Media and government silent on Digital IDs while thousands protest
Media and government silent on Digital IDs while thousands protest



@graemeschubert6162 Says:
Like life in past. No one wanted mobile phones until they got Smart 😅
@adrianfox7972 Says:
They can say you've voted for their preferred candidate with even turning up. They can add few values on their database to say you had biometrics scanned and it was you. People who didn't really vote could have their absense used as an addiontal vote for the people controlling the voting. After 2020 US election only non-digital paper ballets are a fair election, this digital ID will bring about online voting and then democracy is doomed.
@-Zzzkm Says:
Wheres this all going?.. no one will buy or sell without the mark, The Bible is 100% trustworthy. National sunday day of rest for the planet in place of Gods 4th commandment remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy.. (the very day that has been removed, replaced with false sabbath sunday and forgotten by the world. Watch this space Digital id, digital currency then wrong think, wrong religion, politics, virtually anything undesirable to the state & you will be cut off from operating in society. Supposed collective good above the inalienable God given rights of the individual. C19 was just the entrée. This is coming ready or not . Time to start reading your Bible. All roads lead to Rome.
@Kaye-ig3wh Says:
Albonsneaky is not listening to the people who pays his wage! The people want to VOTE on this. We absolutely DO NOT TRUST this 🤬🤬🤬, If he brings it in, we will rip it apart.
@XSquidbeatsX Says:
Papers please!!!
@HalKW Says:
did you call pro-Palestinian protest ridiculous?!!! That means that you support and are complicit with their genocide! Criminal
@davotravel Says:
I said when albo first got in , we will have digital id by christmas. I was too early by 5 months. Was even a mention of it during the election.
@marliesmedek9552 Says:
We do no know about the politicians personal lives and what they earning or what they doing with "our" money! So, be clear- it's non of there business, what we doing with our life! Back off goverment!!!
@pribandara9293 Says:
Too much government wiping away our freedoms and privacy.
@JustinSydAust49 Says:
It is good that the public is concerned about and focusing on these things. We are all people just trying to live and enjoy life in constructive ways on this planet but slowly this direction of more and more technology and control grows around us. Some technology is good in the world but some of it is not good. It is not good that products don't last long or brake down after a few years by design. It is wrong that they make products that you can't simply buy and that work properly, but they want you to make regfular payments to keep them working. This is a system of slavery and extreme capitalism. Some great people over the yeras have said that humans have become captured and that seems to be what has happened. Technology and those that control it, have captured humans and are controlling humans more and more and it is a bad thing. If "bad actors" ever control the technology then they control people and this could happen to anyone in the future and it is not a good thing. We must peacefully reject more and more technology control of life and of people. The system pushes people into these systems also, they always say well you don't have to have it, but years ago they said you don't have to change from cash as payment for your job to funds straight into a bank account, but then you did have to. With mobiles and computers and 3g and 4g etc they force you to upgrade to the next operating system or mobile phone every few years because they disable the old ones after a few years. When you go for medical or dental treatment they say you have to use some app as ID etc, then the app requires your password for your mygov account so you need to have that too.
@davido3395 Says:
I would bet that Albosleasy got this idea from his best mate Vladamir Putin or Winnie the Pooh in the other communist state he loves so much.
@trishab6220 Says:
Its voluntary.
@brucejohnston3521 Says:
It has to be stopped or we R Fd
@frankriquelme4623 Says:
As usual stealth by government not on tv or radio not one word
@CLH-of5rr Says:
A nefarious agenda that deserves nothing
@michaelburns1096 Says:
Is this like what Keating tried to push in the 80s: the 'Smart card'?
@jennyjenkins7807 Says:
I don't want 350 000 public servants having access to my data.
@blackukulele Says:
The 'trouble' with truly peaceful protests is that they are not news worthy.
@dw-ct1vl Says:
Yes but yes but yes but been there done that The Australia Card was a proposal for a national identification card for Australian citizens and resident foreigners. The proposal was made in 1985, and abandoned in 1987.
@brentonmoss2158 Says:
This govt is doing its best to control our lives, strip our freedom, and destroy our democracy before it is overwhelmingly booted out at the next election.
@brentonmoss2158 Says:
I raised this asking Sky News why it was not reporting on this when legislation passed on 27/3/2024: no response. All Australians should be aware of this grossly unnecessary intrusion into our lives and do not comply. One central source of data collection with all your personal data is fraught with problems.
@MickeyDC-om3pv Says:
Government restricting free speech by first getting information. Voluntary my backside.
