New Boeing whistleblower shared 'chilling' account of retaliation, senator says
New Boeing whistleblower shared 'chilling' account of retaliation, senator says



@TurnerEarl-e3i Says:
Wilson Shirley Rodriguez Margaret Martin Daniel
@MarcusReginald-l7h Says:
Robinson Joseph Allen Timothy Young Nancy
@MarcusReginald-l7h Says:
Perez Thomas Allen Brian Moore Larry
@theGoogol Says:
Capitalism ftw
@RobinMoylan-lz5xk Says:
They’ve been doing that since at least the 1980’s
@lazrustosadow5880 Says:
Of course justice hasn't been served! Boeing MURDERED their whisleblowers and still claiming everything is completely legal and ethical. The ONLY reason no one's in jail or prison is because they are useful to the government, so the government is going to do everything in its power to either sweep everything under the rug or scapegoat a non important employee and keep the status quo going
@jamesizzo17 Says:
im sure the whole sitution is no diffrent then when purdue used the FDA "without their knowing" to push charts and doctors for Oxy. so what your saying is someone got over on a 2024 year agency ran by america, doubt it, highly doubt it, like dont believe the bullshit at all clearly when people start falling form the sky the government wants to be able to say they "did something" if america cared, you'd lock the people up that just shot someone in the head only what 5 months ago over the same old story. as CEO sits in congress takling about "blow back to wishle blowers"
@shanetay7389 Says:
supena all boeing black boxes. i wanna a 20 year map coverage of the tech We The People paid for.
@scind2585 Says:
If true, which I believe it is, Boeing should be put out of business.
@krugerfuchs Says:
They let mcdonald douglas in
@RachaelJohn Says:
0:45 did he just reveal the whistleblowers name??
@michaelhugel2130 Says:
So American, make a few more bucks, no matter how. And the FAA closes it's dainty little eyes... just for business sake. Well done USA.
@ame7933 Says:
Boeing is being frammed!!
@shuilong52 Says:
all those whistleblower accounts points to $$$ as the motivator for all Beoing woes.
@FeRnAnDo1538 Says:
This is criminal.
@freddiepota9984 Says:
Boeing is just making flying coffins
@Beastt17 Says:
Did she say "mishaps and mistakes"? WOW! Way to LIE to your viewers!
@michaelkillin8575 Says:
Speak Up does Work.
@oxcolette Says:
If it’s Boeing I’m not going!!!!
@abdulm_7 Says:
he wants to help boeing....
@cici7904 Says:
Boeing offed both whistleblowers. Barnett DID NOT END HIMSELF. The gun was in his hand which would not happen, would be knocked out of his hand. Dean was VIRUS WARFAR. Remember Native Americans were given blankets with smallpox.
@quick65filly Says:
Was it as "chilling" as the FBI retaliating against its whistleblowers? Or the IRS?
@hothotheat3000 Says:
Stay safe, whistleblower. They’re gonna stage an “accident” and take you out!
@RichardMoore-gr1vz Says:
If knowly fly defective planes. There should be jail to pay.
@RichardMoore-gr1vz Says:
The public used to say. "I will only fly if its Boeing. Now says. I will NOT fly if it's Boeing.
@sentienttrees Says:
@kcleong7135 Says:
Hahahaha.... safety for Boeing? Go to hell!
@maxdacool Says:
They gonna off this one too? We all see you Boeing. You’re going down just like your planes.
@李白玉-j2x Says:
Those corporate worms destroying many legendary companies and destroying industries
@kartezhnay Says:
Unless they will put ceo and management into prison nothing will change at boing, they will continue to be above the law
@MichaelMah Says:
No flights for me if it’s Boeing 🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️
@shreeganatra3618 Says:
Airbus is run by engineers. Boeing is run by corporate management and there lies the difference that its shareholder first! over safety and engineering at Boeing.
@cameron.t Says:
Shoutout to the people of Washington for finally growing enough balls to report life-threatening errors. YOU ALL are as much to blame as your company for staying silent this long.
@_._._._._._._._._._._._._.____ Says:
@tonycinbox Says:
It too late now for boeing. China's COMAC plane's are going to take over the world commercial plane market by make the most advanced and safest commercial plane's that will be cheaper and more fuel efficient.
@ashleemarie8779 Says:
I am SO scared to fly because since Covid and inflation I do NOT trust going on a plane, the maintenance, the pilots. Everyone is cheap and undereducated. I haven’t seen my family in years.
@ferlook00 Says:
Government has to intervine Boing
@CelesteOnYoutube Says:
It's probably too late for boeing. too many worms in the apple.
@therighteous802 Says:
Boeing killing whistleblowers, senator: "we want Boeing to succeed".
@evangaudet Says:
And another one bites the dust
@portalkey5283 Says:
Did the new whistleblower publicly say that they're mentally and emotionally sound? And that there's no iterations of offing oneself?
@Roland.z-plus Says:
@ForexdailytradingsystemsCoZa Says:
Criminal Charges Should Be The Order Of The Day. According To Health And Safety Rules, The CEO Is Responsible.
@diolverbravo3723 Says:
this is what happens when boeing is so jealous of airbus.
@Splarkszter Says:
Ok. We won't see him anymore by the end of the next month.
@missraeray Says:
These people are really brave honestly because two whistleblowers have already died under mysterious circumstances. They aren’t even hiding it anymore
@johnchristmas7522 Says:
Brit here, Why has it taken SO LONG to realise, that there is something wrong with Boeing? This Senator, who ever he is , is YEARS behind! The two CEO's Mulienburger and Calhoun should by now serving time for murder. Being a huge cynic of the "American Government" makes me think, that there's been lots of back handers passed on down from Boeing. The whole thing looks like a mafioso deal. Two CEO's, one walked away with $81 million in stocks, while the other is being paid $33million per year plus his stocks. Not even a mention of prosecution and still Calhoun is allowed to carry on building unsafe aircraft. Once China gets certification for its Airliners, it will be all over for Boeing. If the government, cannot see just how much damage this is doing to Americas reputation, then they should not be there. Its a fiasco bordering on a catastrophe.
@25sumpter Says:
@kevinchaplin672 Says:
Stop with the clickbait titles
@stephenoden829 Says:
This is not isolated to Boeing….anything in the name of profit. Our elected leaders need to get their shit together and prioritize consumers. Adobe, lg, Apple Microsoft and the list goes on and on….fiduciary duties always take priority over everything including consumer end experience.

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