh dear so sad 😢
@MariemBenkhadher Says:
سلامي لامك .
@MariemBenkhadher Says:
صحيح لكل إنسان نصف خير و نصف الآخر شر ،و عندما يختار ربك سيختار بطبيعة الحال النصف الخير +زكاته لعبده ،او يوفي فيصبح 5️⃣1️⃣٪؜
@peterremkes9376 Says:
Really? I know a few politicians on the right who do exactly the same thing, just the other way around. You might like to think so Kenny but the right is just as bad aa the left. Where do you get these crap statements from?
@RogueElementMkII Says:
Look at the names people call each other on here.
@johnfox1580 Says:
Not hard to Outrage the right when they're full of bigots and racists. Truth hurts hey
@kathymac-vp7sx Says:
Evil comment and he know's that he is so unlikely in Oz!
@15cuhonda6 Says:
Purple tie people
@OpenWaterReal Says:
The left are just people who stick to their inherited, ignorant opinions no matter what the facts say, no matter what they might be told and no matter what repercussions it has for them. The alternative is facing the fact that they are wrong, which reminds them that they are stupid...and that's the most terrifying thing for them 😎
@chairmandan1794 Says:
Outrage coupled with violence. And they say the right is dangerous!!!
@GovernmentOfAmerica Says:
What happened?

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