Professor Kees Van Oostrum: 'Know your own culture first'
Professor Kees Van Oostrum: 'Know your own culture first'



@Jordan-inJapan Says:
Sounds like good advice. One thing I’ve noticed though, is that most people don’t really understand what their culture is until they have seen it from the outside. I live in Japan (originally from Canada) and have observed that among my Japanese friends and colleagues, only those who have spent time out of the county really have an appreciation for (and ability to critique!) Japanese culture and society. Myself as well, living in Japan for the past 20 years has given me a lot of insight into Canadian society that I wouldn’t have otherwise considered.
@udayasampath3530 Says:
China❤❤❤from SriLanka
@tonyh4392 Says:
Very good advice, Professor
@allauddin732 Says:
Yes People are runing from their own problems

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