Labor government 'failing' to cut immigration
Labor government 'failing' to cut immigration



@mickrussell-t3t Says:
no mr Burke you have sent a lot of small builders broke you idiot
@mickrussell-t3t Says:
Giles is a goose
@vincentcacciola7161 Says:
You can't help stupid
@minamina2758 Says:
Labour such a usless idiots. They have destroyed Australia.
@pkd6369 Says:
if PIGS could fly "we would have a very big AIRforce
@patriot388 Says:
We have to vote Labor and their lackeys the Greens and useless Teals out! High immigration will only destroy the living standards of all Australians and increase homelessness and crime! 😠
If AUSIMM has a problem identifying pax once landed in AUS. Try this. When a pax walks through the aerobridge to board the a/c, compel them to hold up their passport (photo page) next their face and take their photo. Problem solved !
@fionaforward3358 Says:
What liars they are.They said they would cut numbers but in fact have increased numbers.This is affecting our lives.We cannot afford a house,cannot find an affordable rental,food and petrol are high,insurance is becoming unaffordable,roads are congested,and these people are bringing their hatreds with them.Who do you think is holding all the pro Palestine marches and riots?
@LucienCanon Says:
We also have tens of thousands of overstaying illegals entering legally through airports.
@oldtimers6460 Says:
They don't want to cut migration as they hope they will vote Labor. Democrats are doing the same in the US. Labor is not looking after Australians first as they should. All about fudging the GPD to look good. How about creating more TAFES rather than shut them down.
@pkd6369 Says:
a lot of FREEflights going on here i fear "arabs dont part with moula easily
@fitzyholden1036 Says:
Albo should let them all come live at his place.
Most folk would be absolutely astounded as to the ease with which illegal migrants can enter AUS via a scheduled air service. If the airlines were compelled to scan ALL pax travel documentation and transmit them to AUS immigration before their aircraft departed. This would nullify pax destroying their docs en route. Maybe this is too simple for AUSIMM ?
@mickrussell-t3t Says:
albo bin laden needs to go now wake up you Aussies we do not need this Islamic shit in our country
@mickrussell-t3t Says:
Andrew giles needs to spend a night with Alan joyce you know what I am saying
@gregwooldridge8864 Says:
Can we get immigrants from useful countries. Terrorist only build bombs.
@balung Says:
Albo did a deal with Modi to bring in 10s of 1,000s of Indians. The only commodity India produces and exports to the World, is its people.
@kanehills4280 Says:
Albo will go down in history as a complete clown…
@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 Says:
Spot the aussie Party is the newest one 🦘🇦🇺
@VanLe-tq7go Says:
be careful, labor may send you to re-education camp for misinformation!
@bernie9150 Says:
Just telling people what they want to hear ! Just lying in people's face ! So much like this government and the corruption it swimming in
@mikefitzpatrick6618 Says:
When you bring in a tradie make sure he works and just doesn't just get the dole
@leeevans2929 Says:
Why are all the immigrants that liebor are importing all lifetime welfare recipients from third world countries ???
@stevenmitchell7830 Says:
Labor importing Labor voters.
@peterburke8650 Says:
There following orders and it's not from the constituents...why bother voting.
@GreyManTheory Says:
So where just bringing in lifetime centrelink refugees
@virginiawilliams7790 Says:
Don't forget. Most of the types they bring in don't like building or tradie work. Their culture sees it as a step down. Most Europeans are made of tough stuff. The Irish, the polish! Know what I'm saying?
@Aussie-z8u Says:
Thanks for letting terrorists into Australia albo.
@lloydsingline340 Says:
Is any one surprised ? This is the Albanese Labor government party for the course - incapable of controlling anything, spending, wasting money,inflation,cost of living,maintaining a decent standard of living ,homelessness. Not one thing is positive. Australia's optimum population was exceeded about 10 years ago and here we are with record immigration and a refugee influx,not to mention illegals.What an abysmal government.
@virginiawilliams7790 Says:
Maybe we should do what they are going to do in Indonesia. Up to 20 yrs prison sentence if you outstay your visa! They've had enough of the criminals!! 😂
@nwodestruction3903 Says:
It's not just incompetence, it's deliberate nefarious behaviour. Marxists like Albanese will adopt well known destructive policies like the Kalergi Plan and Cloward Piven. This country is being destroyed right before our eyes.
@robertlayton7004 Says:
Mate they arnt stoping anything it’s all part of the wef plan like all western countries
@DP-st6nn Says:
Labour are failing on everything.. period
@vivrowe2763 Says:
The worst part is the crime they are hiding daily.
@BIANCA_Georgiou Says:
Like they were going to stop. Are you for real?
@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 Says:
Seriously did you really think they would.
@Fcku733 Says:
Labor know exactly what their doing! They are doing exactly the same in America, they don't give a fuck about the people who pay their wages! Makes me sick!
It remains intriguing as to why Australian citizens are compelled to send passport renewal documentation back to Australia for full processing, when alleged refugees can have their visa application fully processed off-shore (usually by third-party private compnaies)
@georgesutter2256 Says:
Tony stopped the boats so albo just let them fly in. The whole western world following the same rules. Why should Australia be different.
@womp6338 Says:
labor is like, help me i can't stop stamping approved on these visas aaaahhh!!!
@Barney_Rubble247 Says:
It won't be easy under albanese.
@wyatthurts1729 Says:
@davidchandler2182 Says:
Net zero immigration... fix the housing crisis.. stop importing welfare!
@Lachlan124-b1n Says:
Because they need immigration for votes!! And they're happy to continue lying to the Australian public until they're voted out of office!

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