Bill Nye describes extreme heat impacting millions of Americans
Bill Nye describes extreme heat impacting millions of Americans



@mohebalikalani2115 Says:
@josejimenaz Says:
Cut emissions by 2050❤
@paul5540 Says:
Fuse dont refuse!!😆😆
@paul5540 Says:
Hark hark pot frag pot frog get it get it, ⌚⏰⌚⏰👓🗿
@paul5540 Says:
Wet bulb, learn learn,save lives,clima warm over,its now,frog in pot,boil watch ,no sharks,swim swim,tip,tip point, greta told ya so how dare you!⏰⏰
@luckrap117 Says:
start community trees and bushes planting projects in towns and cities! One person planting an average of forty trees and bushes in a week can plant 2000 trees in a year, and 20,000 in a decade. 50 people doing a community tree planting project in a town or city where they each plant forty trees or bushes a week on average throughout the year, some seasons no bueno for planting haha very cold, anyways, just fifty people being consistent can plant a million trees in a decade.
@luckrap117 Says:
50 people planting an avg of 40 trees a week can plant a million trees in a decade
@peterdollins3610 Says:
See James Hansen on Nuclear being needed to aid renewables & a carbon tax to be given back to the public.
@omniscientgrunk Says:
Bill Nye is the man. Listen to Bill and do your part, as best as you can always. Peace
@carlosquintana9646 Says:
3-week later Bill was right after all …trust the science man please.
@ChrisMorton Says:
Donald Trump says climate change is a hoax so obviously this is all fake news. MAGA forever.
@11ESSE111 Says:
oh CNN and their reports and scientists which would tell everything for good $!! Did someine remember of CNN reports of MarsOne few years ago and pushing that scam&fraud company which only milk money out of naive peoples for travel on Mars and build bases there and nobody of this overpayed journalists&scientists didnt check nothing then overhype it as real and as those (fraud) company have spaceships from movies which would carry peoples and things on mars easilly somehow
@dylanl2258 Says:
We will stop using fossil fuels when the system collapses and billions die. From there, sanity may or may not prevail.
@garypennel5171 Says:
cold kills more than heat hotter in 1930s and late 1880s look at history there wes weather befor 1950
@noble_norse7786 Says:
Bill Nye also says gender is a spectrum. Its why I stopped taking him and Neil DeGrasse Tyson seriously.
@theray9855 Says:
nah, only idiots believe the climate PROPAGANDA
@josegonzalez845 Says:
😮OK thanks for your address
@Feverything2030 Says:
Hottest summer Since the birth of Christ lol.
@chrisrobertson1929 Says:
All the nuclear testing and thousands if tests i cant say .equals goodbye ozone
@douglaswerts4936 Says:
She doesn’t want to hear Bill. Yes it’s scary, be afraid, be alarmed. We need much more ‘scare mongering’, more alarm to wake up, face reality , take heads out of the sand and do what has to be done! But, we won’t. Focus instead on tax cuts, immigration, the value of the dollar, our ‘ power’ in the world blah, blah, blah. None of these things count when we boil and fry and drown. Money counts. Keep drilling for the black stuff on the route to hell.
@ytSuns26 Says:
The fake science guy !
@BrunoBittar Says:
Please continue buying from China and there won't be a liveable place on this planet
@theviralvideos4616 Says:
Big hurricanes coming from here on our till it's a big red storm
@theviralvideos4616 Says:
He said devils get hyped for war and nothing else 😂😂😂😂
@theviralvideos4616 Says:
Babylon 😂
@JW30000 Says:
Not this guy again..
@griff4178 Says:
When are people going to wake up and realize the sole source responsible for climate change is that there are too many people on the planet.
@yourbuddyunit Says:
This happened because the world respects Iron Man far more than Captain Planet. I'd give anything to stop this. I'll live IN A FUSION PLANT. I just want a better world. And nothing anyone says that promotes non-renewable energy will ever sound life a world I wanna live in.
@MochaQueen5 Says:
The fourth angel poured his bowl on the sun. The sun was allowed to burn people with fire. They were severely burned. They cursed the name of God, who has the authority over these plagues. They would not change the way they think and act and give him glory.
@bobdooly3706 Says:
Bill is not a Scientist. Currently CO2 in Atmosphere is 400 parts per million. Below 250 & all life on Earth begins to die. For life to flourish biosphere requires upto 3,000 ppm.