@erichschinzel6486 Says:
I agree...
@garyclark6727 Says:
should be a protest against YOU bobble head..
@TheBigmongrel Says:
How nice to have a government so caring that it wants to be our life's Guardian and Administrator. It will be so convenient having our government living virtually in my house making sure I don't make any mistakes when spending my money. Even guiding me on who to vote for and making sure my social credits don't zero out . I feel so safe knowing that government are looking after my best interests. Yes we are victims of cyber attacks and hacker fraud and scams, but life has it risks. What could go wrong? Uncle ALBO and his team have our backs.
@brentrenouf7127 Says:
The 1992 movie "Sneakers" mentioned that Data is the new currency, and years later here we are....
@MrFooChops Says:
Australian's MUST get in touch: PHONE, E-MAIL or arrange a meeting with your local MP and let them know you will be voting them out if they support the Digital ID bill 2023. Our only hope of not falling into a chinese style social credit system is to apply pressure on our MP's
@michealmccoy9249 Says:
Winston Smith finally realises he loves Big Brother. ❤
@phyrexian8610 Says:
Labor and Liberal are the same team.
@phyrexian8610 Says:
Nobody voted for these people to destroy our lives. Why are we pretending like we did? If the government is not doing what is right for the people, then they are to be replaced.
@leftardtroller Says:
This is not china this is a joke this encroaches on our rights to freedom. YOU WANT REAL CHANGE ITS TIME TO GET RID OF BOTH PARTIES YOU WOULD BE A FOOL TO VOTE LABOR OR LIBS. ONE NATION FOR 2026
@littletony1764 Says:
Marxist/Communist tyrants have always wanted to exercise control and power over the people. This Digital ID is merely another method of subjugating and enslaving people, in which they have rights and wealth but you do not!
@kerrycockburncampbell3044 Says:
I am a blood washed, child of God.
@meplife7313 Says:
It's the Australia Card re-surfacing in digital form. I'm anti-digital anyhow. I don't like so much info kept on me. It's scary looking to the future with this.
@user-em2ty2ru8r Says:
Get labour out now Marxism is labour vote them out
@gortnewton4765 Says:
Digital ID is akin to "The Mark" in Revelations. Refuse it. Absolutely refuse it and let your local MP know about it.
@gindaburra Says:
Mark of the beast.
@decalco1373 Says:
We have to remove this government NOW!
@iliketowatchsowhat Says:
Had my information hacked into from Optus and Medibank private accounts, before this happened I was told these companies were completely online secure....
@jennroberts3837 Says:
There weren’t enough of us at the protests - I was expecting massive turnouts across the country. There was no snow , not even any rain!!! Aussies must love their bread & circuses instead. Wakey wakey flakey flakey … snooze and you lose your footie and booze. Still Too many clueless ppl in this country. Pls snap out of your comas folks 🙏🏻. Sign One Nation petition and Citizen Go Petition ‘Say No to the Digital ID’ !!! Face down our pathetic sold-out MPs and tell them what’s what. (I called mine & left an angry message “you’re a bare faced Communist !!!)
@johnnyalamillo6885 Says:
The New World Order is upon us seriously
@johnnyalamillo6885 Says:
Control the money control the people.
@johnnyalamillo6885 Says:
CBDC Central bank Digital currency is coming is total control over your finances buying and selling it will a credit score also a expiration date you will loose your Digital currency to $ 000.000 if you don't use it also you won't be able to have any savings I call this the devil's currency 👿 System seriously
@joepearce3033 Says:
Sky is just controlled opposition.... Talmudic
@deanmanly7622 Says:
Steve Earcle, is Albo when he screws up "did I do that" No transparency, denies all responsibility & only lays blame & assumes all control taking away our freedom through control, using digital I'd & taking away cash & replacing it with digital cash. Then the WHO & WEF will take over & the government can sell our information.
@deanmanly7622 Says:
No Malcolm Roberts of One Nation, a Rally in Queensland, against Digital I'd. Labor & Liberal 2 cheaks of the same asshole as Malcolm Robberts says. Both Labor and Liberal voted for censorship of our internet and digital I'd.
@jennroberts3837 Says:
I was there - but where were the rest of us???? Turnout was not good enough for such a critical issue
@aaronzxr750 Says:
I'm sure this was a topic of discussion Albo had in his private meeting with Bill Gates. NO TO DIGITAL ID!!!
@zorose9330 Says:
Go Brisbane!!!
@kevincudmore Says:
Don't trust politicians, the don't care about you and only seem capable of finding new ways to tax us.

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