Cubans 'voting with their feet' to protest regime
Cubans 'voting with their feet' to protest regime



@duncansmith7562 Says:
the boycott should be lifted so that Cuba can export all its products to......oh wait, Cuba doesn't make anything.
@drewsale7288 Says:
Tony Montana prefers Miami to Havana.
@TVstardom Says:
A nasty, brutal, totalitarian regime. I'm surprised that a mass exodus from the island has been allowed, but they're useless to them. Let them go to the U.S. and they can take care of them. A sad scenario.
@crowsfan691 Says:
But I thought c.ommunism was all fluffy bunnies and free housing for all? You mean to say it's not actually as lovely as the leftists will have us believe?
@user-Elle41 Says:
With so many fleeing, are there any left in Cuba? Just the Castros 😂😂😂😂
@RULE3O3 Says:
Another Socialist success story. Oh wait....
@gorillasgotit4943 Says:
What’s the Cuban national anthem? Row row row your boat, gently down the stream…. 🤣
@hotcold9690 Says:
Starving, wokeism and depravation is just one part of typical Stalin like ideology.
@angelacahill9460 Says:
Come here and vote Republican!
@ronwinkles2601 Says:
Now is the time to come to the US. The door may close in 8 months.
@WeveGotBush Says:
So an American is telling us the people didn't want Castro 😂
@WeveGotBush Says:
I bet they didn't have Covid there?
@WeveGotBush Says:
The Global Pimp wants to control everything.
@diegoflores9237 Says:
Cuba continues to stand up to the USA
@user-pj5ub5cp9k Says:
The American embargo on Cuba is driving Cubans into poverty. Of course they want to leave.

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