@douglasengle2704 Says:
There is no positive feed back with greenhouse gases! Bill Nye is talking nonsense and is not a person of science. It is a horrible shame that kids have to learn people like Bill Nye representing themselves as honest are talking information that is very wrong, much as the camel on Camel cigarettes was used to attract young smokers. Bill Nye is now trapped in the fraud of Climate Change misleading marketing.  He's making money from it. This video contains the UN Climate Change disclaimer. Global warming was officially stated at 1.1°C in 1991 and 1.06°C in 2022. There is no mechanism that would allow greenhouse gas behavior to cause global warming. The back of the United Nation's IPCC science report states it took its greenhouse gas samples at 20,000 meters altitude where it is common high school level knowledge there is no greenhouse radiant energy. This is typical practice for deceptive marketing to state legal data transparency protecting the perpetrators from fraud prosecution. Earth's greenhouse effect is frequently used as a primary example to high school students of a system always in saturation from the strong greenhouse gas water vapor absorbing all the greenhouse radiant energy from the earth with greenhouse gases within 20 meters of the surface that is all around us everyday and can't have its overall effect changed. There is no further greenhouse radiant energy to interact with greenhouse gases. At 1% average tropospheric water vapor over 99% of earth’s greenhouse effect is from water vapor. Water vapor would hold earth's greenhouse effect in saturation if it were the only greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Arctic warming is taking place with the proving mechanism being warm Atlantic Ocean waters migrating deeper and more frequently into the Arctic Ocean warming it and the region. That warmer water is causing a few weeks less of reflective snow and ice coverage resulting in more solar heat gain to the Arctic region surface. Atmospheric CO2 levels of 1200 ppm about three times what they are today would greatly invigorate C3 plants the majority of plant life on earth greatly greening the planet. 0.4% of the atmosphere is CO2 and on average 1% is H20 water vapor. (1% H20)/(0.4% CO2) = 25. Water vapor is 25 times more present in the atmosphere on average than CO2. Water vapor has an CO2e of 18, 18 X 25 = 450 CO2e total for water vapor to 1 CO2e for CO2. The Earth’s oceans have 3-1/2 million sea floor volcanic vents warming the water and changing it’s chemistry that have not been systematically accounted for.
@MrTomtomtest Says:
Humanity won't solve this given the complexity of both the subject and human relations. All efforts undertook the last decades have been more than offset, notably by China who is today busy painting grass & trees green.
@redjetsen1002 Says:
I'm not a real scientist...I only play one on television
@FlatStuffEarth Says:
@eduardovidgal4022 Says:
The date for the season has changed.... as everything else in nature! The inster has finished later this year!
@Pax_et_bonum-w2l Says:
The hippies have been screaming about this since the 60s. They are still beating the same drum. How annoying 🤦‍♀️
@josgood5412 Says:
How about the comedy we got to watch earlier though. Biden was embarrassing up there.
@danberm1755 Says:
Solar power + wind + batteries , not fusion, is the future. The transmission lines to ANY centralized electricity source is more expensive than either solar or wind (which can be situated at the point of use). Bill's thinking on this is dated. Look to Mark Jacobson for the real path forward. California has been over 100% RE for hours most days in the past couple months. Most of that is because of solar.
@DISOPtv Says:
What are Bill's credentials? Does playing Speed Walker and hosting a children's show now qualify you as a "scientist?"
@JW4REnvironment Says:
Bill Nye is right on target that this increase in severe weather is just what is expected with carbon dioxide emissions and methane emissions at today’s levels…so we can bring these emissions down and will make a better climate in the future. We have started and need to ramp up, contrary to Trump’s mistaken ignoring of reality!
@L21-x4g Says:
But…but.. but.. don’t look up! 🤦🏼‍♀️ until its too late. Nothing anyone can do now. This ball was kicked and is rolling rolling. 🛸 Time for intervention.
@GeoffGroves Says:
@matt4887 Says:
It's record breaking... only since the 90s, which isn't that long ago. Funny they downplay that. The hottest weather in America recently was the 1930s before climate change. The urban heat island effect is real. People have been living in hotter situations for...ever, you just need to be prepared. More people die from cold than heat, but overall deaths are way down thanks to modern technology. The earth has been steadily warming since the last ice age, and myriad natural cycles are also at play.
@TheRigomoni Says:
bro is asking for a solution like she doesnt have a fucking clue whats causing temperatures rising
@Nawaf- Says:
1:47 can someone explain to me how they know what temperature was north hemisphere during the time of Jesus? Because that sounds like complete guess
@cornbread206 Says:
10:00 THIS IS THE EXAMPLE THE MEDIA FORMULA: - FEAR MONGER TO MONETIZE HYSTERIA - BUT MUTE THE SOLUTION! how you going to spend 10 minutes pushing global panic, but cut Nye off when he proposes an actual solution? Solutions don't drive monetary value?
@cornbread206 Says:
6:32 ???? FASTER THAN EXPECTED??? WTF?? WILL STEGER 1989... but y'all just thought the jackets were cute
@simonthecreator Says:
“Since the coming of Christ” 💀💀 it’s the end times y’all 😂😂😭
@tfraley679 Says:
@ronweber2732 Says:
30-40 year cycle. Goes back to the mid- late 1800s. Al Roker

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